changeset 1082 821cfbe8efcc
parent 1081 9fec29d2ead2
child 1083 2f7023025374
equal deleted inserted replaced
1081:9fec29d2ead2 1082:821cfbe8efcc
     1 diff --git a/third_party/prio/LICENSE b/third_party/prio/LICENSE
     2 deleted file mode 100644
     3 --- a/third_party/prio/LICENSE
     4 +++ /dev/null
     5 @@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
     6 -Mozilla Public License Version 2.0
     7 -==================================
     8 -
     9 -1. Definitions
    10 ---------------
    11 -
    12 -1.1. "Contributor"
    13 -    means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to
    14 -    the creation of, or owns Covered Software.
    15 -
    16 -1.2. "Contributor Version"
    17 -    means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used
    18 -    by a Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution.
    19 -
    20 -1.3. "Contribution"
    21 -    means Covered Software of a particular Contributor.
    22 -
    23 -1.4. "Covered Software"
    24 -    means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached
    25 -    the notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code
    26 -    Form, and Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case
    27 -    including portions thereof.
    28 -
    29 -1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses"
    30 -    means
    31 -
    32 -    (a) that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described
    33 -        in Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or
    34 -
    35 -    (b) that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of
    36 -        version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the
    37 -        terms of a Secondary License.
    38 -
    39 -1.6. "Executable Form"
    40 -    means any form of the work other than Source Code Form.
    41 -
    42 -1.7. "Larger Work"
    43 -    means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in
    44 -    a separate file or files, that is not Covered Software.
    45 -
    46 -1.8. "License"
    47 -    means this document.
    48 -
    49 -1.9. "Licensable"
    50 -    means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible,
    51 -    whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and
    52 -    all of the rights conveyed by this License.
    53 -
    54 -1.10. "Modifications"
    55 -    means any of the following:
    56 -
    57 -    (a) any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to,
    58 -        deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered
    59 -        Software; or
    60 -
    61 -    (b) any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered
    62 -        Software.
    63 -
    64 -1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor
    65 -    means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method,
    66 -    process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such
    67 -    Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the
    68 -    License, by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having
    69 -    made, import, or transfer of either its Contributions or its
    70 -    Contributor Version.
    71 -
    72 -1.12. "Secondary License"
    73 -    means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU
    74 -    Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General
    75 -    Public License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those
    76 -    licenses.
    77 -
    78 -1.13. "Source Code Form"
    79 -    means the form of the work preferred for making modifications.
    80 -
    81 -1.14. "You" (or "Your")
    82 -    means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this
    83 -    License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that
    84 -    controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For
    85 -    purposes of this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct
    86 -    or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity,
    87 -    whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than
    88 -    fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial
    89 -    ownership of such entity.
    90 -
    91 -2. License Grants and Conditions
    92 ---------------------------------
    93 -
    94 -2.1. Grants
    95 -
    96 -Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
    97 -non-exclusive license:
    98 -
    99 -(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark)
   100 -    Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available,
   101 -    modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its
   102 -    Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or
   103 -    as part of a Larger Work; and
   104 -
   105 -(b) under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer
   106 -    for sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its
   107 -    Contributions or its Contributor Version.
   108 -
   109 -2.2. Effective Date
   110 -
   111 -The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution
   112 -become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first
   113 -distributes such Contribution.
   114 -
   115 -2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope
   116 -
   117 -The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under
   118 -this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the
   119 -distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License.
   120 -Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a
   121 -Contributor:
   122 -
   123 -(a) for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software;
   124 -    or
   125 -
   126 -(b) for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's
   127 -    modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its
   128 -    Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor
   129 -    Version); or
   130 -
   131 -(c) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of
   132 -    its Contributions.
   133 -
   134 -This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks,
   135 -or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with
   136 -the notice requirements in Section 3.4).
   137 -
   138 -2.4. Subsequent Licenses
   139 -
   140 -No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to
   141 -distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this
   142 -License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if
   143 -permitted under the terms of Section 3.3).
   144 -
   145 -2.5. Representation
   146 -
   147 -Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its
   148 -Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights
   149 -to grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License.
   150 -
   151 -2.6. Fair Use
   152 -
   153 -This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under
   154 -applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other
   155 -equivalents.
   156 -
   157 -2.7. Conditions
   158 -
   159 -Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted
   160 -in Section 2.1.
   161 -
   162 -3. Responsibilities
   163 --------------------
   164 -
   165 -3.1. Distribution of Source Form
   166 -
   167 -All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any
   168 -Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under
   169 -the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source
   170 -Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this
   171 -License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not
   172 -attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code
   173 -Form.
   174 -
   175 -3.2. Distribution of Executable Form
   176 -
   177 -If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then:
   178 -
   179 -(a) such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code
   180 -    Form, as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of
   181 -    the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code
   182 -    Form by reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more
   183 -    than the cost of distribution to the recipient; and
   184 -
   185 -(b) You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this
   186 -    License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the
   187 -    license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter
   188 -    the recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License.
   189 -
   190 -3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work
   191 -
   192 -You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice,
   193 -provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for
   194 -the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered
   195 -Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the
   196 -Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this
   197 -License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software
   198 -under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of
   199 -the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered
   200 -Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary
   201 -License(s).
   202 -
   203 -3.4. Notices
   204 -
   205 -You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices
   206 -(including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty,
   207 -or limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of
   208 -the Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to
   209 -the extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies.
   210 -
   211 -3.5. Application of Additional Terms
   212 -
   213 -You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support,
   214 -indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered
   215 -Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on
   216 -behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any
   217 -such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by
   218 -You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any
   219 -liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support,
   220 -indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional
   221 -disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any
   222 -jurisdiction.
   223 -
   224 -4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation
   225 ----------------------------------------------------
   226 -
   227 -If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
   228 -License with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to
   229 -statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with
   230 -the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b)
   231 -describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must
   232 -be placed in a text file included with all distributions of the Covered
   233 -Software under this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute
   234 -or regulation, such description must be sufficiently detailed for a
   235 -recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it.
   236 -
   237 -5. Termination
   238 ---------------
   239 -
   240 -5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically
   241 -if You fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become
   242 -compliant, then the rights granted under this License from a particular
   243 -Contributor are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such
   244 -Contributor explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an
   245 -ongoing basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the
   246 -non-compliance by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have
   247 -come back into compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular
   248 -Contributor are reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor
   249 -notifies You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the
   250 -first time You have received notice of non-compliance with this License
   251 -from such Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after
   252 -Your receipt of the notice.
   253 -
   254 -5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent
   255 -infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions,
   256 -counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version
   257 -directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to
   258 -You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section
   259 -2.1 of this License shall terminate.
   260 -
   261 -5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all
   262 -end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which
   263 -have been validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License
   264 -prior to termination shall survive termination.
   265 -
   266 -************************************************************************
   267 -*                                                                      *
   268 -*  6. Disclaimer of Warranty                                           *
   269 -*  -------------------------                                           *
   270 -*                                                                      *
   271 -*  Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is"       *
   272 -*  basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or  *
   273 -*  statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the       *
   274 -*  Covered Software is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a        *
   275 -*  particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire risk as to the     *
   276 -*  quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You.        *
   277 -*  Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You     *
   278 -*  (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing,   *
   279 -*  repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an   *
   280 -*  essential part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is   *
   281 -*  authorized under this License except under this disclaimer.         *
   282 -*                                                                      *
   283 -************************************************************************
   284 -
   285 -************************************************************************
   286 -*                                                                      *
   287 -*  7. Limitation of Liability                                          *
   288 -*  --------------------------                                          *
   289 -*                                                                      *
   290 -*  Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort      *
   291 -*  (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any           *
   292 -*  Contributor, or anyone who distributes Covered Software as          *
   293 -*  permitted above, be liable to You for any direct, indirect,         *
   294 -*  special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character      *
   295 -*  including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of    *
   296 -*  goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any    *
   297 -*  and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party      *
   298 -*  shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages. This   *
   299 -*  limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death or   *
   300 -*  personal injury resulting from such party's negligence to the       *
   301 -*  extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some               *
   302 -*  jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of           *
   303 -*  incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and          *
   304 -*  limitation may not apply to You.                                    *
   305 -*                                                                      *
   306 -************************************************************************
   307 -
   308 -8. Litigation
   309 --------------
   310 -
   311 -Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the
   312 -courts of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal
   313 -place of business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that
   314 -jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions.
   315 -Nothing in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring
   316 -cross-claims or counter-claims.
   317 -
   318 -9. Miscellaneous
   319 -----------------
   320 -
   321 -This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject
   322 -matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
   323 -unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
   324 -necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides
   325 -that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter
   326 -shall not be used to construe this License against a Contributor.
   327 -
   328 -10. Versions of the License
   329 ----------------------------
   330 -
   331 -10.1. New Versions
   332 -
   333 -Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section
   334 -10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or
   335 -publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a
   336 -distinguishing version number.
   337 -
   338 -10.2. Effect of New Versions
   339 -
   340 -You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version
   341 -of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software,
   342 -or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license
   343 -steward.
   344 -
   345 -10.3. Modified Versions
   346 -
   347 -If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to
   348 -create a new license for such software, you may create and use a
   349 -modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove
   350 -any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that
   351 -such modified license differs from this License).
   352 -
   353 -10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary
   354 -Licenses
   355 -
   356 -If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With
   357 -Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the
   358 -notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached.
   359 -
   360 -Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice
   361 --------------------------------------------
   362 -
   363 -  This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
   364 -  License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
   365 -  file, You can obtain one at
   366 -
   367 -If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular
   368 -file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE
   369 -file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look
   370 -for such a notice.
   371 -
   372 -You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
   373 -
   374 -Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice
   375 ----------------------------------------------------------
   376 -
   377 -  This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
   378 -  defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
   379 diff --git a/third_party/prio/README-mozilla b/third_party/prio/README-mozilla
   380 --- a/third_party/prio/README-mozilla
   381 +++ b/third_party/prio/README-mozilla
   382 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
   383  This directory contains the Prio source from the upstream repo:
   386 -Current version: 1.0 [commit bfbcf1f95001047c61f4a29c3e68499b2f0c9f3b]
   387 +Current version: 1.1 [commit 488da2d729d73f18ed45add59edd18b257e1ceaa]
   389  UPDATING:
   391 @@ -14,4 +14,4 @@
   392  from within the third_party/libprio directory.
   394  If the collection of source files changes, manual updates to may be
   395 -needed as we don't use the upstream makefiles.
   396 \ No newline at end of file
   397 +needed as we don't use the upstream makefiles.
   398 diff --git a/third_party/prio/ b/third_party/prio/
   399 deleted file mode 100644
   400 --- a/third_party/prio/
   401 +++ /dev/null
   402 @@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
   403 -# libprio - A Prio library in C using NSS 
   404 -
   405 -**Warning:**
   406 -We do our best to write bug-free code, but I have no doubt
   407 -that there are scary bugs, side-channel attacks, and memory leaks 
   408 -lurking herein. 
   409 -
   410 -**Important:**
   411 -We have not yet implemented the items
   412 -described in the "Security-Critical TODOs" section below.
   413 -Without these features, do not use the code in a production environment.
   414 -
   415 -
   416 -## Overview
   417 -
   418 -This is an implementation of the core cryptographic routines
   419 -for the [Prio system]( 
   420 -for the private computation of aggregate statistics:
   421 -> "Prio: Private, Robust, and Scalable Computation of Aggregate Statistics"<br>
   422 -> by Henry Corrigan-Gibbs and Dan Boneh<br>
   423 -> USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation<br>
   424 -> March 2017
   425 ->
   426 -> Available online at:
   427 ->
   428 -
   429 -**Usage scenario.**
   430 -The library implements the cryptographic routines necessary
   431 -for the following application scenario:
   432 -Each client holds a vector of boolean values.
   433 -Each client uses the library to encode her private vector into two 
   434 -encoded packets&mdash;one for server A and one for server B.
   435 -
   436 -After receiving shares from a client, the servers can use the routines
   437 -implemented here to check whether the client-provided packets are 
   438 -well formed. 
   439 -(Without this check, a single malicious client can corrupt the
   440 -output of the computation.)
   441 -
   442 -After collecting data packets from many clients, the servers
   443 -can combine their state to learn how many clients had the
   444 -*i*th bit of their data vector set to `true` and how many
   445 -clients had the *i*th bit of their data vector set to `false`.
   446 -As long as at least one of the two servers is honest 
   447 -(i.e., runs the correct code), 
   448 -the servers learn *nothing else* about the clients' data, 
   449 -under standard cryptographic assumptions.
   450 -
   451 -For example, the *i*th bit of the data vector could indicate
   452 -whether the client ever visited the *i*th-ranked website
   453 -in the Alexa Top 500.
   454 -The servers would learn how many clients visited each of the 
   455 -Top 500 websites *without learning* which clients visited
   456 -which websites.
   457 -
   458 -**Efficiency considerations.**
   459 -The code makes no use of public-key crypto, so it should 
   460 -be relatively fast.
   461 -When each a data packet is of length *N*, 
   462 -all arithmetic is modulo a prime *p* (we use an 87-bit prime by default), 
   463 -and "elements" are integers modulo *p*, 
   464 -the dominant costs of the system are:
   465 -* **Client compute:** O(*N* log *N*) multiplications 
   466 -* **Client-to-server communication:** 2*N* + O(1) elements<br>
   467 -* **Server compute:** O(*N* log *N*) multiplications to check each packet<br> 
   468 -    (NOTE: Using an optimization we haven't yet implemented, we can 
   469 -    drop this cost to O(*N*) multiplications per packet.)
   470 -* **Server-to-server communication:** O(1) elements
   471 -* **Server storage:** O(*N*) elements
   472 -
   473 -## Running the code
   474 -
   475 -You must first install 
   476 -[NSS/NSPR](, 
   477 -[scons](, and 
   478 -[msgpack-c]( version 2.1.5 (or newer?).
   479 -On Ubuntu, you can instal NSS and scons with:
   480 -
   481 -    $ sudo apt install scons libnspr4-dev libnss3-dev 
   482 -
   483 -and you will have to download [msgpack-c 2.1.5 or newer here](,
   484 -since the Ubuntu packages for msgpack are far out of date.
   485 -
   486 -For macOS using Homebrew:
   487 -    $ brew install nss nspr scons msgpack
   488 -
   489 -    $ export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/nss/lib"
   490 -    $ export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/nss/include -I/usr/local/opt/nspr/include/nspr"
   491 -
   492 -To compile the code, run:
   493 -
   494 -    $ scons
   495 -
   496 -To run the test suite, execute:
   497 -
   498 -    $ build/ptest/ptest -v
   499 -
   500 -To print debug messages while compiling:
   501 -
   502 -    $ scons VERBOSE=1
   503 -
   504 -To compile with debug symbols, run:
   505 -
   506 -    $ scons BUILDTYPE=DEBUG
   507 -
   508 -To clean up the object and binary files, run:
   509 -
   510 -    $ scons -c
   511 -
   512 -The files in this directory are:
   513 -````
   514 -/build      - Binaries, object files, etc.
   515 -/include    - Exported header files
   516 -              (Note: The public header is <mprio.h> since
   517 -              NSPR already has a file called <prio.h>.)
   518 -/mpi        - NSS MPI bignum library 
   519 -/pclient    - Example code that uses the Prio library
   520 -/prio       - Prio library core code
   521 -/ptest      - Tests and test runner
   522 -````
   523 -
   524 -## Optimizations and features not yet implemented
   525 -* **Server compute.**
   526 -  By using a fast polynomial interpolation-and-evaluation
   527 -  routine, we can reduce the cost of checking a single client
   528 -  request from O(*N* log *N*) multiplications down to O(*N*)
   529 -  multiplications, for a data packet of *N* items.
   530 -* **Differential privacy.**
   531 -  It would be very straightforward to add some small amount of 
   532 -  noise to the final statistics to provide differential privacy.
   533 -  If this would be useful, I can add it.
   534 -* **Misc.**
   535 -  There are TODO notes scattered throughout code indicating
   536 -  places for potential performance optimizations.
   537 -  
   538 -
   539 diff --git a/third_party/prio/SConstruct b/third_party/prio/SConstruct
   540 deleted file mode 100644
   541 --- a/third_party/prio/SConstruct
   542 +++ /dev/null
   543 @@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
   544 -# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
   545 -# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
   546 -# file, You can obtain one at
   547 -
   548 -import os
   549 -import SCons
   550 -
   551 -opts = Variables()
   552 -opts.AddVariables(
   553 -    BoolVariable("DEBUG", "Make debug build", 1),
   554 -    BoolVariable("VERBOSE", "Show full build information", 0))
   555 -
   556 -env = Environment(options = opts,
   557 -                  ENV = os.environ)
   558 -if "CFLAGS" in os.environ:
   559 -  env.Append(CFLAGS = SCons.Util.CLVar(os.getenv("CFLAGS")))
   560 -if "CPPFLAGS" in os.environ:
   561 -  env.Append(CPPFLAGS = SCons.Util.CLVar(os.getenv("CPPFLAGS")))
   562 -if "CXXFLAGS" in os.environ:
   563 -  env.Append(CXXFLAGS = SCons.Util.CLVar(os.getenv("CXXFLAGS")))
   564 -if "LDFLAGS" in os.environ:
   565 -  env.Append(LINKFLAGS = SCons.Util.CLVar(os.getenv("LDFLAGS")))
   566 -
   567 -if env["DEBUG"]: 
   568 -    print "DEBUG MODE!"
   569 -    env.Append(CPPFLAGS = [ "-g", "-DDEBUG"])
   570 -
   571 -env.Append(LIBS = ["mprio", "mpi", "nss3", "nspr4"], \
   572 -  LIBPATH = ['#build/prio', "#build/mpi"],
   573 -  CFLAGS = [ "-Wall", "-Werror", "-Wextra", "-O3", "-std=c99", 
   574 -    "-I/usr/include/nspr", "-Impi", "-DDO_PR_CLEANUP"])
   575 -
   576 -env.Append(CPPPATH = ["#include", "#."])
   577 -Export('env')
   578 -
   579 -SConscript('browser-test/SConscript', variant_dir='build/browser-test')
   580 -SConscript('mpi/SConscript', variant_dir='build/mpi')
   581 -SConscript('pclient/SConscript', variant_dir='build/pclient')
   582 -SConscript('prio/SConscript', variant_dir='build/prio')
   583 -SConscript('ptest/SConscript', variant_dir='build/ptest')
   584 -
   585 diff --git a/third_party/prio/browser-test/SConscript b/third_party/prio/browser-test/SConscript
   586 deleted file mode 100644
   587 --- a/third_party/prio/browser-test/SConscript
   588 +++ /dev/null
   589 @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
   590 -import sys
   591 -
   592 -Import('env')
   593 -
   594 -prio_env = env.Clone()
   595 -
   596 -src = [
   597 -    "main.c",
   598 -]
   599 -
   600 -libs = [
   601 -  "mprio",
   602 -  "msgpackc",
   603 -]
   604 -
   605 -prio_env.Append(LIBS = libs)
   606 -prio_env.Install("encode-once.js")
   607 -prio_env.Program("browser-test", src)
   608 -
   609 diff --git a/third_party/prio/browser-test/encode-once.js b/third_party/prio/browser-test/encode-once.js
   610 deleted file mode 100644
   611 --- a/third_party/prio/browser-test/encode-once.js
   612 +++ /dev/null
   613 @@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
   614 -/*
   615 - * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
   616 - * 
   617 - * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
   618 - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
   619 - * file, You can obtain one at
   620 - */
   621 -
   622 -ChromeUtils.import('resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm');
   623 -
   624 -let [publicKeyA, publicKeyB, batchID, param1, param2, param3] = arguments;
   625 -
   626 -Services.prefs.setStringPref('prio.publicKeyA', publicKeyA);
   627 -Services.prefs.setStringPref('prio.publicKeyB', publicKeyB);
   628 -
   629 -async function test() {
   630 -  let params =  {
   631 -    'startupCrashDetected': Number(param1),
   632 -    'safeModeUsage': Number(param2),
   633 -    'browserIsUserDefault': Number(param3)
   634 -  };
   635 -
   636 -  try {
   637 -    let result = await PrioEncoder.encode(batchID, params);
   638 -
   639 -    const toTypedArray = byteString => {
   640 -      let u8Array = new Uint8Array(byteString.length);
   641 -      for (let i in byteString) {
   642 -          u8Array[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i);
   643 -      }
   644 -      return u8Array;
   645 -    }
   646 -
   647 -    const toHexString = bytes =>
   648 -      bytes.reduce((str, byte) => str + byte.toString(16).padStart(2, '0') + ',', '');
   649 -
   650 -    console.log(toHexString(result.a) + '$' + toHexString(result.b));
   651 -    console.log('');
   652 -  } catch(e) {
   653 -    console.log('Failure.', e);
   654 -    console.log(v);
   655 -  }
   656 -}
   657 -
   658 -test().then();
   659 diff --git a/third_party/prio/browser-test/main.c b/third_party/prio/browser-test/main.c
   660 deleted file mode 100644
   661 --- a/third_party/prio/browser-test/main.c
   662 +++ /dev/null
   663 @@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
   664 -/*
   665 - * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
   666 - * 
   667 - * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
   668 - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
   669 - * file, You can obtain one at
   670 - */
   671 -
   672 -#define _GNU_SOURCE
   673 -
   674 -#include <mprio.h>
   675 -#include <stdio.h>
   676 -#include <stdlib.h>
   677 -#include <string.h>
   678 -#include <time.h>
   679 -
   680 -#include "prio/encrypt.h"
   681 -#include "prio/util.h"
   682 -
   683 -static void 
   684 -init_data (bool *data, int datalen) 
   685 -{
   686 -  // The client's data submission is an arbitrary boolean vector.
   687 -  for (int i=0; i < datalen; i++) {
   688 -    // Arbitrary data
   689 -    data[i] = rand () % 2;
   690 -  }
   691 -}
   692 -
   693 -static SECStatus
   694 -read_string_from_hex (unsigned char **str_out, unsigned int *strLen,
   695 -    const char *input, const char **new_input)
   696 -{
   697 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
   698 -  *strLen = 0;
   699 -  int read = 0;
   700 -  int outCount = 0;
   701 -  const char *inp = input;
   702 -
   703 -  while (true) {
   704 -    unsigned char byte = '\0';
   705 -    const int retval = sscanf(inp, "%02hhx,%n", &byte, &read);
   706 -    if (retval < 1 || read != 3) {
   707 -      break;
   708 -    }
   709 -
   710 -    inp += read;
   711 -    (*str_out)[outCount] = byte;
   712 -    outCount++;
   713 -    *strLen = *strLen + 1;
   714 -  }
   715 -
   716 -  if (new_input)
   717 -    *new_input = inp + 1;
   718 -
   719 -  return rv;
   720 -}
   721 -
   722 -static SECStatus
   723 -read_browser_reply (FILE *infile,
   724 -    unsigned char **for_server_a, unsigned int *aLen,
   725 -    unsigned char **for_server_b, unsigned int *bLen)
   726 -{
   727 -  SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
   728 -  char *raw_input = NULL;
   729 -  size_t rawLen = 0;
   730 -
   731 -  puts ("Getting line of input.");
   732 -  P_CHECKCB (getline (&raw_input, &rawLen, infile) > 0);
   733 -  puts ("Got line of input.");
   734 -
   735 -  P_CHECKA (*for_server_a = malloc (rawLen * sizeof (unsigned char)));
   736 -  P_CHECKA (*for_server_b = malloc (rawLen * sizeof (unsigned char)));
   737 -
   738 -  *aLen = 0;
   739 -  *bLen = 0;
   740 -
   741 -  P_CHECKCB (rawLen > 14);
   742 -
   743 -  // Header is 14 chars long
   744 -  const char *new_input;
   745 -  puts ("Reading string A");
   746 -  P_CHECKC (read_string_from_hex (for_server_a, aLen, raw_input + 14, &new_input));
   747 -  puts ("Read string A");
   748 -
   749 -  // Skip over for_server_a string and one-char delimeter
   750 -  puts ("Reading string B");
   751 -  P_CHECKC (read_string_from_hex (for_server_b, bLen, new_input, NULL));
   752 -  puts ("Read string B");
   753 -
   754 -cleanup:
   755 -  if (raw_input) free (raw_input);
   756 -  return rv;
   757 -}
   758 -
   759 -static int
   760 -verify_full (const char *path_to_xpcshell, int pathlen)
   761 -{
   762 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
   763 -
   764 -  PublicKey pkA = NULL;
   765 -  PublicKey pkB = NULL;
   766 -  PrivateKey skA = NULL;
   767 -  PrivateKey skB = NULL;
   768 -
   769 -  PrioConfig cfg = NULL;
   770 -  PrioServer sA = NULL;
   771 -  PrioServer sB = NULL;
   772 -  PrioVerifier vA = NULL;
   773 -  PrioVerifier vB = NULL;
   774 -  PrioPacketVerify1 p1A = NULL;
   775 -  PrioPacketVerify1 p1B = NULL;
   776 -  PrioPacketVerify2 p2A = NULL;
   777 -  PrioPacketVerify2 p2B = NULL;
   778 -  PrioTotalShare tA = NULL;
   779 -  PrioTotalShare tB = NULL;
   780 -
   781 -  FILE *shell = NULL;
   782 -  int cmdlen = pathlen + 2*CURVE25519_KEY_LEN_HEX + 128;
   783 -  char cmd[cmdlen];
   784 -  memset (cmd, 0, cmdlen);
   785 -
   786 -  unsigned char *for_server_a = NULL;
   787 -  unsigned char *for_server_b = NULL;
   788 -
   789 -  const int seed = time (NULL);
   790 -  srand (seed);
   791 -  printf ("Using srand seed %d\n", seed);
   792 -
   793 -  // Number of different boolean data fields we collect.
   794 -  const int ndata = 3;
   795 -
   796 -  //unsigned char batch_id_str[] = "abcde";
   797 -  unsigned char batch_id_str[32];
   798 -  memset (batch_id_str, 0, sizeof batch_id_str);
   799 -  snprintf ((char *)batch_id_str, sizeof batch_id_str, "%d", rand());
   800 -  
   801 -  bool data_items[ndata];
   802 -  unsigned long output[ndata];
   803 -  init_data (data_items, ndata);
   804 -
   805 -  // Initialize NSS random number generator.
   806 -  P_CHECKC (Prio_init ());
   807 -
   808 -  // Generate keypairs for servers
   809 -  P_CHECKC (Keypair_new (&skA, &pkA));
   810 -  P_CHECKC (Keypair_new (&skB, &pkB));
   811 -
   812 -  // Export public keys to hex and print to stdout
   813 -  unsigned char pk_hexA[CURVE25519_KEY_LEN_HEX+1];
   814 -  unsigned char pk_hexB[CURVE25519_KEY_LEN_HEX+1];
   815 -  P_CHECKC (PublicKey_export_hex (pkA, pk_hexA));
   816 -  P_CHECKC (PublicKey_export_hex (pkB, pk_hexB));
   817 -
   818 -  snprintf (cmd, cmdlen, "%s %s %s %s %s %d %d %d", 
   819 -      path_to_xpcshell, "encode-once.js", 
   820 -      pk_hexA, pk_hexB, batch_id_str, 
   821 -      data_items[0], data_items[1], data_items[2]);
   822 -
   823 -  printf ("> %s\n", cmd);
   824 -  P_CHECKA (shell = popen(cmd, "r"));
   825 -  puts("Ran command.");
   826 -
   827 -  // Use the default configuration parameters.
   828 -  P_CHECKA (cfg = PrioConfig_new (ndata, pkA, pkB, batch_id_str, 
   829 -        strlen ((char *)batch_id_str)));
   830 -
   831 -  PrioPRGSeed server_secret;
   832 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPRGSeed_randomize (&server_secret));
   833 -
   834 -  // Initialize two server objects. The role of the servers need not
   835 -  // be symmetric. In a deployment, we envision that:
   836 -  //   * Server A is the main telemetry server that is always online. 
   837 -  //     Clients send their encrypted data packets to Server A and
   838 -  //     Server A stores them.
   839 -  //   * Server B only comes online when the two servers want to compute
   840 -  //     the final aggregate statistics.
   841 -  P_CHECKA (sA = PrioServer_new (cfg, PRIO_SERVER_A, skA, server_secret));
   842 -  P_CHECKA (sB = PrioServer_new (cfg, PRIO_SERVER_B, skB, server_secret));
   843 -
   844 -  // Initialize empty verifier objects
   845 -  P_CHECKA (vA = PrioVerifier_new (sA)); 
   846 -  P_CHECKA (vB = PrioVerifier_new (sB));
   847 -
   848 -  // Initialize shares of final aggregate statistics
   849 -  P_CHECKA (tA = PrioTotalShare_new ());
   850 -  P_CHECKA (tB = PrioTotalShare_new ());
   851 -
   852 -  // Initialize shares of verification packets
   853 -  P_CHECKA (p1A = PrioPacketVerify1_new ());
   854 -  P_CHECKA (p1B = PrioPacketVerify1_new ());
   855 -  P_CHECKA (p2A = PrioPacketVerify2_new ());
   856 -  P_CHECKA (p2B = PrioPacketVerify2_new ());
   857 -
   859 -  //
   860 -  // Read in the client data packets
   861 -  unsigned int aLen = 0, bLen = 0;
   862 -
   863 -  puts ("Reading...");
   864 -  P_CHECKC (read_browser_reply (shell, &for_server_a, &aLen, &for_server_b, &bLen));
   865 -  printf ("Read reply from browser. LenA: %u, LenB: %u\n", aLen, bLen);
   866 -
   867 -  // II. VALIDATION PROTOCOL. (at servers)
   868 -  //
   869 -  // The servers now run a short 2-step protocol to check each 
   870 -  // client's packet:
   871 -  //    1) Servers A and B broadcast one message (PrioPacketVerify1) 
   872 -  //       to each other.
   873 -  //    2) Servers A and B broadcast another message (PrioPacketVerify2)
   874 -  //       to each other.
   875 -  //    3) Servers A and B can both determine whether the client's data
   876 -  //       submission is well-formed (in which case they add it to their
   877 -  //       running total of aggregate statistics) or ill-formed
   878 -  //       (in which case they ignore it).
   879 -  // These messages must be sent over an authenticated channel, so
   880 -  // that each server is assured that every received message came 
   881 -  // from its peer.
   882 -
   883 -  // Set up a Prio verifier object.
   884 -  P_CHECKC (PrioVerifier_set_data (vA, for_server_a, aLen));
   885 -  P_CHECKC (PrioVerifier_set_data (vB, for_server_b, bLen));
   886 -  puts("Imported data.");
   887 -
   888 -  // Both servers produce a packet1. Server A sends p1A to Server B
   889 -  // and vice versa.
   890 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPacketVerify1_set_data (p1A, vA));
   891 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPacketVerify1_set_data (p1B, vB));
   892 -  puts("Set data.");
   893 -
   894 -  // Both servers produce a packet2. Server A sends p2A to Server B
   895 -  // and vice versa.
   896 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPacketVerify2_set_data(p2A, vA, p1A, p1B));
   897 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPacketVerify2_set_data(p2B, vB, p1A, p1B));
   898 -
   899 -  // Using p2A and p2B, the servers can determine whether the request
   900 -  // is valid. (In fact, only Server A needs to perform this 
   901 -  // check, since Server A can just tell Server B whether the check 
   902 -  // succeeded or failed.) 
   903 -  puts ("Checking validity.");
   904 -  P_CHECKC (PrioVerifier_isValid (vA, p2A, p2B)); 
   905 -  P_CHECKC (PrioVerifier_isValid (vB, p2A, p2B)); 
   906 -  puts ("Are valid.");
   907 -
   908 -  // If we get here, the client packet is valid, so add it to the aggregate
   909 -  // statistic counter for both servers.
   910 -  P_CHECKC (PrioServer_aggregate (sA, vA));
   911 -  P_CHECKC (PrioServer_aggregate (sB, vB));
   912 -
   913 -  // The servers repeat the steps above for each client submission.
   914 -
   916 -  //
   917 -  // After collecting aggregates from MANY clients, the servers can compute
   918 -  // their shares of the aggregate statistics. 
   919 -  //
   920 -  // Server B can send tB to Server A.
   921 -  P_CHECKC (PrioTotalShare_set_data (tA, sA));
   922 -  P_CHECKC (PrioTotalShare_set_data (tB, sB));
   923 -
   924 -  // Once Server A has tA and tB, it can learn the aggregate statistics
   925 -  // in the clear.
   926 -  P_CHECKC (PrioTotalShare_final (cfg, output, tA, tB));
   927 - 
   928 -  for (int i=0; i < ndata; i++) {
   929 -    //printf("output[%d] = %lu\n", i, output[i]);
   930 -    //printf("data[%d] = %d\n", i, (int)data_items[i]);
   931 -    P_CHECKCB (output[i] == data_items[i]);
   932 -  }
   933 -
   934 -  puts ("Success!");
   935 -
   936 -cleanup:
   937 -  if (rv != SECSuccess) {
   938 -    fprintf (stderr, "Warning: unexpected failure.\n");
   939 -  }
   940 -
   941 -  if (for_server_a) free (for_server_a);
   942 -  if (for_server_b) free (for_server_b);
   943 -
   944 -  PrioTotalShare_clear (tA);
   945 -  PrioTotalShare_clear (tB);
   946 -
   947 -  PrioPacketVerify2_clear (p2A);
   948 -  PrioPacketVerify2_clear (p2B);
   949 -
   950 -  PrioPacketVerify1_clear (p1A);
   951 -  PrioPacketVerify1_clear (p1B);
   952 -
   953 -  PrioVerifier_clear (vA);
   954 -  PrioVerifier_clear (vB);
   955 -
   956 -  PrioServer_clear (sA);
   957 -  PrioServer_clear (sB);
   958 -  PrioConfig_clear (cfg);
   959 -
   960 -  PublicKey_clear (pkA);
   961 -  PublicKey_clear (pkB);
   962 -
   963 -  PrivateKey_clear (skA);
   964 -  PrivateKey_clear (skB);
   965 -
   966 -  Prio_clear ();
   967 -
   968 -  return !(rv == SECSuccess);
   969 -}
   970 -
   971 -int 
   972 -main (int argc, char **argv)
   973 -{
   974 -  puts("== Prio browser test utility. ==");
   975 -  puts("(Note: Expects to be run in the same directory as encode-once.js.)");
   976 -  if (argc != 2) {
   977 -    fprintf (stderr, "Usage ./%s <path_to_xpcshell>\n", argv[0]);
   978 -    return 1;
   979 -  }
   980 -
   981 -  return verify_full (argv[1], strlen (argv[1]));
   982 -}
   983 -
   984 diff --git a/third_party/prio/include/mprio.h b/third_party/prio/include/mprio.h
   985 --- a/third_party/prio/include/mprio.h
   986 +++ b/third_party/prio/include/mprio.h
   987 @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   988  /*
   989   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
   990 - * 
   991 + *
   992   *
   993   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
   994   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
   995 @@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
   996  extern "C" {
   997  #endif
   999 +#include <blapit.h>
  1000  #include <msgpack.h>
  1001 -#include <nss/blapit.h>
  1002 -#include <nss/pk11pub.h>
  1003 -#include <nss/seccomon.h>
  1004 +#include <pk11pub.h>
  1005 +#include <seccomon.h>
  1006  #include <stdbool.h>
  1007  #include <stddef.h>
  1009 @@ -33,47 +33,44 @@
  1010  /*
  1011   * Type for each of the two servers.
  1012   */
  1013 -typedef enum {
  1014 -  PRIO_SERVER_A,
  1015 -  PRIO_SERVER_B
  1016 -} PrioServerId;
  1017 +typedef enum { PRIO_SERVER_A, PRIO_SERVER_B } PrioServerId;
  1019  /*
  1020   * Opaque types
  1021   */
  1022 -typedef struct prio_config *PrioConfig;
  1023 -typedef const struct prio_config *const_PrioConfig;
  1024 +typedef struct prio_config* PrioConfig;
  1025 +typedef const struct prio_config* const_PrioConfig;
  1027 -typedef struct prio_server *PrioServer;
  1028 -typedef const struct prio_server *const_PrioServer;
  1029 +typedef struct prio_server* PrioServer;
  1030 +typedef const struct prio_server* const_PrioServer;
  1032 -typedef struct prio_verifier *PrioVerifier;
  1033 -typedef const struct prio_verifier *const_PrioVerifier;
  1034 +typedef struct prio_verifier* PrioVerifier;
  1035 +typedef const struct prio_verifier* const_PrioVerifier;
  1037 -typedef struct prio_packet_verify1 *PrioPacketVerify1;
  1038 -typedef const struct prio_packet_verify1 *const_PrioPacketVerify1;
  1039 +typedef struct prio_packet_verify1* PrioPacketVerify1;
  1040 +typedef const struct prio_packet_verify1* const_PrioPacketVerify1;
  1042 -typedef struct prio_packet_verify2 *PrioPacketVerify2;
  1043 -typedef const struct prio_packet_verify2 *const_PrioPacketVerify2;
  1044 +typedef struct prio_packet_verify2* PrioPacketVerify2;
  1045 +typedef const struct prio_packet_verify2* const_PrioPacketVerify2;
  1047 -typedef struct prio_total_share *PrioTotalShare;
  1048 -typedef const struct prio_total_share *const_PrioTotalShare;
  1049 +typedef struct prio_total_share* PrioTotalShare;
  1050 +typedef const struct prio_total_share* const_PrioTotalShare;
  1052 -typedef SECKEYPublicKey *PublicKey;
  1053 -typedef const SECKEYPublicKey *const_PublicKey;
  1054 +typedef SECKEYPublicKey* PublicKey;
  1055 +typedef const SECKEYPublicKey* const_PublicKey;
  1057 -typedef SECKEYPrivateKey *PrivateKey;
  1058 -typedef const SECKEYPrivateKey *const_PrivateKey;
  1059 +typedef SECKEYPrivateKey* PrivateKey;
  1060 +typedef const SECKEYPrivateKey* const_PrivateKey;
  1062 -/* 
  1063 +/*
  1064   * Initialize and clear random number generator state.
  1065   * You must call Prio_init() before using the library.
  1066   * To avoid memory leaks, call Prio_clear() afterwards.
  1067   */
  1068 -SECStatus Prio_init ();
  1069 +SECStatus Prio_init();
  1070  void Prio_clear();
  1072 -/* 
  1073 +/*
  1074   * PrioConfig holds the system parameters. The two relevant things determined
  1075   * by the config object are:
  1076   *    (1) the number of data fields we are collecting, and
  1077 @@ -87,35 +84,37 @@
  1078   * Each set of aggregate statistics should use a different `batch_id`.
  1079   *
  1080   * `PrioConfig_new` does not keep a pointer to the `batch_id` string that the
  1081 - * caller passes in, so you may free the `batch_id` string as soon as 
  1082 + * caller passes in, so you may free the `batch_id` string as soon as
  1083   * `PrioConfig_new` returns.
  1084   */
  1085 -PrioConfig PrioConfig_new (int n_fields, PublicKey server_a, PublicKey server_b,
  1086 -    const unsigned char *batch_id, unsigned int batch_id_len);
  1087 -void PrioConfig_clear (PrioConfig cfg);
  1088 -int PrioConfig_numDataFields (const_PrioConfig cfg);
  1089 +PrioConfig PrioConfig_new(int n_fields, PublicKey server_a, PublicKey server_b,
  1090 +                          const unsigned char* batch_id,
  1091 +                          unsigned int batch_id_len);
  1092 +void PrioConfig_clear(PrioConfig cfg);
  1093 +int PrioConfig_numDataFields(const_PrioConfig cfg);
  1095  /*
  1096 - * Create a PrioConfig object with no encryption keys.  This routine is 
  1097 + * Create a PrioConfig object with no encryption keys.  This routine is
  1098   * useful for testing, but PrioClient_encode() will always fail when used with
  1099   * this config.
  1100   */
  1101 -PrioConfig PrioConfig_newTest (int n_fields);
  1102 +PrioConfig PrioConfig_newTest(int n_fields);
  1104 -
  1105 -/* 
  1106 +/*
  1107   * We use the PublicKey and PrivateKey objects for public-key encryption. Each
  1108   * Prio server has an associated public key, and the clients use these keys to
  1109   * encrypt messages to the servers.
  1110   */
  1111 -SECStatus Keypair_new (PrivateKey *pvtkey, PublicKey *pubkey);
  1112 +SECStatus Keypair_new(PrivateKey* pvtkey, PublicKey* pubkey);
  1114  /*
  1115 - * Import a new curve25519 public key from the raw bytes given. The key passed in
  1116 + * Import a new curve25519 public key from the raw bytes given. The key passed
  1117 + * in
  1118   * as `data` should be of length `CURVE25519_KEY_LEN`. This function allocates
  1119   * a new PublicKey object, which the caller must free using `PublicKey_clear`.
  1120   */
  1121 -SECStatus PublicKey_import (PublicKey *pk, const unsigned char *data, unsigned int dataLen);
  1122 +SECStatus PublicKey_import(PublicKey* pk, const unsigned char* data,
  1123 +                           unsigned int dataLen);
  1125  /*
  1126   * Import a new curve25519 public key from a hex string that contains only the
  1127 @@ -123,138 +122,136 @@
  1128   * length `CURVE25519_KEY_LEN_HEX`. This function allocates a new PublicKey
  1129   * object, which the caller must free using `PublicKey_clear`.
  1130   */
  1131 -SECStatus PublicKey_import_hex (PublicKey *pk, const unsigned char *hex_data,
  1132 -    unsigned int dataLen);
  1133 +SECStatus PublicKey_import_hex(PublicKey* pk, const unsigned char* hex_data,
  1134 +                               unsigned int dataLen);
  1136  /*
  1137   * Export a curve25519 public key as a raw byte-array.
  1138   */
  1139 -SECStatus PublicKey_export (const_PublicKey pk, unsigned char data[CURVE25519_KEY_LEN]);
  1140 +SECStatus PublicKey_export(const_PublicKey pk,
  1141 +                           unsigned char data[CURVE25519_KEY_LEN]);
  1143  /*
  1144   * Export a curve25519 public key as a NULL-terminated hex string.
  1145   */
  1146 -SECStatus PublicKey_export_hex (const_PublicKey pk, 
  1147 -    unsigned char data[CURVE25519_KEY_LEN_HEX+1]);
  1148 -
  1149 +SECStatus PublicKey_export_hex(const_PublicKey pk,
  1150 +                               unsigned char data[CURVE25519_KEY_LEN_HEX + 1]);
  1152 -void PublicKey_clear (PublicKey pubkey);
  1153 -void PrivateKey_clear (PrivateKey pvtkey);
  1154 -
  1155 +void PublicKey_clear(PublicKey pubkey);
  1156 +void PrivateKey_clear(PrivateKey pvtkey);
  1158  /*
  1159   *  PrioPacketClient_encode
  1160   *
  1161 - * Takes as input a pointer to an array (`data_in`) of boolean values 
  1162 - * whose length is equal to the number of data fields specified in 
  1163 + * Takes as input a pointer to an array (`data_in`) of boolean values
  1164 + * whose length is equal to the number of data fields specified in
  1165   * the config. It then encodes the data for servers A and B into a
  1166 - * string. 
  1167 + * string.
  1168   *
  1169   * NOTE: The caller must free() the strings `for_server_a` and
  1170   * `for_server_b` to avoid memory leaks.
  1171   */
  1172 -SECStatus 
  1173 -PrioClient_encode (const_PrioConfig cfg, const bool *data_in, 
  1174 -    unsigned char **for_server_a, unsigned int *aLen,
  1175 -    unsigned char **for_server_b, unsigned int *bLen);
  1176 +SECStatus PrioClient_encode(const_PrioConfig cfg, const bool* data_in,
  1177 +                            unsigned char** for_server_a, unsigned int* aLen,
  1178 +                            unsigned char** for_server_b, unsigned int* bLen);
  1180  /*
  1181   * Generate a new PRG seed using the NSS global randomness source.
  1182   * Use this routine to initialize the secret that the two Prio servers
  1183   * share.
  1184   */
  1185 -SECStatus PrioPRGSeed_randomize (PrioPRGSeed *seed);
  1186 +SECStatus PrioPRGSeed_randomize(PrioPRGSeed* seed);
  1188  /*
  1189   * The PrioServer object holds the state of the Prio servers.
  1190   * Pass in the _same_ secret PRGSeed when initializing the two servers.
  1191   * The PRGSeed must remain secret to the two servers.
  1192   */
  1193 -PrioServer PrioServer_new (const_PrioConfig cfg, PrioServerId server_idx,
  1194 -    PrivateKey server_priv, const PrioPRGSeed server_shared_secret);
  1195 -void PrioServer_clear (PrioServer s);
  1196 +PrioServer PrioServer_new(const_PrioConfig cfg, PrioServerId server_idx,
  1197 +                          PrivateKey server_priv,
  1198 +                          const PrioPRGSeed server_shared_secret);
  1199 +void PrioServer_clear(PrioServer s);
  1201 -
  1202 -/* 
  1203 +/*
  1204   * After receiving a client packet, each of the servers generate
  1205   * a PrioVerifier object that they use to check whether the client's
  1206   * encoded packet is well formed.
  1207   */
  1208 -PrioVerifier PrioVerifier_new (PrioServer s);
  1209 -void PrioVerifier_clear (PrioVerifier v);
  1210 +PrioVerifier PrioVerifier_new(PrioServer s);
  1211 +void PrioVerifier_clear(PrioVerifier v);
  1213 -/* 
  1214 +/*
  1215   * Read in encrypted data from the client, decrypt it, and prepare to check the
  1216   * request for validity.
  1217   */
  1218 -SECStatus PrioVerifier_set_data (PrioVerifier v, 
  1219 -    unsigned char *data, unsigned int dataLen);
  1220 +SECStatus PrioVerifier_set_data(PrioVerifier v, unsigned char* data,
  1221 +                                unsigned int dataLen);
  1223  /*
  1224   * Generate the first packet that servers need to exchange to verify the
  1225   * client's submission. This should be sent over a TLS connection between the
  1226   * servers.
  1227   */
  1228 -PrioPacketVerify1 PrioPacketVerify1_new (void);
  1229 -void PrioPacketVerify1_clear (PrioPacketVerify1 p1);
  1230 +PrioPacketVerify1 PrioPacketVerify1_new(void);
  1231 +void PrioPacketVerify1_clear(PrioPacketVerify1 p1);
  1233 -SECStatus PrioPacketVerify1_set_data (PrioPacketVerify1 p1,
  1234 -    const_PrioVerifier v);
  1235 +SECStatus PrioPacketVerify1_set_data(PrioPacketVerify1 p1,
  1236 +                                     const_PrioVerifier v);
  1238 -SECStatus PrioPacketVerify1_write (const_PrioPacketVerify1 p,
  1239 -    msgpack_packer *pk);
  1240 -SECStatus PrioPacketVerify1_read (PrioPacketVerify1 p,
  1241 -    msgpack_unpacker *upk, const_PrioConfig cfg);
  1242 +SECStatus PrioPacketVerify1_write(const_PrioPacketVerify1 p,
  1243 +                                  msgpack_packer* pk);
  1244 +SECStatus PrioPacketVerify1_read(PrioPacketVerify1 p, msgpack_unpacker* upk,
  1245 +                                 const_PrioConfig cfg);
  1247 -/* 
  1248 +/*
  1249   * Generate the second packet that the servers need to exchange to verify the
  1250   * client's submission. The routine takes as input the PrioPacketVerify1
  1251   * packets from both server A and server B.
  1252   *
  1253   * This should be sent over a TLS connection between the servers.
  1254   */
  1255 -PrioPacketVerify2 PrioPacketVerify2_new (void);
  1256 -void PrioPacketVerify2_clear (PrioPacketVerify2 p);
  1257 +PrioPacketVerify2 PrioPacketVerify2_new(void);
  1258 +void PrioPacketVerify2_clear(PrioPacketVerify2 p);
  1260 -SECStatus PrioPacketVerify2_set_data (PrioPacketVerify2 p2, const_PrioVerifier v,
  1261 -    const_PrioPacketVerify1 p1A, const_PrioPacketVerify1 p1B);
  1262 +SECStatus PrioPacketVerify2_set_data(PrioPacketVerify2 p2, const_PrioVerifier v,
  1263 +                                     const_PrioPacketVerify1 p1A,
  1264 +                                     const_PrioPacketVerify1 p1B);
  1266 -SECStatus PrioPacketVerify2_write (const_PrioPacketVerify2 p,
  1267 -    msgpack_packer *pk);
  1268 -SECStatus PrioPacketVerify2_read (PrioPacketVerify2 p,
  1269 -    msgpack_unpacker *upk, const_PrioConfig cfg);
  1270 +SECStatus PrioPacketVerify2_write(const_PrioPacketVerify2 p,
  1271 +                                  msgpack_packer* pk);
  1272 +SECStatus PrioPacketVerify2_read(PrioPacketVerify2 p, msgpack_unpacker* upk,
  1273 +                                 const_PrioConfig cfg);
  1275 -/* 
  1276 +/*
  1277   * Use the PrioPacketVerify2s from both servers to check whether
  1278   * the client's submission is well formed.
  1279   */
  1280 -SECStatus PrioVerifier_isValid (const_PrioVerifier v,
  1281 -    const_PrioPacketVerify2 pA, const_PrioPacketVerify2 pB);
  1282 +SECStatus PrioVerifier_isValid(const_PrioVerifier v, const_PrioPacketVerify2 pA,
  1283 +                               const_PrioPacketVerify2 pB);
  1285  /*
  1286   * Each of the two servers calls this routine to aggregate the data
  1287   * submission from a client that is included in the PrioVerifier object.
  1288   *
  1289   * IMPORTANT: This routine does *not* check the validity of the client's
  1290 - * data packet. The servers must execute the verification checks 
  1291 + * data packet. The servers must execute the verification checks
  1292   * above before aggregating any client data.
  1293   */
  1294 -SECStatus PrioServer_aggregate (PrioServer s, PrioVerifier v);
  1295 +SECStatus PrioServer_aggregate(PrioServer s, PrioVerifier v);
  1297 -/* 
  1298 +/*
  1299   * After the servers have aggregated data packets from "enough" clients
  1300   * (this determines the anonymity set size), each server runs this routine
  1301 - * to get a share of the aggregate statistics. 
  1302 + * to get a share of the aggregate statistics.
  1303   */
  1304 -PrioTotalShare PrioTotalShare_new (void);
  1305 -void PrioTotalShare_clear (PrioTotalShare t);
  1306 +PrioTotalShare PrioTotalShare_new(void);
  1307 +void PrioTotalShare_clear(PrioTotalShare t);
  1309 -SECStatus PrioTotalShare_set_data (PrioTotalShare t, const_PrioServer s);
  1310 +SECStatus PrioTotalShare_set_data(PrioTotalShare t, const_PrioServer s);
  1312 -SECStatus PrioTotalShare_write (const_PrioTotalShare t,
  1313 -    msgpack_packer *pk);
  1314 -SECStatus PrioTotalShare_read (PrioTotalShare t,
  1315 -    msgpack_unpacker *upk, const_PrioConfig cfg);
  1316 +SECStatus PrioTotalShare_write(const_PrioTotalShare t, msgpack_packer* pk);
  1317 +SECStatus PrioTotalShare_read(PrioTotalShare t, msgpack_unpacker* upk,
  1318 +                              const_PrioConfig cfg);
  1320  /*
  1321   * Read the output data into an array of unsigned longs. You should
  1322 @@ -262,9 +259,9 @@
  1323   * the pointer `output` points to a buffer large enough to store
  1324   * one long per data field.
  1325   */
  1326 -SECStatus PrioTotalShare_final (const_PrioConfig cfg, unsigned long *output,
  1327 -    const_PrioTotalShare tA, const_PrioTotalShare tB);
  1328 -
  1329 +SECStatus PrioTotalShare_final(const_PrioConfig cfg, unsigned long* output,
  1330 +                               const_PrioTotalShare tA,
  1331 +                               const_PrioTotalShare tB);
  1333  #endif /* __PRIO_H__ */
  1335 diff --git a/third_party/prio/pclient/SConscript b/third_party/prio/pclient/SConscript
  1336 deleted file mode 100644
  1337 --- a/third_party/prio/pclient/SConscript
  1338 +++ /dev/null
  1339 @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
  1340 -import sys
  1341 -
  1342 -Import('env')
  1343 -
  1344 -prio_env = env.Clone()
  1345 -
  1346 -src = [
  1347 -    "main.c",
  1348 -]
  1349 -
  1350 -libs = [
  1351 -  "mprio",
  1352 -  "msgpackc",
  1353 -]
  1354 -
  1355 -prio_env.Append(LIBS = libs)
  1356 -prio_env.Program("pclient", src)
  1357 -
  1358 diff --git a/third_party/prio/pclient/main.c b/third_party/prio/pclient/main.c
  1359 deleted file mode 100644
  1360 --- a/third_party/prio/pclient/main.c
  1361 +++ /dev/null
  1362 @@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
  1363 -/*
  1364 - * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
  1365 - * 
  1366 - * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  1367 - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  1368 - * file, You can obtain one at
  1369 - */
  1370 -
  1371 -#include <mprio.h>
  1372 -#include <stdio.h>
  1373 -#include <stdlib.h>
  1374 -
  1375 -#include "prio/util.h"
  1376 -
  1377 -int
  1378 -verify_full (void)
  1379 -{
  1380 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
  1381 -
  1382 -  PublicKey pkA = NULL;
  1383 -  PublicKey pkB = NULL;
  1384 -  PrivateKey skA = NULL;
  1385 -  PrivateKey skB = NULL;
  1386 -
  1387 -  PrioConfig cfg = NULL;
  1388 -  PrioServer sA = NULL;
  1389 -  PrioServer sB = NULL;
  1390 -  PrioVerifier vA = NULL;
  1391 -  PrioVerifier vB = NULL;
  1392 -  PrioPacketVerify1 p1A = NULL;
  1393 -  PrioPacketVerify1 p1B = NULL;
  1394 -  PrioPacketVerify2 p2A = NULL;
  1395 -  PrioPacketVerify2 p2B = NULL;
  1396 -  PrioTotalShare tA = NULL;
  1397 -  PrioTotalShare tB = NULL;
  1398 -
  1399 -  unsigned char *for_server_a = NULL;
  1400 -  unsigned char *for_server_b = NULL;
  1401 -
  1402 -  const unsigned char *batch_id = (unsigned char *)"prio_batch_2018-04-17";
  1403 -  const unsigned int batch_id_len = strlen ((char *)batch_id);
  1404 -
  1405 -  // Initialize NSS random number generator.
  1406 -  P_CHECKC (Prio_init ());
  1407 -
  1408 -  // Number of different boolean data fields we collect.
  1409 -  const int ndata = 100;
  1410 -
  1411 -  // Number of clients to simulate.
  1412 -  const int nclients = 10;
  1413 -
  1414 -
  1415 -  // New scope to avoid goto weirdness
  1416 -  {
  1417 -    bool data_items[ndata];
  1418 -
  1419 -    // Generate keypairs for servers
  1420 -    P_CHECKC (Keypair_new (&skA, &pkA));
  1421 -    P_CHECKC (Keypair_new (&skB, &pkB));
  1422 -
  1423 -    // Use the default configuration parameters.
  1424 -    P_CHECKA (cfg = PrioConfig_new (ndata, pkA, pkB, batch_id, batch_id_len));
  1425 -
  1426 -    PrioPRGSeed server_secret;
  1427 -    P_CHECKC (PrioPRGSeed_randomize (&server_secret));
  1428 -
  1429 -    // Initialize two server objects. The role of the servers need not
  1430 -    // be symmetric. In a deployment, we envision that:
  1431 -    //   * Server A is the main telemetry server that is always online. 
  1432 -    //     Clients send their encrypted data packets to Server A and
  1433 -    //     Server A stores them.
  1434 -    //   * Server B only comes online when the two servers want to compute
  1435 -    //     the final aggregate statistics.
  1436 -    P_CHECKA (sA = PrioServer_new (cfg, PRIO_SERVER_A, skA, server_secret));
  1437 -    P_CHECKA (sB = PrioServer_new (cfg, PRIO_SERVER_B, skB, server_secret));
  1438 -
  1439 -    // Initialize empty verifier objects
  1440 -    P_CHECKA (vA = PrioVerifier_new (sA)); 
  1441 -    P_CHECKA (vB = PrioVerifier_new (sB));
  1442 -
  1443 -    // Initialize shares of final aggregate statistics
  1444 -    P_CHECKA (tA = PrioTotalShare_new ());
  1445 -    P_CHECKA (tB = PrioTotalShare_new ());
  1446 -
  1447 -    // Initialize shares of verification packets
  1448 -    P_CHECKA (p1A = PrioPacketVerify1_new ());
  1449 -    P_CHECKA (p1B = PrioPacketVerify1_new ());
  1450 -    P_CHECKA (p2A = PrioPacketVerify2_new ());
  1451 -    P_CHECKA (p2B = PrioPacketVerify2_new ());
  1452 -
  1453 -    // Generate client data packets.
  1454 -    for (int c=0; c < nclients; c++) {
  1455 -
  1456 -      // The client's data submission is an arbitrary boolean vector.
  1457 -      for (int i=0; i < ndata; i++) {
  1458 -        // Arbitrary data
  1459 -        data_items[i] = (i % 3 == 1) || (c % 5 == 3);
  1460 -      }
  1461 -
  1462 -      // I. CLIENT DATA SUBMISSION.
  1463 -      //
  1464 -      // Construct the client data packets.
  1465 -      unsigned int aLen, bLen;
  1466 -      P_CHECKC (PrioClient_encode (cfg, data_items, 
  1467 -            &for_server_a, &aLen, &for_server_b, &bLen));
  1468 -
  1469 -      // The Prio servers A and B can come online later (e.g., at the end of
  1470 -      // each day) to download the encrypted telemetry packets from the
  1471 -      // telemetry server and run the protocol that computes the aggregate
  1472 -      // statistics. In this way, the client only needs to send a 
  1473 -      // single message (the pair of encrypted ClientPacketData packets) 
  1474 -      // to a single server (the telemetry-data-collection server).
  1475 -
  1476 -      // THE CLIENT'S JOB IS DONE. The rest of the processing just takes place
  1477 -      // between the two servers A and B.
  1478 -
  1479 -
  1480 -      // II. VALIDATION PROTOCOL. (at servers)
  1481 -      //
  1482 -      // The servers now run a short 2-step protocol to check each 
  1483 -      // client's packet:
  1484 -      //    1) Servers A and B broadcast one message (PrioPacketVerify1) 
  1485 -      //       to each other.
  1486 -      //    2) Servers A and B broadcast another message (PrioPacketVerify2)
  1487 -      //       to each other.
  1488 -      //    3) Servers A and B can both determine whether the client's data
  1489 -      //       submission is well-formed (in which case they add it to their
  1490 -      //       running total of aggregate statistics) or ill-formed
  1491 -      //       (in which case they ignore it).
  1492 -      // These messages must be sent over an authenticated channel, so
  1493 -      // that each server is assured that every received message came 
  1494 -      // from its peer.
  1495 -
  1496 -      // Set up a Prio verifier object.
  1497 -      P_CHECKC (PrioVerifier_set_data (vA, for_server_a, aLen));
  1498 -      P_CHECKC (PrioVerifier_set_data (vB, for_server_b, bLen));
  1499 -
  1500 -      // Both servers produce a packet1. Server A sends p1A to Server B
  1501 -      // and vice versa.
  1502 -      P_CHECKC (PrioPacketVerify1_set_data (p1A, vA));
  1503 -      P_CHECKC (PrioPacketVerify1_set_data (p1B, vB));
  1504 -
  1505 -      // Both servers produce a packet2. Server A sends p2A to Server B
  1506 -      // and vice versa.
  1507 -      P_CHECKC (PrioPacketVerify2_set_data(p2A, vA, p1A, p1B));
  1508 -      P_CHECKC (PrioPacketVerify2_set_data(p2B, vB, p1A, p1B));
  1509 -
  1510 -      // Using p2A and p2B, the servers can determine whether the request
  1511 -      // is valid. (In fact, only Server A needs to perform this 
  1512 -      // check, since Server A can just tell Server B whether the check 
  1513 -      // succeeded or failed.) 
  1514 -      P_CHECKC (PrioVerifier_isValid (vA, p2A, p2B)); 
  1515 -      P_CHECKC (PrioVerifier_isValid (vB, p2A, p2B)); 
  1516 -
  1517 -      // If we get here, the client packet is valid, so add it to the aggregate
  1518 -      // statistic counter for both servers.
  1519 -      P_CHECKC (PrioServer_aggregate (sA, vA));
  1520 -      P_CHECKC (PrioServer_aggregate (sB, vB));
  1521 -
  1522 -      free (for_server_a);
  1523 -      free (for_server_b);
  1524 -      for_server_a = NULL;
  1525 -      for_server_b = NULL;
  1526 -    }
  1527 -
  1528 -    // The servers repeat the steps above for each client submission.
  1529 -
  1531 -    //
  1532 -    // After collecting aggregates from MANY clients, the servers can compute
  1533 -    // their shares of the aggregate statistics. 
  1534 -    //
  1535 -    // Server B can send tB to Server A.
  1536 -    P_CHECKC (PrioTotalShare_set_data (tA, sA));
  1537 -    P_CHECKC (PrioTotalShare_set_data (tB, sB));
  1538 -
  1539 -    // Once Server A has tA and tB, it can learn the aggregate statistics
  1540 -    // in the clear.
  1541 -    unsigned long output[ndata];
  1542 -    P_CHECKC (PrioTotalShare_final (cfg, output, tA, tB));
  1543 -    
  1544 -    // Now the output[i] contains a counter that indicates how many clients
  1545 -    // submitted TRUE for data value i.  We print out this data.
  1546 -    for (int i=0; i < ndata; i++) 
  1547 -      printf("output[%d] = %lu\n", i, output[i]);
  1548 -  }
  1549 -
  1550 -cleanup:
  1551 -  if (rv != SECSuccess) {
  1552 -    fprintf (stderr, "Warning: unexpected failure.\n");
  1553 -  }
  1554 -
  1555 -  if (for_server_a) free (for_server_a);
  1556 -  if (for_server_b) free (for_server_b);
  1557 -
  1558 -  PrioTotalShare_clear (tA);
  1559 -  PrioTotalShare_clear (tB);
  1560 -
  1561 -  PrioPacketVerify2_clear (p2A);
  1562 -  PrioPacketVerify2_clear (p2B);
  1563 -
  1564 -  PrioPacketVerify1_clear (p1A);
  1565 -  PrioPacketVerify1_clear (p1B);
  1566 -
  1567 -  PrioVerifier_clear (vA);
  1568 -  PrioVerifier_clear (vB);
  1569 -
  1570 -  PrioServer_clear (sA);
  1571 -  PrioServer_clear (sB);
  1572 -  PrioConfig_clear (cfg);
  1573 -
  1574 -  PublicKey_clear (pkA);
  1575 -  PublicKey_clear (pkB);
  1576 -
  1577 -  PrivateKey_clear (skA);
  1578 -  PrivateKey_clear (skB);
  1579 -
  1580 -  Prio_clear ();
  1581 -
  1582 -  return !(rv == SECSuccess);
  1583 -}
  1584 -
  1585 -int 
  1586 -main (void)
  1587 -{
  1588 -  puts ("This utility demonstrates how to invoke the Prio API.");
  1589 -  return verify_full ();
  1590 -}
  1591 -
  1592 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/SConscript b/third_party/prio/prio/SConscript
  1593 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/SConscript
  1594 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/SConscript
  1595 @@ -21,9 +21,6 @@
  1596    "msgpackc"
  1597  ]
  1599 -# Enable mp_print()
  1600 -penv.Append(CFLAGS = ['-DMP_IOFUNC'])
  1601 -
  1602  penv.Append(LIBS = libs)
  1603  penv.StaticLibrary("mprio", src)
  1605 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/client.h b/third_party/prio/prio/client.h
  1606 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/client.h
  1607 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/client.h
  1608 @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  1609  /*
  1610   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
  1611 - * 
  1612 + *
  1613   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  1614   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  1615 - * file, You can obtain one at 
  1616 + * file, You can obtain one at
  1617   */
  1619  #ifndef __CLIENT_H__
  1620 @@ -13,23 +13,24 @@
  1621  #include "prg.h"
  1622  #include "share.h"
  1624 -
  1625  /*
  1626   * The PrioPacketClient object holds the encoded client data.
  1627   * The client sends one packet to server A and one packet to
  1628   * server B. The `for_server` parameter determines which server
  1629   * the packet is for.
  1630   */
  1631 -typedef struct prio_packet_client *PrioPacketClient;
  1632 -typedef const struct prio_packet_client *const_PrioPacketClient;
  1633 +typedef struct prio_packet_client* PrioPacketClient;
  1634 +typedef const struct prio_packet_client* const_PrioPacketClient;
  1636 -struct server_a_data {
  1637 +struct server_a_data
  1638 +{
  1639    // These values are only set for server A.
  1640    MPArray data_shares;
  1641    MPArray h_points;
  1642  };
  1644 -struct server_b_data {
  1645 +struct server_b_data
  1646 +{
  1647    // This value is only used for server B.
  1648    //
  1649    // We use a pseudo-random generator to compress the secret-shared data
  1650 @@ -39,9 +40,10 @@
  1651  };
  1653  /*
  1654 - * The data that a Prio client sends to each server. 
  1655 + * The data that a Prio client sends to each server.
  1656   */
  1657 -struct prio_packet_client {
  1658 +struct prio_packet_client
  1659 +{
  1660    // TODO: Can also use a PRG to avoid need for sending Beaver triple shares.
  1661    // Since this optimization only saves ~30 bytes of communication, we haven't
  1662    // bothered implementing it yet.
  1663 @@ -50,25 +52,26 @@
  1664    mp_int f0_share, g0_share, h0_share;
  1665    PrioServerId for_server;
  1667 -  union {
  1668 +  union
  1669 +  {
  1670      struct server_a_data A;
  1671      struct server_b_data B;
  1672    } shares;
  1673  };
  1675 -
  1676 -PrioPacketClient PrioPacketClient_new (const_PrioConfig cfg, PrioServerId for_server);
  1677 -void PrioPacketClient_clear (PrioPacketClient p);
  1678 -SECStatus PrioPacketClient_set_data (const_PrioConfig cfg, const bool *data_in,
  1679 -    PrioPacketClient for_server_a, PrioPacketClient for_server_b);
  1680 +PrioPacketClient PrioPacketClient_new(const_PrioConfig cfg,
  1681 +                                      PrioServerId for_server);
  1682 +void PrioPacketClient_clear(PrioPacketClient p);
  1683 +SECStatus PrioPacketClient_set_data(const_PrioConfig cfg, const bool* data_in,
  1684 +                                    PrioPacketClient for_server_a,
  1685 +                                    PrioPacketClient for_server_b);
  1687 -SECStatus PrioPacketClient_decrypt (PrioPacketClient p, 
  1688 -    const_PrioConfig cfg, PrivateKey server_priv, 
  1689 -    const unsigned char *data_in, unsigned int data_len);
  1690 +SECStatus PrioPacketClient_decrypt(PrioPacketClient p, const_PrioConfig cfg,
  1691 +                                   PrivateKey server_priv,
  1692 +                                   const unsigned char* data_in,
  1693 +                                   unsigned int data_len);
  1695 -bool PrioPacketClient_areEqual (const_PrioPacketClient p1, 
  1696 -  const_PrioPacketClient p2);
  1697 -
  1698 +bool PrioPacketClient_areEqual(const_PrioPacketClient p1,
  1699 +                               const_PrioPacketClient p2);
  1701  #endif /* __CLIENT_H__ */
  1702 -
  1703 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/client.c b/third_party/prio/prio/client.c
  1704 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/client.c
  1705 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/client.c
  1706 @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
  1707  /*
  1708   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
  1709 - * 
  1710 + *
  1711   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  1712   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  1713   * file, You can obtain one at */
  1714 @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
  1715  #include "util.h"
  1717  // Let the points of data_in be [x1, x2, x3, ... ].
  1718 -// We construct the polynomial f such that 
  1719 +// We construct the polynomial f such that
  1720  // (a)    f(0) = random,
  1721  // (b)    f(i) = x_i  for all i >= 1,
  1722  // (c)    degree(f)+1 is a power of two.
  1723 @@ -30,10 +30,10 @@
  1724  // and we return f(0) as `const_term`.
  1725  static SECStatus
  1726  data_polynomial_evals(const_PrioConfig cfg, const_MPArray data_in,
  1727 -    MPArray evals_out, mp_int *const_term)
  1728 +                      MPArray evals_out, mp_int* const_term)
  1729  {
  1730    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
  1731 -  const mp_int *mod = &cfg->modulus;
  1732 +  const mp_int* mod = &cfg->modulus;
  1733    MPArray points_f = NULL;
  1734    MPArray poly_f = NULL;
  1736 @@ -43,88 +43,87 @@
  1737    // Little n is the number of points on the polynomials.
  1738    // The constant term is randomized, so it's (mul_gates + 1).
  1739    const int n = mul_gates + 1;
  1740 - 
  1741 +
  1742    // Big N is n rounded up to a power of two.
  1743 -  const int N = next_power_of_two (n);
  1744 +  const int N = next_power_of_two(n);
  1746 -  P_CHECKA (points_f = MPArray_new (N));
  1747 -  P_CHECKA (poly_f = MPArray_new (N));
  1748 +  P_CHECKA(points_f = MPArray_new(N));
  1749 +  P_CHECKA(poly_f = MPArray_new(N));
  1751    // Set constant term f(0) to random
  1752 -  P_CHECKC (rand_int (&points_f->data[0], mod)); 
  1753 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_copy (&points_f->data[0], const_term)); 
  1754 +  P_CHECKC(rand_int(&points_f->data[0], mod));
  1755 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_copy(&points_f->data[0], const_term));
  1757    // Set other values of f(x)
  1758 -  for (int i=1; i<n; i++) {
  1759 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_copy (&data_in->data[i-1], &points_f->data[i]));
  1760 +  for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
  1761 +    MP_CHECKC(mp_copy(&data_in->data[i - 1], &points_f->data[i]));
  1762    }
  1764    // Interpolate through the Nth roots of unity
  1765 -  P_CHECKC (poly_fft(poly_f, points_f, cfg, true)); 
  1766 +  P_CHECKC(poly_fft(poly_f, points_f, cfg, true));
  1768 -  // Evaluate at all 2N-th roots of unity. 
  1769 +  // Evaluate at all 2N-th roots of unity.
  1770    // To do so, first resize the eval arrays and fill upper
  1771    // values with zeros.
  1772 -  P_CHECKC (MPArray_resize (poly_f, 2*N)); 
  1773 -  P_CHECKC (MPArray_resize (evals_out, 2*N)); 
  1774 -  
  1775 +  P_CHECKC(MPArray_resize(poly_f, 2 * N));
  1776 +  P_CHECKC(MPArray_resize(evals_out, 2 * N));
  1777 +
  1778    // Evaluate at the 2N-th roots of unity
  1779 -  P_CHECKC (poly_fft(evals_out, poly_f, cfg, false)); 
  1780 +  P_CHECKC(poly_fft(evals_out, poly_f, cfg, false));
  1782  cleanup:
  1783 -  MPArray_clear (points_f);
  1784 -  MPArray_clear (poly_f);
  1785 +  MPArray_clear(points_f);
  1786 +  MPArray_clear(poly_f);
  1788    return rv;
  1789  }
  1791 -
  1792  static SECStatus
  1793 -share_polynomials (const_PrioConfig cfg, const_MPArray data_in,
  1794 -    PrioPacketClient pA, PrioPacketClient pB, PRG prgB)
  1795 +share_polynomials(const_PrioConfig cfg, const_MPArray data_in,
  1796 +                  PrioPacketClient pA, PrioPacketClient pB, PRG prgB)
  1797  {
  1798    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
  1799 -  const mp_int *mod = &cfg->modulus;
  1800 +  const mp_int* mod = &cfg->modulus;
  1801    const_MPArray points_f = data_in;
  1803    mp_int f0, g0;
  1804 -  MP_DIGITS (&f0) = NULL;
  1805 -  MP_DIGITS (&g0) = NULL;
  1806 +  MP_DIGITS(&f0) = NULL;
  1807 +  MP_DIGITS(&g0) = NULL;
  1809    MPArray points_g = NULL;
  1810    MPArray evals_f_2N = NULL;
  1811    MPArray evals_g_2N = NULL;
  1813 -  P_CHECKA (points_g = MPArray_dup (points_f));
  1814 -  P_CHECKA (evals_f_2N = MPArray_new (0));
  1815 -  P_CHECKA (evals_g_2N = MPArray_new (0));
  1816 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&f0)); 
  1817 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&g0)); 
  1818 +  P_CHECKA(points_g = MPArray_dup(points_f));
  1819 +  P_CHECKA(evals_f_2N = MPArray_new(0));
  1820 +  P_CHECKA(evals_g_2N = MPArray_new(0));
  1821 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&f0));
  1822 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&g0));
  1824 -  for (int i=0; i<points_f->len; i++) {
  1825 +  for (int i = 0; i < points_f->len; i++) {
  1826      // For each input value x_i, we compute x_i * (x_i-1).
  1827      //    f(i) = x_i
  1828      //    g(i) = x_i - 1
  1829 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_sub_d (&points_g->data[i], 1, &points_g->data[i]));
  1830 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_mod (&points_g->data[i], mod, &points_g->data[i]));
  1831 +    MP_CHECKC(mp_sub_d(&points_g->data[i], 1, &points_g->data[i]));
  1832 +    MP_CHECKC(mp_mod(&points_g->data[i], mod, &points_g->data[i]));
  1833    }
  1835 -  P_CHECKC (data_polynomial_evals(cfg, points_f, evals_f_2N, &f0));
  1836 -  P_CHECKC (data_polynomial_evals(cfg, points_g, evals_g_2N, &g0));
  1837 +  P_CHECKC(data_polynomial_evals(cfg, points_f, evals_f_2N, &f0));
  1838 +  P_CHECKC(data_polynomial_evals(cfg, points_g, evals_g_2N, &g0));
  1840    // The values f(0) and g(0) are set to random values.
  1841    // We must send to each server a share of the points
  1842    //    f(0),   g(0),   and   h(0) = f(0)*g(0)
  1843 -  P_CHECKC (share_int (cfg, &f0, &pA->f0_share, &pB->f0_share)); 
  1844 -  P_CHECKC (share_int (cfg, &g0, &pA->g0_share, &pB->g0_share)); 
  1845 +  P_CHECKC(share_int(cfg, &f0, &pA->f0_share, &pB->f0_share));
  1846 +  P_CHECKC(share_int(cfg, &g0, &pA->g0_share, &pB->g0_share));
  1848    // Compute h(0) = f(0)*g(0).
  1849 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_mulmod (&f0, &g0, mod, &f0));
  1850 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_mulmod(&f0, &g0, mod, &f0));
  1851    // Give one share of h(0) to each server.
  1852 -  P_CHECKC (share_int (cfg, &f0, &pA->h0_share, &pB->h0_share)); 
  1853 +  P_CHECKC(share_int(cfg, &f0, &pA->h0_share, &pB->h0_share));
  1855 -  //const int lenN = (evals_f_2N->len/2);
  1856 -  //P_CHECKC (MPArray_resize (pA->shares.A.h_points, lenN)); 
  1857 +  // const int lenN = (evals_f_2N->len/2);
  1858 +  // P_CHECKC (MPArray_resize (pA->shares.A.h_points, lenN));
  1860    // We need to send to the servers the evaluations of
  1861    //   f(r) * g(r)
  1862 @@ -135,34 +134,35 @@
  1863    // send a share of this value to each server.
  1864    int j = 0;
  1865    for (int i = 1; i < evals_f_2N->len; i += 2) {
  1866 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_mulmod (&evals_f_2N->data[i], &evals_g_2N->data[i], mod, &f0));
  1867 -    P_CHECKC (PRG_share_int (prgB, &pA->shares.A.h_points->data[j], &f0, cfg)); 
  1868 +    MP_CHECKC(mp_mulmod(&evals_f_2N->data[i], &evals_g_2N->data[i], mod, &f0));
  1869 +    P_CHECKC(PRG_share_int(prgB, &pA->shares.A.h_points->data[j], &f0, cfg));
  1870      j++;
  1871    }
  1873  cleanup:
  1874 -  MPArray_clear (evals_f_2N);
  1875 -  MPArray_clear (evals_g_2N);
  1876 -  MPArray_clear (points_g);
  1877 -  mp_clear (&f0);
  1878 -  mp_clear (&g0);
  1879 +  MPArray_clear(evals_f_2N);
  1880 +  MPArray_clear(evals_g_2N);
  1881 +  MPArray_clear(points_g);
  1882 +  mp_clear(&f0);
  1883 +  mp_clear(&g0);
  1884    return rv;
  1885  }
  1887  PrioPacketClient
  1888 -PrioPacketClient_new (const_PrioConfig cfg, PrioServerId for_server)
  1889 +PrioPacketClient_new(const_PrioConfig cfg, PrioServerId for_server)
  1890  {
  1891 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess; 
  1892 +  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
  1893    const int data_len = cfg->num_data_fields;
  1894    PrioPacketClient p = NULL;
  1895 -  p = malloc (sizeof (*p));
  1896 -  if (!p) return NULL;
  1897 +  p = malloc(sizeof(*p));
  1898 +  if (!p)
  1899 +    return NULL;
  1901    p->for_server = for_server;
  1902    p->triple = NULL;
  1903 -  MP_DIGITS (&p->f0_share) = NULL;
  1904 -  MP_DIGITS (&p->g0_share) = NULL;
  1905 -  MP_DIGITS (&p->h0_share) = NULL;
  1906 +  MP_DIGITS(&p->f0_share) = NULL;
  1907 +  MP_DIGITS(&p->g0_share) = NULL;
  1908 +  MP_DIGITS(&p->h0_share) = NULL;
  1910    switch (p->for_server) {
  1911      case PRIO_SERVER_A:
  1912 @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
  1913        p->shares.A.h_points = NULL;
  1914        break;
  1915      case PRIO_SERVER_B:
  1916 -      memset (p->shares.B.seed, 0, PRG_SEED_LENGTH);
  1917 +      memset(p->shares.B.seed, 0, PRG_SEED_LENGTH);
  1918        break;
  1919      default:
  1920        // Should never get here
  1921 @@ -178,20 +178,20 @@
  1922        goto cleanup;
  1923    }
  1925 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&p->f0_share)); 
  1926 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&p->g0_share));
  1927 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&p->h0_share));
  1928 -  P_CHECKA (p->triple = BeaverTriple_new ());
  1929 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&p->f0_share));
  1930 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&p->g0_share));
  1931 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&p->h0_share));
  1932 +  P_CHECKA(p->triple = BeaverTriple_new());
  1934    if (p->for_server == PRIO_SERVER_A) {
  1935 -    const int num_h_points = PrioConfig_hPoints (cfg);
  1936 -    P_CHECKA (p->shares.A.data_shares = MPArray_new (data_len));
  1937 -    P_CHECKA (p->shares.A.h_points = MPArray_new (num_h_points));
  1938 +    const int num_h_points = PrioConfig_hPoints(cfg);
  1939 +    P_CHECKA(p->shares.A.data_shares = MPArray_new(data_len));
  1940 +    P_CHECKA(p->shares.A.h_points = MPArray_new(num_h_points));
  1941    }
  1943  cleanup:
  1944    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
  1945 -    PrioPacketClient_clear (p);
  1946 +    PrioPacketClient_clear(p);
  1947      return NULL;
  1948    }
  1950 @@ -199,69 +199,74 @@
  1951  }
  1953  SECStatus
  1954 -PrioPacketClient_set_data (const_PrioConfig cfg, const bool *data_in,
  1955 -    PrioPacketClient pA, PrioPacketClient pB)
  1956 +PrioPacketClient_set_data(const_PrioConfig cfg, const bool* data_in,
  1957 +                          PrioPacketClient pA, PrioPacketClient pB)
  1958  {
  1959    MPArray client_data = NULL;
  1960    PRG prgB = NULL;
  1961    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
  1962    const int data_len = cfg->num_data_fields;
  1964 -  if (!data_in) return SECFailure; 
  1965 -
  1966 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPRGSeed_randomize (&pB->shares.B.seed));
  1967 -  P_CHECKA (prgB = PRG_new (pB->shares.B.seed));
  1968 +  if (!data_in)
  1969 +    return SECFailure;
  1971 -  P_CHECKC (BeaverTriple_set_rand (cfg, pA->triple, pB->triple)); 
  1972 -  P_CHECKA (client_data = MPArray_new_bool (data_len, data_in));
  1973 -  P_CHECKC (PRG_share_array (prgB, pA->shares.A.data_shares, 
  1974 -        client_data, cfg)); 
  1975 -  P_CHECKC (share_polynomials (cfg, client_data, pA, pB, prgB)); 
  1976 +  P_CHECKC(PrioPRGSeed_randomize(&pB->shares.B.seed));
  1977 +  P_CHECKA(prgB = PRG_new(pB->shares.B.seed));
  1978 +
  1979 +  P_CHECKC(BeaverTriple_set_rand(cfg, pA->triple, pB->triple));
  1980 +  P_CHECKA(client_data = MPArray_new_bool(data_len, data_in));
  1981 +  P_CHECKC(PRG_share_array(prgB, pA->shares.A.data_shares, client_data, cfg));
  1982 +  P_CHECKC(share_polynomials(cfg, client_data, pA, pB, prgB));
  1984  cleanup:
  1985 -  MPArray_clear (client_data);
  1986 -  PRG_clear (prgB);
  1987 +  MPArray_clear(client_data);
  1988 +  PRG_clear(prgB);
  1990    return rv;
  1991  }
  1993  void
  1994 -PrioPacketClient_clear (PrioPacketClient p)
  1995 +PrioPacketClient_clear(PrioPacketClient p)
  1996  {
  1997 -  if (p == NULL) return;
  1998 +  if (p == NULL)
  1999 +    return;
  2001    if (p->for_server == PRIO_SERVER_A) {
  2002 -    MPArray_clear (p->shares.A.h_points);
  2003 -    MPArray_clear (p->shares.A.data_shares);
  2004 +    MPArray_clear(p->shares.A.h_points);
  2005 +    MPArray_clear(p->shares.A.data_shares);
  2006    }
  2008 -  BeaverTriple_clear (p->triple);
  2009 -  mp_clear (&p->f0_share);
  2010 -  mp_clear (&p->g0_share);
  2011 -  mp_clear (&p->h0_share);
  2012 -  free (p);
  2013 +  BeaverTriple_clear(p->triple);
  2014 +  mp_clear(&p->f0_share);
  2015 +  mp_clear(&p->g0_share);
  2016 +  mp_clear(&p->h0_share);
  2017 +  free(p);
  2018  }
  2020 -bool 
  2021 -PrioPacketClient_areEqual (const_PrioPacketClient p1, 
  2022 -  const_PrioPacketClient p2)
  2023 +bool
  2024 +PrioPacketClient_areEqual(const_PrioPacketClient p1, const_PrioPacketClient p2)
  2025  {
  2026 -  if (!BeaverTriple_areEqual (p1->triple, p2->triple)) return false;
  2027 -  if (mp_cmp (&p1->f0_share, &p2->f0_share)) return false;
  2028 -  if (mp_cmp (&p1->g0_share, &p2->g0_share)) return false;
  2029 -  if (mp_cmp (&p1->h0_share, &p2->h0_share)) return false;
  2030 -  if (p1->for_server != p2->for_server) return false;
  2031 +  if (!BeaverTriple_areEqual(p1->triple, p2->triple))
  2032 +    return false;
  2033 +  if (mp_cmp(&p1->f0_share, &p2->f0_share))
  2034 +    return false;
  2035 +  if (mp_cmp(&p1->g0_share, &p2->g0_share))
  2036 +    return false;
  2037 +  if (mp_cmp(&p1->h0_share, &p2->h0_share))
  2038 +    return false;
  2039 +  if (p1->for_server != p2->for_server)
  2040 +    return false;
  2042    switch (p1->for_server) {
  2043      case PRIO_SERVER_A:
  2044 -      if (!MPArray_areEqual (p1->shares.A.data_shares, 
  2045 -            p2->shares.A.data_shares)) return false;
  2046 -      if (!MPArray_areEqual (p1->shares.A.h_points, 
  2047 -            p2->shares.A.h_points)) return false;
  2048 -      break; 
  2049 +      if (!MPArray_areEqual(p1->shares.A.data_shares, p2->shares.A.data_shares))
  2050 +        return false;
  2051 +      if (!MPArray_areEqual(p1->shares.A.h_points, p2->shares.A.h_points))
  2052 +        return false;
  2053 +      break;
  2054      case PRIO_SERVER_B:
  2055 -      if (memcmp (p1->shares.B.seed, p2->shares.B.seed,
  2056 -            PRG_SEED_LENGTH)) return false;
  2057 +      if (memcmp(p1->shares.B.seed, p2->shares.B.seed, PRG_SEED_LENGTH))
  2058 +        return false;
  2059        break;
  2060      default:
  2061        // Should never get here.
  2062 @@ -271,83 +276,85 @@
  2063    return true;
  2064  }
  2066 -SECStatus 
  2067 -PrioClient_encode (const_PrioConfig cfg, const bool *data_in,
  2068 -    unsigned char **for_server_a, unsigned int *aLen,
  2069 -    unsigned char **for_server_b, unsigned int *bLen)
  2070 +SECStatus
  2071 +PrioClient_encode(const_PrioConfig cfg, const bool* data_in,
  2072 +                  unsigned char** for_server_a, unsigned int* aLen,
  2073 +                  unsigned char** for_server_b, unsigned int* bLen)
  2074  {
  2075    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
  2076    PrioPacketClient pA = NULL;
  2077    PrioPacketClient pB = NULL;
  2078    *for_server_a = NULL;
  2079    *for_server_b = NULL;
  2080 -  
  2081 -  P_CHECKA (pA = PrioPacketClient_new (cfg, PRIO_SERVER_A));
  2082 -  P_CHECKA (pB = PrioPacketClient_new (cfg, PRIO_SERVER_B));
  2083 +
  2084 +  P_CHECKA(pA = PrioPacketClient_new(cfg, PRIO_SERVER_A));
  2085 +  P_CHECKA(pB = PrioPacketClient_new(cfg, PRIO_SERVER_B));
  2087    msgpack_sbuffer sbufA, sbufB;
  2088    msgpack_packer packerA, packerB;
  2090 -  msgpack_sbuffer_init (&sbufA); 
  2091 -  msgpack_sbuffer_init (&sbufB); 
  2092 -  msgpack_packer_init (&packerA, &sbufA, msgpack_sbuffer_write);
  2093 -  msgpack_packer_init (&packerB, &sbufB, msgpack_sbuffer_write);
  2094 +  msgpack_sbuffer_init(&sbufA);
  2095 +  msgpack_sbuffer_init(&sbufB);
  2096 +  msgpack_packer_init(&packerA, &sbufA, msgpack_sbuffer_write);
  2097 +  msgpack_packer_init(&packerB, &sbufB, msgpack_sbuffer_write);
  2099 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPacketClient_set_data (cfg, data_in, pA, pB));
  2100 -  P_CHECKC (serial_write_packet_client (&packerA, pA, cfg));
  2101 -  P_CHECKC (serial_write_packet_client (&packerB, pB, cfg));
  2102 +  P_CHECKC(PrioPacketClient_set_data(cfg, data_in, pA, pB));
  2103 +  P_CHECKC(serial_write_packet_client(&packerA, pA, cfg));
  2104 +  P_CHECKC(serial_write_packet_client(&packerB, pB, cfg));
  2106 -  P_CHECKC (PublicKey_encryptSize (sbufA.size, aLen));
  2107 -  P_CHECKC (PublicKey_encryptSize (sbufB.size, bLen));
  2108 +  P_CHECKC(PublicKey_encryptSize(sbufA.size, aLen));
  2109 +  P_CHECKC(PublicKey_encryptSize(sbufB.size, bLen));
  2111 -  P_CHECKA (*for_server_a = malloc (*aLen));
  2112 -  P_CHECKA (*for_server_b = malloc (*bLen));
  2113 +  P_CHECKA(*for_server_a = malloc(*aLen));
  2114 +  P_CHECKA(*for_server_b = malloc(*bLen));
  2116    unsigned int writtenA;
  2117    unsigned int writtenB;
  2118 -  P_CHECKC (PublicKey_encrypt (cfg->server_a_pub, *for_server_a, &writtenA, *aLen,
  2119 -        (unsigned char *), sbufA.size));
  2120 -  P_CHECKC (PublicKey_encrypt (cfg->server_b_pub, *for_server_b, &writtenB, *bLen,
  2121 -        (unsigned char *), sbufB.size));
  2122 +  P_CHECKC(PublicKey_encrypt(cfg->server_a_pub, *for_server_a, &writtenA, *aLen,
  2123 +                             (unsigned char*), sbufA.size));
  2124 +  P_CHECKC(PublicKey_encrypt(cfg->server_b_pub, *for_server_b, &writtenB, *bLen,
  2125 +                             (unsigned char*), sbufB.size));
  2127 -  P_CHECKCB (writtenA == *aLen);
  2128 -  P_CHECKCB (writtenB == *bLen);
  2129 +  P_CHECKCB(writtenA == *aLen);
  2130 +  P_CHECKCB(writtenB == *bLen);
  2132  cleanup:
  2133    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
  2134 -    if (*for_server_a) free (*for_server_a);
  2135 -    if (*for_server_b) free (*for_server_b);
  2136 +    if (*for_server_a)
  2137 +      free(*for_server_a);
  2138 +    if (*for_server_b)
  2139 +      free(*for_server_b);
  2140      *for_server_a = NULL;
  2141      *for_server_b = NULL;
  2142    }
  2144 -  PrioPacketClient_clear (pA);
  2145 -  PrioPacketClient_clear (pB);
  2146 -  msgpack_sbuffer_destroy (&sbufA);
  2147 -  msgpack_sbuffer_destroy (&sbufB);
  2148 - 
  2149 +  PrioPacketClient_clear(pA);
  2150 +  PrioPacketClient_clear(pB);
  2151 +  msgpack_sbuffer_destroy(&sbufA);
  2152 +  msgpack_sbuffer_destroy(&sbufB);
  2153 +
  2154    return rv;
  2155  }
  2157 -SECStatus 
  2158 -PrioPacketClient_decrypt (PrioPacketClient p, const_PrioConfig cfg, 
  2159 -    PrivateKey server_priv, const unsigned char *data_in, unsigned int data_len)
  2160 +SECStatus
  2161 +PrioPacketClient_decrypt(PrioPacketClient p, const_PrioConfig cfg,
  2162 +                         PrivateKey server_priv, const unsigned char* data_in,
  2163 +                         unsigned int data_len)
  2164  {
  2165    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
  2166    msgpack_unpacker upk;
  2167 -  P_CHECKCB (msgpack_unpacker_init (&upk, data_len));
  2168 +  P_CHECKCB(msgpack_unpacker_init(&upk, data_len));
  2170    // Decrypt the ciphertext into dec_buf
  2171    unsigned int bytes_decrypted;
  2172 -  P_CHECKC (PrivateKey_decrypt (server_priv, 
  2173 -        (unsigned char *)msgpack_unpacker_buffer (&upk), &bytes_decrypted,
  2174 -        data_len, data_in, data_len));
  2175 -  msgpack_unpacker_buffer_consumed (&upk, bytes_decrypted);
  2176 +  P_CHECKC(PrivateKey_decrypt(server_priv,
  2177 +                              (unsigned char*)msgpack_unpacker_buffer(&upk),
  2178 +                              &bytes_decrypted, data_len, data_in, data_len));
  2179 +  msgpack_unpacker_buffer_consumed(&upk, bytes_decrypted);
  2181 -  P_CHECKC (serial_read_packet_client (&upk, p, cfg)); 
  2182 +  P_CHECKC(serial_read_packet_client(&upk, p, cfg));
  2184  cleanup:
  2185 -  msgpack_unpacker_destroy (&upk);
  2186 +  msgpack_unpacker_destroy(&upk);
  2187    return rv;
  2188  }
  2189 -
  2190 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/config.h b/third_party/prio/prio/config.h
  2191 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/config.h
  2192 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/config.h
  2193 @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  2194  /*
  2195   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
  2196 - * 
  2197 + *
  2198   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  2199   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  2200 - * file, You can obtain one at 
  2201 + * file, You can obtain one at
  2202   */
  2204  #ifndef __CONFIG_H__
  2205 @@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
  2207  #include "mparray.h"
  2209 -struct prio_config {
  2210 +struct prio_config
  2211 +{
  2212    int num_data_fields;
  2213 -  unsigned char *batch_id;
  2214 +  unsigned char* batch_id;
  2215    unsigned int batch_id_len;
  2217 -
  2218    PublicKey server_a_pub;
  2219    PublicKey server_b_pub;
  2221 @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
  2222    MPArray rootsInv;
  2223  };
  2225 -int PrioConfig_hPoints (const_PrioConfig cfg);
  2226 +int PrioConfig_hPoints(const_PrioConfig cfg);
  2228  #endif /* __CONFIG_H__ */
  2229 -
  2230 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/config.c b/third_party/prio/prio/config.c
  2231 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/config.c
  2232 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/config.c
  2233 @@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
  2234  /*
  2235   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
  2236 - * 
  2237 + *
  2238   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  2239   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  2240 - * file, You can obtain one at 
  2241 + * file, You can obtain one at
  2242   */
  2244  #include <mprio.h>
  2245  #include <stdlib.h>
  2247  #include "config.h"
  2248 +#include "mparray.h"
  2249  #include "params.h"
  2250 -#include "mparray.h"
  2251  #include "rand.h"
  2252  #include "util.h"
  2254  // The PrioConfig object stores "2^k-th roots of unity" modulo
  2255 -// the prime modulus we use for all arithmetic. We use 
  2256 -// these roots to perform fast FFT-style polynomial 
  2257 +// the prime modulus we use for all arithmetic. We use
  2258 +// these roots to perform fast FFT-style polynomial
  2259  // interpolation and evaluation.
  2260  //
  2261 -// In particular, we use a prime modulus p such that 
  2262 +// In particular, we use a prime modulus p such that
  2263  //    p = (2^k)q + 1.
  2264  // The roots are integers such that r^{2^k} = 1 mod p.
  2265  static SECStatus
  2266 -initialize_roots (MPArray arr, const char *values[])
  2267 +initialize_roots(MPArray arr, const char* values[])
  2268  {
  2269    // TODO: Read in only the number of roots of unity we need.
  2270    // Right now we read in all 4096 roots whether or not we use
  2271    // them all.
  2272 -  for (int i=0; i < arr->len; i++) {
  2273 -    MP_CHECK (mp_read_radix (&arr->data[i], values[i], 16));
  2274 +  for (int i = 0; i < arr->len; i++) {
  2275 +    MP_CHECK(mp_read_radix(&arr->data[i], values[i], 16));
  2276    }
  2277 -  
  2278 +
  2279    return SECSuccess;
  2280  }
  2282 -PrioConfig 
  2283 -PrioConfig_new (int n_fields, PublicKey server_a, PublicKey server_b,
  2284 -    const unsigned char *batch_id, unsigned int batch_id_len)
  2285 +PrioConfig
  2286 +PrioConfig_new(int n_fields, PublicKey server_a, PublicKey server_b,
  2287 +               const unsigned char* batch_id, unsigned int batch_id_len)
  2288  {
  2289    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
  2290 -  PrioConfig cfg = malloc (sizeof (*cfg));
  2291 +  PrioConfig cfg = malloc(sizeof(*cfg));
  2292    if (!cfg)
  2293      return NULL;
  2295 @@ -61,72 +61,73 @@
  2296      goto cleanup;
  2297    }
  2299 -  P_CHECKA (cfg->batch_id = malloc (batch_id_len));
  2300 -  strncpy ((char *)cfg->batch_id, (char *)batch_id, batch_id_len);
  2301 +  P_CHECKA(cfg->batch_id = malloc(batch_id_len));
  2302 +  strncpy((char*)cfg->batch_id, (char*)batch_id, batch_id_len);
  2304 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&cfg->modulus));
  2305 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_read_radix (&cfg->modulus, Modulus, 16)); 
  2306 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&cfg->modulus));
  2307 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_read_radix(&cfg->modulus, Modulus, 16));
  2309    // Compute  2^{-1} modulo M
  2310 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&cfg->inv2));
  2311 -  mp_set (&cfg->inv2, 2);
  2312 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_invmod (&cfg->inv2, &cfg->modulus, &cfg->inv2)); 
  2313 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&cfg->inv2));
  2314 +  mp_set(&cfg->inv2, 2);
  2315 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_invmod(&cfg->inv2, &cfg->modulus, &cfg->inv2));
  2317 -  P_CHECKA (cfg->roots = MPArray_new (cfg->n_roots));
  2318 -  P_CHECKA (cfg->rootsInv = MPArray_new (cfg->n_roots));
  2319 -  MP_CHECKC (initialize_roots (cfg->roots, Roots)); 
  2320 -  MP_CHECKC (initialize_roots (cfg->rootsInv, RootsInv)); 
  2321 +  P_CHECKA(cfg->roots = MPArray_new(cfg->n_roots));
  2322 +  P_CHECKA(cfg->rootsInv = MPArray_new(cfg->n_roots));
  2323 +  MP_CHECKC(initialize_roots(cfg->roots, Roots));
  2324 +  MP_CHECKC(initialize_roots(cfg->rootsInv, RootsInv));
  2326  cleanup:
  2327    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
  2328 -    PrioConfig_clear (cfg);
  2329 +    PrioConfig_clear(cfg);
  2330      return NULL;
  2331    }
  2333    return cfg;
  2334  }
  2336 -PrioConfig 
  2337 -PrioConfig_newTest (int nFields)
  2338 -{
  2339 -  return PrioConfig_new (nFields, NULL, NULL, 
  2340 -      (unsigned char *)"testBatch", 9);
  2341 -}
  2342 -
  2343 -void 
  2344 -PrioConfig_clear (PrioConfig cfg)
  2345 +PrioConfig
  2346 +PrioConfig_newTest(int nFields)
  2347  {
  2348 -  if (!cfg) return;
  2349 -  if (cfg->batch_id) free (cfg->batch_id);
  2350 -  MPArray_clear (cfg->roots);
  2351 -  MPArray_clear (cfg->rootsInv);
  2352 -  mp_clear (&cfg->modulus);
  2353 -  mp_clear (&cfg->inv2);
  2354 -  free (cfg);
  2355 -}
  2356 -
  2357 -int 
  2358 -PrioConfig_numDataFields (const_PrioConfig cfg)
  2359 -{
  2360 -  return cfg->num_data_fields;
  2361 -
  2362 -}
  2363 -
  2364 -SECStatus 
  2365 -Prio_init (void)
  2366 -{
  2367 -  return rand_init ();
  2368 +  return PrioConfig_new(nFields, NULL, NULL, (unsigned char*)"testBatch", 9);
  2369  }
  2371  void
  2372 -Prio_clear (void)
  2373 +PrioConfig_clear(PrioConfig cfg)
  2374  {
  2375 -  rand_clear ();
  2376 +  if (!cfg)
  2377 +    return;
  2378 +  if (cfg->batch_id)
  2379 +    free(cfg->batch_id);
  2380 +  MPArray_clear(cfg->roots);
  2381 +  MPArray_clear(cfg->rootsInv);
  2382 +  mp_clear(&cfg->modulus);
  2383 +  mp_clear(&cfg->inv2);
  2384 +  free(cfg);
  2385 +}
  2386 +
  2387 +int
  2388 +PrioConfig_numDataFields(const_PrioConfig cfg)
  2389 +{
  2390 +  return cfg->num_data_fields;
  2391  }
  2393 -int PrioConfig_hPoints (const_PrioConfig cfg)
  2394 +SECStatus
  2395 +Prio_init(void)
  2396 +{
  2397 +  return rand_init();
  2398 +}
  2399 +
  2400 +void
  2401 +Prio_clear(void)
  2402 +{
  2403 +  rand_clear();
  2404 +}
  2405 +
  2406 +int
  2407 +PrioConfig_hPoints(const_PrioConfig cfg)
  2408  {
  2409    const int mul_gates = cfg->num_data_fields + 1;
  2410 -  const int N = next_power_of_two (mul_gates);
  2411 +  const int N = next_power_of_two(mul_gates);
  2412    return N;
  2413  }
  2414 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/debug.h b/third_party/prio/prio/debug.h
  2415 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/debug.h
  2416 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/debug.h
  2417 @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  2418  /*
  2419   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
  2420 - * 
  2421 + *
  2422   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  2423   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  2424 - * file, You can obtain one at 
  2425 + * file, You can obtain one at
  2426   */
  2428  #ifndef __DEBUG_H__
  2429 @@ -12,10 +12,12 @@
  2430  #include <stdio.h>
  2432  #ifdef DEBUG
  2433 -#define PRIO_DEBUG(msg) do { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", msg); } while(false);
  2434 +#define PRIO_DEBUG(msg)                                                        \
  2435 +  do {                                                                         \
  2436 +    fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", msg);                                       \
  2437 +  } while (false);
  2438  #else
  2439  #define PRIO_DEBUG(msg) ;
  2440  #endif
  2442  #endif /* __DEBUG_H__ */
  2443 -
  2444 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/encrypt.h b/third_party/prio/prio/encrypt.h
  2445 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/encrypt.h
  2446 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/encrypt.h
  2447 @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
  2448  /*
  2449   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
  2450 - * 
  2451 + *
  2452   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  2453   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  2454 - * file, You can obtain one at 
  2455 + * file, You can obtain one at
  2456   */
  2458 -
  2459  #ifndef __ENCRYPT_H__
  2460  #define __ENCRYPT_H__
  2462 @@ -15,7 +14,7 @@
  2464  /*******
  2465   * These functions attempt to implement CCA-secure public-key encryption using
  2466 - * the NSS library. We use hashed-ElGamal encryption with Curve25519 as the 
  2467 + * the NSS library. We use hashed-ElGamal encryption with Curve25519 as the
  2468   * underlying group and AES128-GCM as the bulk encryption mode of operation.
  2469   *
  2470   * I make no guarantees that I am using NSS correctly or that this encryption
  2471 @@ -25,7 +24,7 @@
  2472   * to implement these functions.
  2473   */
  2475 -/* 
  2476 +/*
  2477   * Messages encrypted using this library must be smaller than MAX_ENCRYPT_LEN.
  2478   * Enforcing this length limit helps avoid integer overflow.
  2479   */
  2480 @@ -38,12 +37,12 @@
  2481   * is too large (larger than `MAX_ENCRYPT_LEN`), this function returns
  2482   * an error.
  2483   */
  2484 -SECStatus PublicKey_encryptSize (unsigned int inputLen, unsigned int *outputLen);
  2485 +SECStatus PublicKey_encryptSize(unsigned int inputLen, unsigned int* outputLen);
  2487  /*
  2488   * Generate a new keypair for public-key encryption.
  2489   */
  2490 -SECStatus Keypair_new (PrivateKey *pvtkey, PublicKey *pubkey);
  2491 +SECStatus Keypair_new(PrivateKey* pvtkey, PublicKey* pubkey);
  2493  /*
  2494   * Encrypt an arbitrary bitstring to the specified public key. The buffer
  2495 @@ -53,22 +52,17 @@
  2496   *
  2497   * The value `inputLen` must be smaller than `MAX_ENCRYPT_LEN`.
  2498   */
  2499 -SECStatus PublicKey_encrypt (PublicKey pubkey, 
  2500 -    unsigned char *output, 
  2501 -    unsigned int *outputLen, 
  2502 -    unsigned int maxOutputLen, 
  2503 -    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
  2504 +SECStatus PublicKey_encrypt(PublicKey pubkey, unsigned char* output,
  2505 +                            unsigned int* outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
  2506 +                            const unsigned char* input, unsigned int inputLen);
  2508  /*
  2509   * Decrypt an arbitrary bitstring using the specified private key.  The output
  2510   * buffer should be at least 16 bytes larger than the plaintext you expect. If
  2511   * `outputLen` >= `inputLen`, you should be safe.
  2512   */
  2513 -SECStatus PrivateKey_decrypt (PrivateKey privkey, 
  2514 -    unsigned char *output, 
  2515 -    unsigned int *outputLen, 
  2516 -    unsigned int maxOutputLen, 
  2517 -    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen);
  2518 +SECStatus PrivateKey_decrypt(PrivateKey privkey, unsigned char* output,
  2519 +                             unsigned int* outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
  2520 +                             const unsigned char* input, unsigned int inputLen);
  2522  #endif /* __ENCRYPT_H__ */
  2523 -
  2524 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/encrypt.c b/third_party/prio/prio/encrypt.c
  2525 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/encrypt.c
  2526 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/encrypt.c
  2527 @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
  2528  /*
  2529   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
  2530 - * 
  2531 + *
  2532   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  2533   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  2534 - * file, You can obtain one at 
  2535 + * file, You can obtain one at
  2536   */
  2538 -#include <nss/keyhi.h>
  2539 -#include <nss/keythi.h>
  2540 -#include <nss/pk11pub.h>
  2541 +#include <keyhi.h>
  2542 +#include <keythi.h>
  2543 +#include <pk11pub.h>
  2544  #include <prerror.h>
  2546  #include "encrypt.h"
  2547 @@ -24,222 +24,251 @@
  2548  #define GCM_TAG_LEN_BYTES 16
  2550  #define PRIO_TAG "PrioPacket"
  2551 -#define AAD_LEN (strlen (PRIO_TAG) + CURVE25519_KEY_LEN + GCM_IV_LEN_BYTES)
  2552 +#define AAD_LEN (strlen(PRIO_TAG) + CURVE25519_KEY_LEN + GCM_IV_LEN_BYTES)
  2554  // The all-zeros curve25519 public key, as DER-encoded SKPI blob.
  2555  static const uint8_t curve25519_spki_zeros[] = {
  2556 -  0x30, 0x39, 0x30, 0x14, 0x06, 0x07, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0xce, 0x3d, 0x02, 0x01, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2b, 
  2557 -  0x06, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0xda, 0x47, 0x0f, 0x01, 0x03, 0x21, 
  2558 -  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
  2559 -  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
  2560 -  0x00, 
  2561 +  0x30, 0x39, 0x30, 0x14, 0x06, 0x07, 0x2a, 0x86, 0x48, 0xce, 0x3d, 0x02,
  2562 +  0x01, 0x06, 0x09, 0x2b, 0x06, 0x01, 0x04, 0x01, 0xda, 0x47, 0x0f, 0x01,
  2563 +  0x03, 0x21, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
  2564 +  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
  2565 +  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
  2566  };
  2568 +// Note that we do not use isxdigit because it is locale-dependent
  2569 +// See:
  2570 +static inline char
  2571 +is_hex_digit(char c)
  2572 +{
  2573 +  return ('0' <= c && c <= '9') || ('a' <= c && c <= 'f') ||
  2574 +         ('A' <= c && c <= 'F');
  2575 +}
  2576 +
  2577 +// Note that we do not use toupper because it is locale-dependent
  2578 +// See:
  2579 +static inline char
  2580 +to_upper(char c)
  2581 +{
  2582 +  if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
  2583 +    return c - 0x20;
  2584 +  } else {
  2585 +    return c;
  2586 +  }
  2587 +}
  2588 +
  2589  static inline uint8_t
  2590 -hex_to_int (char h)
  2591 +hex_to_int(char h)
  2592  {
  2593 -  return (h > '9') ? toupper (h) - 'A' + 10 : (h - '0');
  2594 +  return (h > '9') ? to_upper(h) - 'A' + 10 : (h - '0');
  2595  }
  2597 -static inline unsigned char 
  2598 -int_to_hex (uint8_t i)
  2599 +static inline unsigned char
  2600 +int_to_hex(uint8_t i)
  2601  {
  2602    return (i > 0x09) ? ((i - 10) + 'A') : i + '0';
  2603  }
  2605 -
  2606 -static SECStatus 
  2607 -derive_dh_secret (PK11SymKey **shared_secret, PrivateKey priv, PublicKey pub)
  2608 +static SECStatus
  2609 +derive_dh_secret(PK11SymKey** shared_secret, PrivateKey priv, PublicKey pub)
  2610  {
  2611 -  if (priv == NULL) return SECFailure;
  2612 -  if (pub == NULL) return SECFailure;
  2613 -  if (shared_secret == NULL) return SECFailure;
  2614 +  if (priv == NULL)
  2615 +    return SECFailure;
  2616 +  if (pub == NULL)
  2617 +    return SECFailure;
  2618 +  if (shared_secret == NULL)
  2619 +    return SECFailure;
  2621    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
  2622    *shared_secret = NULL;
  2624 -  P_CHECKA (*shared_secret = PK11_PubDeriveWithKDF (priv, pub, PR_FALSE,
  2626 -        CKA_ENCRYPT | CKA_DECRYPT, 16,
  2627 -        CKD_SHA256_KDF, NULL, NULL));
  2628 +  P_CHECKA(*shared_secret = PK11_PubDeriveWithKDF(
  2629 +             priv, pub, PR_FALSE, NULL, NULL, CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE, CKM_AES_GCM,
  2630 +             CKA_ENCRYPT | CKA_DECRYPT, 16, CKD_SHA256_KDF, NULL, NULL));
  2632  cleanup:
  2633    return rv;
  2634  }
  2636  SECStatus
  2637 -PublicKey_import (PublicKey *pk, const unsigned char *data, unsigned int dataLen)
  2638 +PublicKey_import(PublicKey* pk, const unsigned char* data, unsigned int dataLen)
  2639  {
  2640    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
  2641 -  CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo *pkinfo = NULL;
  2642 +  CERTSubjectPublicKeyInfo* pkinfo = NULL;
  2643    *pk = NULL;
  2645    if (dataLen != CURVE25519_KEY_LEN)
  2646      return SECFailure;
  2648    unsigned char key_bytes[dataLen];
  2649 -  memcpy (key_bytes, data, dataLen);
  2650 +  memcpy(key_bytes, data, dataLen);
  2652 -  const int spki_len = sizeof (curve25519_spki_zeros);
  2653 +  const int spki_len = sizeof(curve25519_spki_zeros);
  2654    uint8_t spki_data[spki_len];
  2655 -  memcpy (spki_data, curve25519_spki_zeros, spki_len);
  2656 +  memcpy(spki_data, curve25519_spki_zeros, spki_len);
  2657    SECItem spki_item = { siBuffer, spki_data, spki_len };
  2659 -  // Import the all-zeros curve25519 public key. 
  2660 -  P_CHECKA (pkinfo = SECKEY_DecodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo (&spki_item));
  2661 -  P_CHECKA (*pk = SECKEY_ExtractPublicKey (pkinfo));
  2662 +  // Import the all-zeros curve25519 public key.
  2663 +  P_CHECKA(pkinfo = SECKEY_DecodeDERSubjectPublicKeyInfo(&spki_item));
  2664 +  P_CHECKA(*pk = SECKEY_ExtractPublicKey(pkinfo));
  2666    // Overwrite the all-zeros public key with the 32-byte curve25519 public key
  2667    // given as input.
  2668 -  memcpy ((*pk)->, data, CURVE25519_KEY_LEN);
  2669 +  memcpy((*pk)->, data, CURVE25519_KEY_LEN);
  2671  cleanup:
  2672 -  if (pkinfo) 
  2673 -    SECKEY_DestroySubjectPublicKeyInfo (pkinfo);
  2674 +  if (pkinfo)
  2675 +    SECKEY_DestroySubjectPublicKeyInfo(pkinfo);
  2677    if (rv != SECSuccess)
  2678 -    PublicKey_clear (*pk);
  2679 +    PublicKey_clear(*pk);
  2680    return rv;
  2681  }
  2683  SECStatus
  2684 -PublicKey_import_hex (PublicKey *pk, const unsigned char *hex_data, unsigned int dataLen)
  2685 +PublicKey_import_hex(PublicKey* pk, const unsigned char* hex_data,
  2686 +                     unsigned int dataLen)
  2687  {
  2688    unsigned char raw_bytes[CURVE25519_KEY_LEN];
  2690    if (dataLen != CURVE25519_KEY_LEN_HEX)
  2691      return SECFailure;
  2693 -  for (unsigned int i=0; i<dataLen; i++) {
  2694 -    if (!isxdigit (hex_data[i]))
  2695 +  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dataLen; i++) {
  2696 +    if (!is_hex_digit(hex_data[i]))
  2697        return SECFailure;
  2698    }
  2700 -  const unsigned char *p = hex_data;
  2701 -  for (unsigned int i=0; i<CURVE25519_KEY_LEN; i++) {
  2702 -    uint8_t d0 = hex_to_int (p[0]);
  2703 -    uint8_t d1 = hex_to_int (p[1]);
  2704 +  const unsigned char* p = hex_data;
  2705 +  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < CURVE25519_KEY_LEN; i++) {
  2706 +    uint8_t d0 = hex_to_int(p[0]);
  2707 +    uint8_t d1 = hex_to_int(p[1]);
  2708      raw_bytes[i] = (d0 << 4) | d1;
  2709      p += 2;
  2710    }
  2712 -  return PublicKey_import (pk, raw_bytes, CURVE25519_KEY_LEN);
  2713 +  return PublicKey_import(pk, raw_bytes, CURVE25519_KEY_LEN);
  2714  }
  2716 -SECStatus 
  2717 -PublicKey_export (const_PublicKey pk, unsigned char data[CURVE25519_KEY_LEN])
  2718 +SECStatus
  2719 +PublicKey_export(const_PublicKey pk, unsigned char data[CURVE25519_KEY_LEN])
  2720  {
  2721 -  if (pk == NULL) return SECFailure;
  2722 +  if (pk == NULL)
  2723 +    return SECFailure;
  2725 -  memcpy (data, pk->, CURVE25519_KEY_LEN);
  2726 +  memcpy(data, pk->, CURVE25519_KEY_LEN);
  2728    return SECSuccess;
  2729  }
  2731 -SECStatus 
  2732 -PublicKey_export_hex (const_PublicKey pk, unsigned char data[(2*CURVE25519_KEY_LEN)+1])
  2733 +SECStatus
  2734 +PublicKey_export_hex(const_PublicKey pk,
  2735 +                     unsigned char data[(2 * CURVE25519_KEY_LEN) + 1])
  2736  {
  2737    unsigned char raw_data[CURVE25519_KEY_LEN];
  2738 -  if (PublicKey_export (pk, raw_data) != SECSuccess)
  2739 +  if (PublicKey_export(pk, raw_data) != SECSuccess)
  2740      return SECFailure;
  2742 -  const unsigned char *p = raw_data;
  2743 -  for (unsigned int i=0; i<CURVE25519_KEY_LEN; i++) {
  2744 +  const unsigned char* p = raw_data;
  2745 +  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < CURVE25519_KEY_LEN; i++) {
  2746      unsigned char bytel = p[0] & 0x0f;
  2747      unsigned char byteu = (p[0] & 0xf0) >> 4;
  2748 -    data[2*i] = int_to_hex (byteu);
  2749 -    data[2*i + 1] = int_to_hex (bytel);
  2750 +    data[2 * i] = int_to_hex(byteu);
  2751 +    data[2 * i + 1] = int_to_hex(bytel);
  2752      p++;
  2753    }
  2755 -  data[2*CURVE25519_KEY_LEN] = '\0';
  2756 +  data[2 * CURVE25519_KEY_LEN] = '\0';
  2757    return SECSuccess;
  2758  }
  2760 -SECStatus 
  2761 -Keypair_new (PrivateKey *pvtkey, PublicKey *pubkey)
  2762 +SECStatus
  2763 +Keypair_new(PrivateKey* pvtkey, PublicKey* pubkey)
  2764  {
  2765 -  if (pvtkey == NULL) return SECFailure;
  2766 -  if (pubkey == NULL) return SECFailure;
  2767 +  if (pvtkey == NULL)
  2768 +    return SECFailure;
  2769 +  if (pubkey == NULL)
  2770 +    return SECFailure;
  2772    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
  2773 -  SECOidData *oid_data = NULL;
  2774 +  SECOidData* oid_data = NULL;
  2775    *pubkey = NULL;
  2776    *pvtkey = NULL;
  2778    SECKEYECParams ecp;
  2779 = NULL;
  2780 -  PK11SlotInfo *slot = NULL;
  2781 +  PK11SlotInfo* slot = NULL;
  2783 -  P_CHECKA (oid_data = SECOID_FindOIDByTag (CURVE_OID_TAG));
  2784 +  P_CHECKA(oid_data = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(CURVE_OID_TAG));
  2785    const int oid_struct_len = 2 + oid_data->oid.len;
  2787 -  P_CHECKA ( = malloc (oid_struct_len));
  2788 +  P_CHECKA( = malloc(oid_struct_len));
  2789    ecp.len = oid_struct_len;
  2790 -  
  2791 +
  2792    ecp.type = siDEROID;
  2794[0] = SEC_ASN1_OBJECT_ID;
  2795[1] = oid_data->oid.len;
  2796 -  memcpy (&[2], oid_data->, oid_data->oid.len);
  2797 +  memcpy(&[2], oid_data->, oid_data->oid.len);
  2799 -  P_CHECKA (slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot ());
  2800 -  P_CHECKA (*pvtkey = PK11_GenerateKeyPair(slot, CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN, &ecp, 
  2801 -      (SECKEYPublicKey **)pubkey, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE, NULL));
  2802 -  PK11_FreeSlot (slot);
  2803 +  P_CHECKA(slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot());
  2804 +  P_CHECKA(*pvtkey = PK11_GenerateKeyPair(slot, CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN, &ecp,
  2805 +                                          (SECKEYPublicKey**)pubkey, PR_FALSE,
  2806 +                                          PR_FALSE, NULL));
  2807 +  PK11_FreeSlot(slot);
  2809  cleanup:
  2810    if (
  2811 -    free (;
  2812 +    free(;
  2813    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
  2814 -    PublicKey_clear (*pubkey);
  2815 -    PrivateKey_clear (*pvtkey);
  2816 +    PublicKey_clear(*pubkey);
  2817 +    PrivateKey_clear(*pvtkey);
  2818    }
  2819    return rv;
  2820  }
  2822 -void 
  2823 -PublicKey_clear (PublicKey pubkey)
  2824 +void
  2825 +PublicKey_clear(PublicKey pubkey)
  2826  {
  2827 -  if (pubkey) 
  2828 +  if (pubkey)
  2829      SECKEY_DestroyPublicKey(pubkey);
  2830  }
  2832 -void 
  2833 -PrivateKey_clear (PrivateKey pvtkey)
  2834 +void
  2835 +PrivateKey_clear(PrivateKey pvtkey)
  2836  {
  2837 -  if (pvtkey) 
  2838 -    SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(pvtkey); 
  2839 +  if (pvtkey)
  2840 +    SECKEY_DestroyPrivateKey(pvtkey);
  2841  }
  2843 -const SECItem *
  2844 -PublicKey_toBytes (const_PublicKey pubkey)
  2845 +const SECItem*
  2846 +PublicKey_toBytes(const_PublicKey pubkey)
  2847  {
  2848    return &pubkey->;
  2849  }
  2851  SECStatus
  2852 -PublicKey_encryptSize (unsigned int inputLen, unsigned int *outputLen)
  2853 +PublicKey_encryptSize(unsigned int inputLen, unsigned int* outputLen)
  2854  {
  2855    if (outputLen == NULL || inputLen >= MAX_ENCRYPT_LEN)
  2856      return SECFailure;
  2858    // public key, IV, tag, and input
  2859 -  *outputLen = CURVE25519_KEY_LEN + GCM_IV_LEN_BYTES + GCM_TAG_LEN_BYTES + inputLen;
  2860 +  *outputLen =
  2861 +    CURVE25519_KEY_LEN + GCM_IV_LEN_BYTES + GCM_TAG_LEN_BYTES + inputLen;
  2862    return SECSuccess;
  2863  }
  2865 -static void 
  2866 -set_gcm_params (SECItem *paramItem, CK_GCM_PARAMS *param, unsigned char *nonce,
  2867 -    const_PublicKey pubkey, unsigned char *aadBuf)
  2868 +static void
  2869 +set_gcm_params(SECItem* paramItem, CK_GCM_PARAMS* param, unsigned char* nonce,
  2870 +               const_PublicKey pubkey, unsigned char* aadBuf)
  2871  {
  2872    int offset = 0;
  2873 -  memcpy (aadBuf, PRIO_TAG, strlen (PRIO_TAG));
  2874 -  offset += strlen (PRIO_TAG);
  2875 -  memcpy (aadBuf + offset, PublicKey_toBytes (pubkey)->data, CURVE25519_KEY_LEN);
  2876 +  memcpy(aadBuf, PRIO_TAG, strlen(PRIO_TAG));
  2877 +  offset += strlen(PRIO_TAG);
  2878 +  memcpy(aadBuf + offset, PublicKey_toBytes(pubkey)->data, CURVE25519_KEY_LEN);
  2879    offset += CURVE25519_KEY_LEN;
  2880 -  memcpy (aadBuf + offset, nonce, GCM_IV_LEN_BYTES);
  2881 - 
  2882 +  memcpy(aadBuf + offset, nonce, GCM_IV_LEN_BYTES);
  2883 +
  2884    param->pIv = nonce;
  2885    param->ulIvLen = GCM_IV_LEN_BYTES;
  2886    param->pAAD = aadBuf;
  2887 @@ -247,17 +276,14 @@
  2888    param->ulTagBits = GCM_TAG_LEN_BYTES * 8;
  2890    paramItem->type = siBuffer;
  2891 -  paramItem->data = (void *)param;
  2892 -  paramItem->len = sizeof (*param);
  2893 -
  2894 +  paramItem->data = (void*)param;
  2895 +  paramItem->len = sizeof(*param);
  2896  }
  2898 -SECStatus 
  2899 -PublicKey_encrypt (PublicKey pubkey, 
  2900 -    unsigned char *output, 
  2901 -    unsigned int *outputLen, 
  2902 -    unsigned int maxOutputLen, 
  2903 -    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
  2904 +SECStatus
  2905 +PublicKey_encrypt(PublicKey pubkey, unsigned char* output,
  2906 +                  unsigned int* outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
  2907 +                  const unsigned char* input, unsigned int inputLen)
  2908  {
  2909    if (pubkey == NULL)
  2910      return SECFailure;
  2911 @@ -266,55 +292,53 @@
  2912      return SECFailure;
  2914    unsigned int needLen;
  2915 -  if (PublicKey_encryptSize (inputLen, &needLen) != SECSuccess)
  2916 +  if (PublicKey_encryptSize(inputLen, &needLen) != SECSuccess)
  2917      return SECFailure;
  2919 -  if (maxOutputLen < needLen) 
  2920 +  if (maxOutputLen < needLen)
  2921      return SECFailure;
  2923    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
  2924 -  PublicKey eph_pub = NULL;  
  2925 -  PrivateKey eph_priv = NULL;  
  2926 -  PK11SymKey *aes_key = NULL;  
  2927 +  PublicKey eph_pub = NULL;
  2928 +  PrivateKey eph_priv = NULL;
  2929 +  PK11SymKey* aes_key = NULL;
  2931    unsigned char nonce[GCM_IV_LEN_BYTES];
  2932    unsigned char aadBuf[AAD_LEN];
  2933 -  P_CHECKC (rand_bytes (nonce, GCM_IV_LEN_BYTES));
  2934 +  P_CHECKC(rand_bytes(nonce, GCM_IV_LEN_BYTES));
  2936 -  P_CHECKC (Keypair_new (&eph_priv, &eph_pub));
  2937 -  P_CHECKC (derive_dh_secret (&aes_key, eph_priv, pubkey));
  2938 +  P_CHECKC(Keypair_new(&eph_priv, &eph_pub));
  2939 +  P_CHECKC(derive_dh_secret(&aes_key, eph_priv, pubkey));
  2941    CK_GCM_PARAMS param;
  2942    SECItem paramItem;
  2943 -  set_gcm_params (&paramItem, &param, nonce, eph_pub, aadBuf);
  2944 +  set_gcm_params(&paramItem, &param, nonce, eph_pub, aadBuf);
  2946 -  const SECItem *pk = PublicKey_toBytes (eph_pub);
  2947 -  P_CHECKCB (pk->len == CURVE25519_KEY_LEN);
  2948 -  memcpy (output, pk->data, pk->len);
  2949 -  memcpy (output + CURVE25519_KEY_LEN, param.pIv, param.ulIvLen);
  2950 +  const SECItem* pk = PublicKey_toBytes(eph_pub);
  2951 +  P_CHECKCB(pk->len == CURVE25519_KEY_LEN);
  2952 +  memcpy(output, pk->data, pk->len);
  2953 +  memcpy(output + CURVE25519_KEY_LEN, param.pIv, param.ulIvLen);
  2955    const int offset = CURVE25519_KEY_LEN + param.ulIvLen;
  2956 -  P_CHECKC (PK11_Encrypt (aes_key, CKM_AES_GCM, &paramItem, output + offset,
  2957 -        outputLen, maxOutputLen - offset, input, inputLen));
  2958 +  P_CHECKC(PK11_Encrypt(aes_key, CKM_AES_GCM, &paramItem, output + offset,
  2959 +                        outputLen, maxOutputLen - offset, input, inputLen));
  2960    *outputLen = *outputLen + CURVE25519_KEY_LEN + GCM_IV_LEN_BYTES;
  2962  cleanup:
  2963 -  PublicKey_clear (eph_pub);
  2964 -  PrivateKey_clear (eph_priv);
  2965 -  if (aes_key) 
  2966 -    PK11_FreeSymKey (aes_key);
  2967 +  PublicKey_clear(eph_pub);
  2968 +  PrivateKey_clear(eph_priv);
  2969 +  if (aes_key)
  2970 +    PK11_FreeSymKey(aes_key);
  2972    return rv;
  2973  }
  2975 -SECStatus 
  2976 -PrivateKey_decrypt (PrivateKey privkey, 
  2977 -    unsigned char *output, 
  2978 -    unsigned int *outputLen, 
  2979 -    unsigned int maxOutputLen, 
  2980 -    const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputLen)
  2981 +SECStatus
  2982 +PrivateKey_decrypt(PrivateKey privkey, unsigned char* output,
  2983 +                   unsigned int* outputLen, unsigned int maxOutputLen,
  2984 +                   const unsigned char* input, unsigned int inputLen)
  2985  {
  2986 -  PK11SymKey *aes_key = NULL;
  2987 +  PK11SymKey* aes_key = NULL;
  2988    PublicKey eph_pub = NULL;
  2989    unsigned char aad_buf[AAD_LEN];
  2991 @@ -323,34 +347,33 @@
  2993    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
  2994    unsigned int headerLen;
  2995 -  if (PublicKey_encryptSize (0, &headerLen) != SECSuccess)
  2996 +  if (PublicKey_encryptSize(0, &headerLen) != SECSuccess)
  2997      return SECFailure;
  2999 -  if (inputLen < headerLen) 
  3000 +  if (inputLen < headerLen)
  3001      return SECFailure;
  3003    const unsigned int msglen = inputLen - headerLen;
  3004    if (maxOutputLen < msglen || msglen >= MAX_ENCRYPT_LEN)
  3005      return SECFailure;
  3007 -  P_CHECKC (PublicKey_import (&eph_pub, input, CURVE25519_KEY_LEN));
  3008 +  P_CHECKC(PublicKey_import(&eph_pub, input, CURVE25519_KEY_LEN));
  3009    unsigned char nonce[GCM_IV_LEN_BYTES];
  3010 -  memcpy (nonce, input + CURVE25519_KEY_LEN, GCM_IV_LEN_BYTES);
  3011 +  memcpy(nonce, input + CURVE25519_KEY_LEN, GCM_IV_LEN_BYTES);
  3013    SECItem paramItem;
  3014    CK_GCM_PARAMS param;
  3015 -  set_gcm_params (&paramItem, &param, nonce, eph_pub, aad_buf);
  3016 - 
  3017 -  P_CHECKC (derive_dh_secret (&aes_key, privkey, eph_pub));
  3018 +  set_gcm_params(&paramItem, &param, nonce, eph_pub, aad_buf);
  3019 +
  3020 +  P_CHECKC(derive_dh_secret(&aes_key, privkey, eph_pub));
  3022    const int offset = CURVE25519_KEY_LEN + GCM_IV_LEN_BYTES;
  3023 -  P_CHECKC (PK11_Decrypt (aes_key, CKM_AES_GCM, &paramItem, output,
  3024 -        outputLen, maxOutputLen, input + offset, inputLen - offset));
  3025 +  P_CHECKC(PK11_Decrypt(aes_key, CKM_AES_GCM, &paramItem, output, outputLen,
  3026 +                        maxOutputLen, input + offset, inputLen - offset));
  3028  cleanup:
  3029 -  PublicKey_clear (eph_pub);
  3030 -  if (aes_key) 
  3031 -    PK11_FreeSymKey (aes_key);
  3032 +  PublicKey_clear(eph_pub);
  3033 +  if (aes_key)
  3034 +    PK11_FreeSymKey(aes_key);
  3035    return rv;
  3036  }
  3037 -
  3038 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/mparray.h b/third_party/prio/prio/mparray.h
  3039 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/mparray.h
  3040 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/mparray.h
  3041 @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  3042  /*
  3043   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
  3044 - * 
  3045 + *
  3046   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  3047   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  3048 - * file, You can obtain one at 
  3049 + * file, You can obtain one at
  3050   */
  3052  #ifndef __MPARRAY_H__
  3053 @@ -12,60 +12,59 @@
  3054  #include <mpi.h>
  3055  #include <mprio.h>
  3057 -struct mparray {
  3058 +struct mparray
  3059 +{
  3060    int len;
  3061 -  mp_int *data;
  3062 +  mp_int* data;
  3063  };
  3065 -typedef struct mparray *MPArray;
  3066 -typedef const struct mparray *const_MPArray;
  3067 +typedef struct mparray* MPArray;
  3068 +typedef const struct mparray* const_MPArray;
  3070  /*
  3071   * Initialize an array of `mp_int`s of the given length.
  3072   */
  3073 -MPArray MPArray_new (int len);
  3074 -void MPArray_clear (MPArray arr);
  3075 +MPArray MPArray_new(int len);
  3076 +void MPArray_clear(MPArray arr);
  3078 -/* 
  3079 +/*
  3080   * Copies secret sharing of data from src into arrays
  3081   * arrA and arrB. The lengths of the three input arrays
  3082   * must be identical.
  3083   */
  3084 -SECStatus MPArray_set_share (MPArray arrA, MPArray arrB, 
  3085 -    const_MPArray src, const_PrioConfig cfg);
  3086 +SECStatus MPArray_set_share(MPArray arrA, MPArray arrB, const_MPArray src,
  3087 +                            const_PrioConfig cfg);
  3089 -/* 
  3090 +/*
  3091   * Initializes array with 0/1 values specified in boolean array `data_in`
  3092   */
  3093 -MPArray MPArray_new_bool (int len, const bool *data_in);
  3094 +MPArray MPArray_new_bool(int len, const bool* data_in);
  3096 -/* 
  3097 +/*
  3098   * Expands or shrinks the MPArray to the desired size. If shrinking,
  3099   * will clear the values on the end of array.
  3100   */
  3101 -SECStatus MPArray_resize (MPArray arr, int newlen);
  3102 +SECStatus MPArray_resize(MPArray arr, int newlen);
  3104  /*
  3105 - * Initializes dst and creates a duplicate of the array in src. 
  3106 + * Initializes dst and creates a duplicate of the array in src.
  3107   */
  3108 -MPArray MPArray_dup (const_MPArray src);
  3109 +MPArray MPArray_dup(const_MPArray src);
  3111  /*
  3112   * Copies array from src to dst. Arrays must have the same length.
  3113   */
  3114 -SECStatus MPArray_copy (MPArray dst, const_MPArray src);
  3115 +SECStatus MPArray_copy(MPArray dst, const_MPArray src);
  3117  /* For each index i into the array, set:
  3118   *    dst[i] = dst[i] + to_add[i]   (modulo mod)
  3119   */
  3120 -SECStatus MPArray_addmod (MPArray dst, const_MPArray to_add, 
  3121 -    const mp_int *mod);
  3122 +SECStatus MPArray_addmod(MPArray dst, const_MPArray to_add, const mp_int* mod);
  3124  /*
  3125   * Return true iff the two arrays are equal in length
  3126   * and contents. This comparison is NOT constant time.
  3127   */
  3128 -bool MPArray_areEqual (const_MPArray arr1, const_MPArray arr2);
  3129 +bool MPArray_areEqual(const_MPArray arr1, const_MPArray arr2);
  3131  #endif /* __MPARRAY_H__ */
  3132 -
  3133 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/mparray.c b/third_party/prio/prio/mparray.c
  3134 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/mparray.c
  3135 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/mparray.c
  3136 @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  3137  /*
  3138   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
  3139 - * 
  3140 + *
  3141   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  3142   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  3143 - * file, You can obtain one at 
  3144 + * file, You can obtain one at
  3145   */
  3147  #include <mprio.h>
  3148 @@ -15,31 +15,31 @@
  3149  #include "util.h"
  3151  MPArray
  3152 -MPArray_new (int len)
  3153 +MPArray_new(int len)
  3154  {
  3155    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
  3156 -  MPArray arr = malloc (sizeof *arr);
  3157 -  if (!arr) 
  3158 +  MPArray arr = malloc(sizeof *arr);
  3159 +  if (!arr)
  3160      return NULL;
  3162    arr->data = NULL;
  3163    arr->len = len;
  3165 -  P_CHECKA(arr->data = calloc (len, sizeof (mp_int)));
  3166 +  P_CHECKA(arr->data = calloc(len, sizeof(mp_int)));
  3168    // Initialize these to NULL so that we can figure
  3169    // out which allocations failed (if any)
  3170 -  for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
  3171 -    MP_DIGITS (&arr->data[i]) = NULL;
  3172 +  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
  3173 +    MP_DIGITS(&arr->data[i]) = NULL;
  3174    }
  3176 -  for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
  3177 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_init(&arr->data[i]));
  3178 +  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
  3179 +    MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&arr->data[i]));
  3180    }
  3182  cleanup:
  3183    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
  3184 -    MPArray_clear (arr);
  3185 +    MPArray_clear(arr);
  3186      return NULL;
  3187    }
  3189 @@ -47,87 +47,89 @@
  3190  }
  3192  MPArray
  3193 -MPArray_new_bool (int len, const bool *data_in)
  3194 +MPArray_new_bool(int len, const bool* data_in)
  3195  {
  3196 -  MPArray arr = MPArray_new (len);
  3197 -  if (arr == NULL) return NULL;
  3198 +  MPArray arr = MPArray_new(len);
  3199 +  if (arr == NULL)
  3200 +    return NULL;
  3202 -  for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
  3203 -    mp_set (&arr->data[i], data_in[i]);
  3204 +  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
  3205 +    mp_set(&arr->data[i], data_in[i]);
  3206    }
  3207 - 
  3208 +
  3209    return arr;
  3210  }
  3212  SECStatus
  3213 -MPArray_resize (MPArray arr, int newlen)
  3214 +MPArray_resize(MPArray arr, int newlen)
  3215  {
  3216    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
  3217    const int oldlen = arr->len;
  3219    if (oldlen == newlen)
  3220 -    return rv;  
  3221 +    return rv;
  3223    // TODO: Use realloc for this?
  3224 -  mp_int *newdata = calloc (newlen, sizeof (mp_int));
  3225 +  mp_int* newdata = calloc(newlen, sizeof(mp_int));
  3226    if (newdata == NULL)
  3227      return SECFailure;
  3229    for (int i = 0; i < newlen; i++) {
  3230 -    MP_DIGITS (&newdata[i]) = NULL;
  3231 +    MP_DIGITS(&newdata[i]) = NULL;
  3232    }
  3234    // Initialize new array
  3235    for (int i = 0; i < newlen; i++) {
  3236 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&newdata[i]));
  3237 +    MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&newdata[i]));
  3238    }
  3240    // Copy old data into new array
  3241    for (int i = 0; i < newlen && i < oldlen; i++) {
  3242 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_copy (&arr->data[i], &newdata[i]));
  3243 +    MP_CHECKC(mp_copy(&arr->data[i], &newdata[i]));
  3244    }
  3246    // Free old data
  3247    for (int i = 0; i < oldlen; i++) {
  3248 -    mp_clear (&arr->data[i]);
  3249 +    mp_clear(&arr->data[i]);
  3250    }
  3251 -  free (arr->data);
  3252 +  free(arr->data);
  3253    arr->data = newdata;
  3254    arr->len = newlen;
  3256  cleanup:
  3257    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
  3258 -    for (int i=0; i < newlen; i++) {
  3259 -      mp_clear (&newdata[i]);
  3260 +    for (int i = 0; i < newlen; i++) {
  3261 +      mp_clear(&newdata[i]);
  3262      }
  3263 -    free (newdata);
  3264 +    free(newdata);
  3265    }
  3267    return rv;
  3268  }
  3270  MPArray
  3271 -MPArray_dup (const_MPArray src)
  3272 +MPArray_dup(const_MPArray src)
  3273  {
  3274 -  MPArray dst = MPArray_new (src->len); 
  3275 -  if (!dst) return NULL;
  3276 +  MPArray dst = MPArray_new(src->len);
  3277 +  if (!dst)
  3278 +    return NULL;
  3280 -  SECStatus rv = MPArray_copy (dst, src); 
  3281 +  SECStatus rv = MPArray_copy(dst, src);
  3282    if (rv == SECSuccess) {
  3283      return dst;
  3284    } else {
  3285 -    MPArray_clear (dst);
  3286 +    MPArray_clear(dst);
  3287      return NULL;
  3288    }
  3289  }
  3291  SECStatus
  3292 -MPArray_copy (MPArray dst, const_MPArray src)
  3293 +MPArray_copy(MPArray dst, const_MPArray src)
  3294  {
  3295    if (dst->len != src->len)
  3296      return SECFailure;
  3298 -  for (int i=0; i<src->len; i++) {
  3299 +  for (int i = 0; i < src->len; i++) {
  3300      if (mp_copy(&src->data[i], &dst->data[i]) != MP_OKAY) {
  3301        return SECFailure;
  3302      }
  3303 @@ -136,10 +138,9 @@
  3304    return SECSuccess;
  3305  }
  3307 -
  3308  SECStatus
  3309 -MPArray_set_share (MPArray arrA, MPArray arrB, 
  3310 -    const_MPArray src, const_PrioConfig cfg)
  3311 +MPArray_set_share(MPArray arrA, MPArray arrB, const_MPArray src,
  3312 +                  const_PrioConfig cfg)
  3313  {
  3314    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
  3315    if (arrA->len != src->len || arrB->len != src->len)
  3316 @@ -147,48 +148,49 @@
  3318    const int len = src->len;
  3320 -  for (int i=0; i < len; i++) {
  3321 -    P_CHECK(share_int (cfg, &src->data[i], &arrA->data[i], &arrB->data[i])); 
  3322 +  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
  3323 +    P_CHECK(share_int(cfg, &src->data[i], &arrA->data[i], &arrB->data[i]));
  3324    }
  3326    return rv;
  3327  }
  3329 -
  3330 -void 
  3331 -MPArray_clear (MPArray arr)
  3332 +void
  3333 +MPArray_clear(MPArray arr)
  3334  {
  3335 -  if (arr == NULL) return;
  3336 +  if (arr == NULL)
  3337 +    return;
  3339    if (arr->data != NULL) {
  3340 -    for (int i=0; i<arr->len; i++) {
  3341 +    for (int i = 0; i < arr->len; i++) {
  3342        mp_clear(&arr->data[i]);
  3343      }
  3344 -    free (arr->data); 
  3345 +    free(arr->data);
  3346    }
  3347 -  free (arr);
  3348 +  free(arr);
  3349  }
  3351  SECStatus
  3352 -MPArray_addmod (MPArray dst, const_MPArray to_add, const mp_int *mod)
  3353 +MPArray_addmod(MPArray dst, const_MPArray to_add, const mp_int* mod)
  3354  {
  3355    if (dst->len != to_add->len)
  3356      return SECFailure;
  3358 -  for (int i=0; i<dst->len; i++) {
  3359 -    MP_CHECK (mp_addmod (&dst->data[i], &to_add->data[i], mod, &dst->data[i])); 
  3360 +  for (int i = 0; i < dst->len; i++) {
  3361 +    MP_CHECK(mp_addmod(&dst->data[i], &to_add->data[i], mod, &dst->data[i]));
  3362    }
  3364    return SECSuccess;
  3365  }
  3367 -bool 
  3368 -MPArray_areEqual (const_MPArray arr1, const_MPArray arr2)
  3369 +bool
  3370 +MPArray_areEqual(const_MPArray arr1, const_MPArray arr2)
  3371  {
  3372 -  if (arr1->len != arr2->len) return false;
  3373 +  if (arr1->len != arr2->len)
  3374 +    return false;
  3376 -  for (int i=0; i<arr1->len; i++) {
  3377 -    if (mp_cmp (&arr1->data[i], &arr2->data[i]))
  3378 +  for (int i = 0; i < arr1->len; i++) {
  3379 +    if (mp_cmp(&arr1->data[i], &arr2->data[i]))
  3380        return false;
  3381    }
  3383 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/params.h b/third_party/prio/prio/params.h
  3384 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/params.h
  3385 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/params.h
  3386 @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
  3387  /*
  3388   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
  3389 - * 
  3390 + *
  3391   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  3392   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  3393 - * file, You can obtain one at 
  3394 + * file, You can obtain one at
  3395   */
  3397  /****
  3398 @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
  3399  #define __PARAMS_H__
  3401  // A prime modulus p.
  3402 -static const char *Modulus = "8000000000000000080001";
  3403 +static const char* Modulus = "8000000000000000080001";
  3405  // A generator g of a subgroup of Z*_p.
  3406  // static const char *Generator = "5569560418e73ff9db709";
  3407 @@ -24,8203 +24,8198 @@
  3408  // order 2^Generator2Order in Z*_p.
  3409  static const int Generator2Order = 12;
  3411 -static const char *Roots[] = {
  3412 -       "1",
  3413 -   "5569560418e73ff9db709",
  3414 -   "5bf795c6d548a19b6ac340",
  3415 -   "760df490123f6613b0a970",
  3416 -   "7cec29d14a0eefb222bde7",
  3417 -   "3c70a3f0e9c5b206031a33",
  3418 -   "1cec8c96472b84936bbc22",
  3419 -   "3315173915ca23d8c1b814",
  3420 -   "39a0c4e1da321f1bc126f4",
  3421 -   "760f3656c1130b21d369d9",
  3422 -   "452231c3bcde7b7b5b0af8",
  3423 -   "6fe27c77d57e2feb8cbcbf",
  3424 -   "3a7a488015e75feec809f8",
  3425 -   "c16d15fea9d61c8df5121",
  3426 -   "5a8a9b5c659b71e837ea18",
  3427 -   "506d84c9f4d4bc400fdd25",
  3428 -   "4d7566cd294f75be6620f3",
  3429 -   "5f80095f2580ec4cf13b51",
  3430 -   "34eea7a66e8ff3dcc8988e",
  3431 -   "899b1ac6f72ffff8aedfc",
  3432 -   "3cb5a124ce563c3967dbc3",
  3433 -   "16d5205447831696c5d6a0",
  3434 -   "414e761d40341e7f97c304",
  3435 -   "498104aa12355244a9b0d6",
  3436 -   "3a8c5a9525f5d62cea294d",
  3437 -   "1c90fea5f39d8ac4dfc2a3",
  3438 -   "6a716dae106b9aeff2133e",
  3439 -   "735cfad9acf49090fb7037",
  3440 -   "5f4e7c70ff55ff2f888f05",
  3441 -   "2f39a2788d5c2a24e16acc",
  3442 -   "38d9d05f9463a537f470b2",
  3443 -   "72b5d8f8e65cb7509a93d8",
  3444 -   "75066462fdbbc7301e209b",
  3445 -   "55afbc51e7c2cc748942ac",
  3446 -   "47a1f466100bf70dd5689",
  3447 -   "57d88b5e0b434eb1a0dc08",
  3448 -   "27ec8c6636679988dd1267",
  3449 -   "4818e9ef0ea7625cfc3d0",
  3450 -   "68fa3ecc3845db5d523ad9",
  3451 -   "4c95bed884bd87ec1d5e70",
  3452 -   "7136b3dd116ed121aab68",
  3453 -   "60617400353c1eb8e8832b",
  3454 -   "19772e34181f57b670bf9",
  3455 -   "2f58f2df794a35875efc99",
  3456 -   "690aa96130f8c533d77ce4",
  3457 -   "df261ad3b5157a525bb81",
  3458 -   "6a437e22c95fc6c6a4449d",
  3459 -   "1cc2526113f2bae9b540c1",
  3460 -   "7fc2bcc524b4326eb8303d",
  3461 -   "751e9eb348bc8239d6e118",
  3462 -   "2fb170a11f1aecdf586d25",
  3463 -   "32aafc640e8c99bda8faa7",
  3464 -   "552aca5af025ea1e84aadb",
  3465 -   "30a3461d63ca9807464dd6",
  3466 -   "3f68fa1a9ab7772758d0ba",
  3467 -   "6ba1300374acd487b23577",
  3468 -   "35865b2ca16d3453781f41",
  3469 -   "3d1155c4a53835d991a0f",
  3470 -   "74bb588b5553c2b2d4ac78",
  3471 -   "3778fd3a46ffde4755b6ce",
  3472 -   "1d2b9ca2f44294070d4e86",
  3473 -   "38596ed050f14596adc07f",
  3474 -   "2015aa6fc7e48fa3bc5ab5",
  3475 -   "2ad2546b270547fc24541b",
  3476 -   "1dd1b432dc809fe4c879b3",
  3477 -   "149e6a0b6c6543ae895e07",
  3478 -   "7851b3168b92e5daed021f",
  3479 -   "2bee268df09cc40864a917",
  3480 -   "76c2f0ba37187112ee4d4d",
  3481 -   "53016aa1427381b9f28ea5",
  3482 -   "397f144a181805e1a097c9",
  3483 -   "634478b621f7f0a455c48c",
  3484 -   "7cc0116bd0bc164835ee72",
  3485 -   "310e395e429c4494a5f850",
  3486 -   "63e0dbdfb13b4fbb46f00c",
  3487 -   "4a9e2e5d8ad0e2e82aa7de",
  3488 -   "7d0578a8908ba294259bd",
  3489 -   "17276a59aa9630c1141c17",
  3490 -   "393fe0be8f011593a7e1ef",
  3491 -   "475e84f70334cc0bc8292",
  3492 -   "1ccd174e9aa4e58e7414bc",
  3493 -   "19b666810d736e639b51f2",
  3494 -   "2a48d89ce122dfa7deba2f",
  3495 -   "6520599b30ba3568ad0f09",
  3496 -   "4b35e35e82bffb49d0d830",
  3497 -   "3943e926fbe3d426004ea9",
  3498 -   "4e501beb4617be0f02deb4",
  3499 -   "343dad4f059acb87d3b0e2",
  3500 -   "7bb4f9d707b4ee3a20e779",
  3501 -   "7de4927696bdd6d3b718",
  3502 -   "6da3828f2d4926651f7a27",
  3503 -   "3601174a7dc823bf4dc3a6",
  3504 -   "223160cdd1bfa322ca3e6c",
  3505 -   "31a504d1dcc251075e4436",
  3506 -   "1b1ca5d6c688c4cf99448d",
  3507 -   "4309c1c59a581af63d922d",
  3508 -   "6077a88144957827c07205",
  3509 -   "22e321253c3e0fb875c4df",
  3510 -   "6b4728ee168cd23e2fe47c",
  3511 -   "1c35e13f8ffb7c470fa61c",
  3512 -   "4bacbc68650c41520d312c",
  3513 -   "455c9131bfa1c33274be37",
  3514 -   "23c82ae839bf5380a55acf",
  3515 -   "171e59c89024b148534f1b",
  3516 -   "165ff53589519199fc1846",
  3517 -   "69bb33c18017fddf18d091",
  3518 -   "2797689917c95a9d4073ae",
  3519 -   "527c4b155e3708972293d1",
  3520 -   "6e007172a16a9c673e635d",
  3521 -   "1921f3262afb2f3766f357",
  3522 -   "70a2d453b688803716fdbf",
  3523 -   "4fbc987e428ed0ce9cb76c",
  3524 -   "58320debe89492ceee77e",
  3525 -   "1b0c27c7452322264822f3",
  3526 -   "66ffe80af410522139e92f",
  3527 -   "5e56a7d976f1a3334f57c3",
  3528 -   "536a736ad3a37793dd9f54",
  3529 -   "407333b3b6a3bed3ef8920",
  3530 -   "76fed7d89907843db9af52",
  3531 -   "18019c176b4c9453028db8",
  3532 -   "4a54d9b3589d5340a01e23",
  3533 -   "1a4e5bc143bf00e8928403",
  3534 -   "61f4a55b140e767495cd59",
  3535 -   "25cab751e23d8e69bb5048",
  3536 -   "591bac661062f64b8e3f2c",
  3537 -   "7006ef130d31e12bc44c5a",
  3538 -   "6a23876a8c802d81d83d29",
  3539 -   "7cf9338ca9bcab73862b81",
  3540 -   "e941ecc714605cea72177",
  3541 -   "4839c6454f97ececa9969f",
  3542 -   "672d7083ec424e5d883cec",
  3543 -   "3722a55f27f2c02b34eddc",
  3544 -   "4f72850630f6f8c1a68862",
  3545 -   "1a63315aa52cb254b65ce0",
  3546 -   "5a0c2602dcbbbf468b67e0",
  3547 -   "23f219093e9b0bb3b5217d",
  3548 -   "4f6d8c8b0b9b376d42c4b1",
  3549 -   "7abf68b2e4cc9e3a3b2c5f",
  3550 -   "75f4eb6de0d35eeaa16cf8",
  3551 -   "6a81a8d913b71671629ad5",
  3552 -   "3afeb7cc8f8e5bb8770da",
  3553 -   "2b0fed7a534d25697e5c7b",
  3554 -   "2964973c288dced7dae8fc",
  3555 -   "a6c54d0ec55adb4911efd",
  3556 -   "7e958697030784ae5ddf86",
  3557 -   "7fd4ee663460087b793a80",
  3558 -   "5cafa83a10f929b5076c60",
  3559 -   "452d3dfff11e24bf680356",
  3560 -   "39242760b51f2f93fd4721",
  3561 -   "18ec20d19a478746123b",
  3562 -   "30f4f5617cc73435ce74c2",
  3563 -   "1851e925707895d37a37f2",
  3564 -   "6400e87749e3bcbd750d89",
  3565 -   "6c8879d694e1a0b99f8e42",
  3566 -   "3ecf9d05cd62341c4f7784",
  3567 -   "7895b432001edf846b7b3e",
  3568 -   "7c6b359299af5c59043711",
  3569 -   "13f13f9f2c877cb73ba5c",
  3570 -   "2193bc73ac4b40415c95b5",
  3571 -   "6351b2a5f477112f552683",
  3572 -   "48eaf0293f956717b8f048",
  3573 -   "21a363ab0e08a4336f2e44",
  3574 -   "d8c34dffd92c1a20d6a9a",
  3575 -   "7dc98aa964908b313939a9",
  3576 -   "327b2b8d0b75e0d83a5b04",
  3577 -   "2d1b2f087facf1fbfc7e69",
  3578 -   "6e97dd298eaee757a3cec1",
  3579 -   "504d29ae2e5a021d2bb278",
  3580 -   "5344962f90f45cfaeb1bce",
  3581 -   "767dc9d34c09b03db4a0e9",
  3582 -   "731a7b89f357bfb855a5b2",
  3583 -   "42cd59499a0ef57d6b0009",
  3584 -   "5d711409f3faa9ea87abfc",
  3585 -   "352389083277fbbbe66ac3",
  3586 -   "30a77107da1d91a699e9f5",
  3587 -   "39bf9c3f1f0a1a15264530",
  3588 -   "5ce5e0595ad07c8855357b",
  3589 -   "4499c1c16fec3546d5903c",
  3590 -   "5b8e9d8b290e89e5d9afc3",
  3591 -   "214f18ae0c9aa7a1b8c02e",
  3592 -   "639c2fcec8b9dfcc987387",
  3593 -   "1536906705870049755028",
  3594 -   "e0800809dbab6d41345b4",
  3595 -   "39489c7fdb445490d498cd",
  3596 -   "52c4d1c2ad153a3f70bc0a",
  3597 -   "540f5a33d5aeafadcad19d",
  3598 -   "6081e77fedf3898fd66607",
  3599 -   "584b7d6f0b43ddd0b397e4",
  3600 -   "7d8b341c82b019a8d56c92",
  3601 -   "2478db790ed59756cef964",
  3602 -   "93cbb2483673e4e0dda30",
  3603 -   "18ba9d869c489f11ce52e7",
  3604 -   "52cfcbd15dfc6c476cfc76",
  3605 -   "7ae1d007cf030664c6b815",
  3606 -   "9bea90a26f9e93743a998",
  3607 -   "7e62c15038abb8244531b4",
  3608 -   "3cb748f77d638122329dca",
  3609 -   "1fa330f6dd5f3ca09176ce",
  3610 -   "779559a53e6b62275896e9",
  3611 -   "51a9b0945a0908b1d40d24",
  3612 -   "2b13e041339df4d5a521ce",
  3613 -   "7256923d608836710a659c",
  3614 -   "48a999a2dc1a23a934a6fc",
  3615 -   "ef75fc5d77fc146e975f7",
  3616 -   "a058b3353ac6290d9f864",
  3617 -   "290ac68bec8aa8955b7e97",
  3618 -   "754ffe6bc2e7525e892fe",
  3619 -   "5d7c2a1d1267b7a252da1",
  3620 -   "35714b90920ce6fe1f850",
  3621 -   "456138a50c3717947be48e",
  3622 -   "1e2093f76475f58a2dfd79",
  3623 -   "4d8859f357a36792b7211f",
  3624 -   "3505fcb3eb2690f88b3be3",
  3625 -   "2735b2e6f5f08a9e9418bb",
  3626 -   "4c1f6b587fd26654ea69e1",
  3627 -   "351c5a0b997e45ec21b614",
  3628 -   "1c960c994194a1366a2222",
  3629 -   "352a4a136ebd7ef294f370",
  3630 -   "2df28a1b78b46f16aaf53b",
  3631 -   "29bbe5fdf14e69065cb80c",
  3632 -   "30eff32d49c10f325b8e9c",
  3633 -   "628d18e095a8dbcb9f43bf",
  3634 -   "1efd2b46d4a8724e929fd9",
  3635 -   "13221a23af3045ec5cea35",
  3636 -   "15d4218f4bbf0c95cd9649",
  3637 -   "3f5027ce278d444a4dd243",
  3638 -   "2d5e8f78718c2d4660cc69",
  3639 -   "49cb6ac7a2bfdc54300006",
  3640 -   "a134915353ce113eb72dd",
  3641 -   "479e7025ae3fdc2bbcbe22",
  3642 -   "64ed03e382c11a32e34cf4",
  3643 -   "3d73fd3c3744e9ec5d2d04",
  3644 -   "116da33e19c8b80384fe28",
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 19484 +                                  "7d2db742721c9ba686ff30",
 19485 +                                  "4b8968b5c5a93dbb4b2b55",
 19486 +                                  "2ef2be0f7e33ace73bab4",
 19487 +                                  "7651ee2e0f4d348cbe95bd",
 19488 +                                  "43ee4b35cb3cdc84d1d5db",
 19489 +                                  "449d4feccb40da2e122aa1",
 19490 +                                  "356211f56936e183312837",
 19491 +                                  "527456447c2748239033cf",
 19492 +                                  "46bdbd32d31b2a36e04e0a",
 19493 +                                  "6c1076c01e9e44fb047889",
 19494 +                                  "5ef5512b3384aa1243daa6",
 19495 +                                  "d452f805a2c35e686e107",
 19496 +                                  "67a9131aabd5255bdce732",
 19497 +                                  "5088a2317aa34dd5bb1b4d",
 19498 +                                  "64c275af1abda385c2af0b",
 19499 +                                  "402c7149b20bce787c7e83",
 19500 +                                  "60c8d2e958387c0d0627a8",
 19501 +                                  "516640d56302eb15061b25",
 19502 +                                  "c62790b24bc842a717e31",
 19503 +                                  "76e87d4d2740e137511b26",
 19504 +                                  "6cf76079225189eb2608ce",
 19505 +                                  "3c8b04f81e14e10396b582",
 19506 +                                  "4bfd93fb985a44ed0569f4",
 19507 +                                  "6ce98c831091728c0e73bb",
 19508 +                                  "4f74e7ee01738298062093",
 19509 +                                  "449ccc3923e92a0bd2e3ba",
 19510 +                                  "4feae15528510f186aa1fa",
 19511 +                                  "12a3196afc09a79694eb31",
 19512 +                                  "6cfdd09fe2bd66b85c2e00",
 19513 +                                  "587cce1cbd0dee8b98f262",
 19514 +                                  "3b0283be973d59ebf4242f",
 19515 +                                  "88b8371baafc87a9713f4",
 19516 +                                  "4e6cb8ec1b00e2f28b3a7e",
 19517 +                                  "235baa54adcc67af92d06d",
 19518 +                                  "733b81816da25936e81af1",
 19519 +                                  "7fe76cd2c5affa913c2b41",
 19520 +                                  "26b7df388a02a8279b0652",
 19521 +                                  "7b5272bdeb1b01fe56bc29",
 19522 +                                  "6863984d7793407587e8e2",
 19523 +                                  "1f1eea8231315133cde938",
 19524 +                                  "2f85e68dfb9aea66d7f07c",
 19525 +                                  "6259df76b87ab2eff6659f",
 19526 +                                  "502c6a2df8916b18106088",
 19527 +                                  "4cd904fd9401eac5ad7f1c",
 19528 +                                  "5eb4d93a33b2d2e2c2adad",
 19529 +                                  "55a41153a33cb4649703a5",
 19530 +                                  "cfc86f804a481df48868e",
 19531 +                                  "1ddeaa1e583e9146210f69",
 19532 +                                  "38110b962a169200cc9f0a",
 19533 +                                  "7ce4bd3337a7333159cb2c",
 19534 +                                  "1738ee1c8e104064e07249",
 19535 +                                  "e1ef803b3674bf39884ae",
 19536 +                                  "55d7bf2f5724b5dd0a04ae",
 19537 +                                  "7aa81a94a5a230cf59a0b9",
 19538 +                                  "2baeaedf76503008b9e428",
 19539 +                                  "15bb5d9b44eebb27a1e60e",
 19540 +                                  "dce90e419e8d3f96eb5b4",
 19541 +                                  "72a7ca4a8dc56f9c652281",
 19542 +                                  "5cd319aa7906a96d2f6c7e",
 19543 +                                  "557361125249092a7bf932",
 19544 +                                  "70a1107bc42bfb598164ea",
 19545 +                                  "df7ae04689867c9ad97d8",
 19546 +                                  "117480f169f81bb3e8609c",
 19547 +                                  "479fc9912c9c81152eb474",
 19548 +                                  "4f2cc1f6f7aba8c20a670c",
 19549 +                                  "17dd6e40297f1d32786291",
 19550 +                                  "783e0229f219bc18b705e4",
 19551 +                                  "8b462e0f7448b549fd688",
 19552 +                                  "4a0fb16cc4d1bdfbb239c",
 19553 +                                  "53c95b2787b88db0682132",
 19554 +                                  "536be2b3e3829710aec51b",
 19555 +                                  "3a89578d6ca992f91249be",
 19556 +                                  "779eb73caa637aa28db87c",
 19557 +                                  "52f5adde99e4501e4d1c61",
 19558 +                                  "31541f24753a28cc5b51d8",
 19559 +                                  "620084c5da2910137e2b10",
 19560 +                                  "76c132264ad2a774a55164",
 19561 +                                  "35a3ab4773c5054a30c44d",
 19562 +                                  "2f78c0f7e7a90558573941",
 19563 +                                  "5b39ddb704fa58142076d",
 19564 +                                  "1d6812727d8421d0e03a6f",
 19565 +                                  "307727bd97c5db086074b3",
 19566 +                                  "1abc0d15793c655cee4a9c",
 19567 +                                  "68ee183b2208228da8bab7",
 19568 +                                  "116da33e19c8b80384fe28",
 19569 +                                  "3d73fd3c3744e9ec5d2d04",
 19570 +                                  "64ed03e382c11a32e34cf4",
 19571 +                                  "479e7025ae3fdc2bbcbe22",
 19572 +                                  "a134915353ce113eb72dd",
 19573 +                                  "49cb6ac7a2bfdc54300006",
 19574 +                                  "2d5e8f78718c2d4660cc69",
 19575 +                                  "3f5027ce278d444a4dd243",
 19576 +                                  "15d4218f4bbf0c95cd9649",
 19577 +                                  "13221a23af3045ec5cea35",
 19578 +                                  "1efd2b46d4a8724e929fd9",
 19579 +                                  "628d18e095a8dbcb9f43bf",
 19580 +                                  "30eff32d49c10f325b8e9c",
 19581 +                                  "29bbe5fdf14e69065cb80c",
 19582 +                                  "2df28a1b78b46f16aaf53b",
 19583 +                                  "352a4a136ebd7ef294f370",
 19584 +                                  "1c960c994194a1366a2222",
 19585 +                                  "351c5a0b997e45ec21b614",
 19586 +                                  "4c1f6b587fd26654ea69e1",
 19587 +                                  "2735b2e6f5f08a9e9418bb",
 19588 +                                  "3505fcb3eb2690f88b3be3",
 19589 +                                  "4d8859f357a36792b7211f",
 19590 +                                  "1e2093f76475f58a2dfd79",
 19591 +                                  "456138a50c3717947be48e",
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 19595 +                                  "290ac68bec8aa8955b7e97",
 19596 +                                  "a058b3353ac6290d9f864",
 19597 +                                  "ef75fc5d77fc146e975f7",
 19598 +                                  "48a999a2dc1a23a934a6fc",
 19599 +                                  "7256923d608836710a659c",
 19600 +                                  "2b13e041339df4d5a521ce",
 19601 +                                  "51a9b0945a0908b1d40d24",
 19602 +                                  "779559a53e6b62275896e9",
 19603 +                                  "1fa330f6dd5f3ca09176ce",
 19604 +                                  "3cb748f77d638122329dca",
 19605 +                                  "7e62c15038abb8244531b4",
 19606 +                                  "9bea90a26f9e93743a998",
 19607 +                                  "7ae1d007cf030664c6b815",
 19608 +                                  "52cfcbd15dfc6c476cfc76",
 19609 +                                  "18ba9d869c489f11ce52e7",
 19610 +                                  "93cbb2483673e4e0dda30",
 19611 +                                  "2478db790ed59756cef964",
 19612 +                                  "7d8b341c82b019a8d56c92",
 19613 +                                  "584b7d6f0b43ddd0b397e4",
 19614 +                                  "6081e77fedf3898fd66607",
 19615 +                                  "540f5a33d5aeafadcad19d",
 19616 +                                  "52c4d1c2ad153a3f70bc0a",
 19617 +                                  "39489c7fdb445490d498cd",
 19618 +                                  "e0800809dbab6d41345b4",
 19619 +                                  "1536906705870049755028",
 19620 +                                  "639c2fcec8b9dfcc987387",
 19621 +                                  "214f18ae0c9aa7a1b8c02e",
 19622 +                                  "5b8e9d8b290e89e5d9afc3",
 19623 +                                  "4499c1c16fec3546d5903c",
 19624 +                                  "5ce5e0595ad07c8855357b",
 19625 +                                  "39bf9c3f1f0a1a15264530",
 19626 +                                  "30a77107da1d91a699e9f5",
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 19628 +                                  "5d711409f3faa9ea87abfc",
 19629 +                                  "42cd59499a0ef57d6b0009",
 19630 +                                  "731a7b89f357bfb855a5b2",
 19631 +                                  "767dc9d34c09b03db4a0e9",
 19632 +                                  "5344962f90f45cfaeb1bce",
 19633 +                                  "504d29ae2e5a021d2bb278",
 19634 +                                  "6e97dd298eaee757a3cec1",
 19635 +                                  "2d1b2f087facf1fbfc7e69",
 19636 +                                  "327b2b8d0b75e0d83a5b04",
 19637 +                                  "7dc98aa964908b313939a9",
 19638 +                                  "d8c34dffd92c1a20d6a9a",
 19639 +                                  "21a363ab0e08a4336f2e44",
 19640 +                                  "48eaf0293f956717b8f048",
 19641 +                                  "6351b2a5f477112f552683",
 19642 +                                  "2193bc73ac4b40415c95b5",
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 19644 +                                  "7c6b359299af5c59043711",
 19645 +                                  "7895b432001edf846b7b3e",
 19646 +                                  "3ecf9d05cd62341c4f7784",
 19647 +                                  "6c8879d694e1a0b99f8e42",
 19648 +                                  "6400e87749e3bcbd750d89",
 19649 +                                  "1851e925707895d37a37f2",
 19650 +                                  "30f4f5617cc73435ce74c2",
 19651 +                                  "18ec20d19a478746123b",
 19652 +                                  "39242760b51f2f93fd4721",
 19653 +                                  "452d3dfff11e24bf680356",
 19654 +                                  "5cafa83a10f929b5076c60",
 19655 +                                  "7fd4ee663460087b793a80",
 19656 +                                  "7e958697030784ae5ddf86",
 19657 +                                  "a6c54d0ec55adb4911efd",
 19658 +                                  "2964973c288dced7dae8fc",
 19659 +                                  "2b0fed7a534d25697e5c7b",
 19660 +                                  "3afeb7cc8f8e5bb8770da",
 19661 +                                  "6a81a8d913b71671629ad5",
 19662 +                                  "75f4eb6de0d35eeaa16cf8",
 19663 +                                  "7abf68b2e4cc9e3a3b2c5f",
 19664 +                                  "4f6d8c8b0b9b376d42c4b1",
 19665 +                                  "23f219093e9b0bb3b5217d",
 19666 +                                  "5a0c2602dcbbbf468b67e0",
 19667 +                                  "1a63315aa52cb254b65ce0",
 19668 +                                  "4f72850630f6f8c1a68862",
 19669 +                                  "3722a55f27f2c02b34eddc",
 19670 +                                  "672d7083ec424e5d883cec",
 19671 +                                  "4839c6454f97ececa9969f",
 19672 +                                  "e941ecc714605cea72177",
 19673 +                                  "7cf9338ca9bcab73862b81",
 19674 +                                  "6a23876a8c802d81d83d29",
 19675 +                                  "7006ef130d31e12bc44c5a",
 19676 +                                  "591bac661062f64b8e3f2c",
 19677 +                                  "25cab751e23d8e69bb5048",
 19678 +                                  "61f4a55b140e767495cd59",
 19679 +                                  "1a4e5bc143bf00e8928403",
 19680 +                                  "4a54d9b3589d5340a01e23",
 19681 +                                  "18019c176b4c9453028db8",
 19682 +                                  "76fed7d89907843db9af52",
 19683 +                                  "407333b3b6a3bed3ef8920",
 19684 +                                  "536a736ad3a37793dd9f54",
 19685 +                                  "5e56a7d976f1a3334f57c3",
 19686 +                                  "66ffe80af410522139e92f",
 19687 +                                  "1b0c27c7452322264822f3",
 19688 +                                  "58320debe89492ceee77e",
 19689 +                                  "4fbc987e428ed0ce9cb76c",
 19690 +                                  "70a2d453b688803716fdbf",
 19691 +                                  "1921f3262afb2f3766f357",
 19692 +                                  "6e007172a16a9c673e635d",
 19693 +                                  "527c4b155e3708972293d1",
 19694 +                                  "2797689917c95a9d4073ae",
 19695 +                                  "69bb33c18017fddf18d091",
 19696 +                                  "165ff53589519199fc1846",
 19697 +                                  "171e59c89024b148534f1b",
 19698 +                                  "23c82ae839bf5380a55acf",
 19699 +                                  "455c9131bfa1c33274be37",
 19700 +                                  "4bacbc68650c41520d312c",
 19701 +                                  "1c35e13f8ffb7c470fa61c",
 19702 +                                  "6b4728ee168cd23e2fe47c",
 19703 +                                  "22e321253c3e0fb875c4df",
 19704 +                                  "6077a88144957827c07205",
 19705 +                                  "4309c1c59a581af63d922d",
 19706 +                                  "1b1ca5d6c688c4cf99448d",
 19707 +                                  "31a504d1dcc251075e4436",
 19708 +                                  "223160cdd1bfa322ca3e6c",
 19709 +                                  "3601174a7dc823bf4dc3a6",
 19710 +                                  "6da3828f2d4926651f7a27",
 19711 +                                  "7de4927696bdd6d3b718",
 19712 +                                  "7bb4f9d707b4ee3a20e779",
 19713 +                                  "343dad4f059acb87d3b0e2",
 19714 +                                  "4e501beb4617be0f02deb4",
 19715 +                                  "3943e926fbe3d426004ea9",
 19716 +                                  "4b35e35e82bffb49d0d830",
 19717 +                                  "6520599b30ba3568ad0f09",
 19718 +                                  "2a48d89ce122dfa7deba2f",
 19719 +                                  "19b666810d736e639b51f2",
 19720 +                                  "1ccd174e9aa4e58e7414bc",
 19721 +                                  "475e84f70334cc0bc8292",
 19722 +                                  "393fe0be8f011593a7e1ef",
 19723 +                                  "17276a59aa9630c1141c17",
 19724 +                                  "7d0578a8908ba294259bd",
 19725 +                                  "4a9e2e5d8ad0e2e82aa7de",
 19726 +                                  "63e0dbdfb13b4fbb46f00c",
 19727 +                                  "310e395e429c4494a5f850",
 19728 +                                  "7cc0116bd0bc164835ee72",
 19729 +                                  "634478b621f7f0a455c48c",
 19730 +                                  "397f144a181805e1a097c9",
 19731 +                                  "53016aa1427381b9f28ea5",
 19732 +                                  "76c2f0ba37187112ee4d4d",
 19733 +                                  "2bee268df09cc40864a917",
 19734 +                                  "7851b3168b92e5daed021f",
 19735 +                                  "149e6a0b6c6543ae895e07",
 19736 +                                  "1dd1b432dc809fe4c879b3",
 19737 +                                  "2ad2546b270547fc24541b",
 19738 +                                  "2015aa6fc7e48fa3bc5ab5",
 19739 +                                  "38596ed050f14596adc07f",
 19740 +                                  "1d2b9ca2f44294070d4e86",
 19741 +                                  "3778fd3a46ffde4755b6ce",
 19742 +                                  "74bb588b5553c2b2d4ac78",
 19743 +                                  "3d1155c4a53835d991a0f",
 19744 +                                  "35865b2ca16d3453781f41",
 19745 +                                  "6ba1300374acd487b23577",
 19746 +                                  "3f68fa1a9ab7772758d0ba",
 19747 +                                  "30a3461d63ca9807464dd6",
 19748 +                                  "552aca5af025ea1e84aadb",
 19749 +                                  "32aafc640e8c99bda8faa7",
 19750 +                                  "2fb170a11f1aecdf586d25",
 19751 +                                  "751e9eb348bc8239d6e118",
 19752 +                                  "7fc2bcc524b4326eb8303d",
 19753 +                                  "1cc2526113f2bae9b540c1",
 19754 +                                  "6a437e22c95fc6c6a4449d",
 19755 +                                  "df261ad3b5157a525bb81",
 19756 +                                  "690aa96130f8c533d77ce4",
 19757 +                                  "2f58f2df794a35875efc99",
 19758 +                                  "19772e34181f57b670bf9",
 19759 +                                  "60617400353c1eb8e8832b",
 19760 +                                  "7136b3dd116ed121aab68",
 19761 +                                  "4c95bed884bd87ec1d5e70",
 19762 +                                  "68fa3ecc3845db5d523ad9",
 19763 +                                  "4818e9ef0ea7625cfc3d0",
 19764 +                                  "27ec8c6636679988dd1267",
 19765 +                                  "57d88b5e0b434eb1a0dc08",
 19766 +                                  "47a1f466100bf70dd5689",
 19767 +                                  "55afbc51e7c2cc748942ac",
 19768 +                                  "75066462fdbbc7301e209b",
 19769 +                                  "72b5d8f8e65cb7509a93d8",
 19770 +                                  "38d9d05f9463a537f470b2",
 19771 +                                  "2f39a2788d5c2a24e16acc",
 19772 +                                  "5f4e7c70ff55ff2f888f05",
 19773 +                                  "735cfad9acf49090fb7037",
 19774 +                                  "6a716dae106b9aeff2133e",
 19775 +                                  "1c90fea5f39d8ac4dfc2a3",
 19776 +                                  "3a8c5a9525f5d62cea294d",
 19777 +                                  "498104aa12355244a9b0d6",
 19778 +                                  "414e761d40341e7f97c304",
 19779 +                                  "16d5205447831696c5d6a0",
 19780 +                                  "3cb5a124ce563c3967dbc3",
 19781 +                                  "899b1ac6f72ffff8aedfc",
 19782 +                                  "34eea7a66e8ff3dcc8988e",
 19783 +                                  "5f80095f2580ec4cf13b51",
 19784 +                                  "4d7566cd294f75be6620f3",
 19785 +                                  "506d84c9f4d4bc400fdd25",
 19786 +                                  "5a8a9b5c659b71e837ea18",
 19787 +                                  "c16d15fea9d61c8df5121",
 19788 +                                  "3a7a488015e75feec809f8",
 19789 +                                  "6fe27c77d57e2feb8cbcbf",
 19790 +                                  "452231c3bcde7b7b5b0af8",
 19791 +                                  "760f3656c1130b21d369d9",
 19792 +                                  "39a0c4e1da321f1bc126f4",
 19793 +                                  "3315173915ca23d8c1b814",
 19794 +                                  "1cec8c96472b84936bbc22",
 19795 +                                  "3c70a3f0e9c5b206031a33",
 19796 +                                  "7cec29d14a0eefb222bde7",
 19797 +                                  "760df490123f6613b0a970",
 19798 +                                  "5bf795c6d548a19b6ac340",
 19799 +                                  "5569560418e73ff9db709" };
 19801  #endif /* __PARAMS_H__ */
 19802 -
 19803 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/poly.h b/third_party/prio/prio/poly.h
 19804 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/poly.h
 19805 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/poly.h
 19806 @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 19807  /*
 19808   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 19809 - * 
 19810 + *
 19811   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 19812   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 19813 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 19814 + * file, You can obtain one at
 19815   */
 19817  #ifndef _FFT__H
 19818 @@ -21,39 +21,36 @@
 19819   * of two and must be no longer than the number of precomputed
 19820   * roots in the PrioConfig object passed in.
 19821   */
 19822 -SECStatus poly_fft(MPArray points_out, const_MPArray points_in, 
 19823 -    const_PrioConfig cfg, bool invert);
 19824 +SECStatus poly_fft(MPArray points_out, const_MPArray points_in,
 19825 +                   const_PrioConfig cfg, bool invert);
 19827 -/* 
 19828 +/*
 19829   * Get an array
 19830 - *    (r^0, r^1, r^2, ... ) 
 19831 + *    (r^0, r^1, r^2, ... )
 19832   * where r is an n-th root of unity, for n a power of two
 19833   * less than cfg->n_roots.
 19834   *
 19835 - * Do NOT mp_clear() the mp_ints stored in roots_out.  
 19836 + * Do NOT mp_clear() the mp_ints stored in roots_out.
 19837   * These are owned by the PrioConfig object.
 19838   */
 19839 -SECStatus poly_fft_get_roots (mp_int *roots_out, int n_points,
 19840 -    const_PrioConfig cfg, bool invert);
 19841 -
 19842 -
 19843 +SECStatus poly_fft_get_roots(mp_int* roots_out, int n_points,
 19844 +                             const_PrioConfig cfg, bool invert);
 19846  /*
 19847   * Evaluate the polynomial specified by the coefficients
 19848   * at the point `eval_at` and return the result as `value`.
 19849   */
 19850 -SECStatus poly_eval (mp_int *value, const_MPArray coeffs, 
 19851 -    const mp_int *eval_at, const_PrioConfig cfg);
 19852 -
 19853 +SECStatus poly_eval(mp_int* value, const_MPArray coeffs, const mp_int* eval_at,
 19854 +                    const_PrioConfig cfg);
 19856  /*
 19857 - * Interpolate the polynomial through the points 
 19858 + * Interpolate the polynomial through the points
 19859   *    (x_1, y_1), ..., (x_N, y_N),
 19860   * where x_i is an N-th root of unity and the y_i values are
 19861 - * specified by `poly_points`. Evaluate the resulting polynomial 
 19862 + * specified by `poly_points`. Evaluate the resulting polynomial
 19863   * at the point `eval_at`. Return the result as `value`.
 19864   */
 19865 -SECStatus poly_interp_evaluate (mp_int *value, const_MPArray poly_points, 
 19866 -    const mp_int *eval_at, const_PrioConfig cfg);
 19867 +SECStatus poly_interp_evaluate(mp_int* value, const_MPArray poly_points,
 19868 +                               const mp_int* eval_at, const_PrioConfig cfg);
 19870  #endif
 19871 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/poly.c b/third_party/prio/prio/poly.c
 19872 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/poly.c
 19873 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/poly.c
 19874 @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 19875  /*
 19876   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 19877 - * 
 19878 + *
 19879   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 19880   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 19881 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 19882 + * file, You can obtain one at
 19883   */
 19885  #include <mprio.h>
 19886 @@ -16,109 +16,110 @@
 19887   * A nice exposition of the recursive FFT/DFT algorithm we implement
 19888   * is in the book:
 19889   *
 19890 - *   "Modern Computer Algebra" 
 19891 - *    by Von zur Gathen and Gerhard. 
 19892 + *   "Modern Computer Algebra"
 19893 + *    by Von zur Gathen and Gerhard.
 19894   *    Cambridge University Press, 2013.
 19895   *
 19896   * They present this algorithm as Algorithm 8.14.
 19897   */
 19898  static SECStatus
 19899 -fft_recurse (mp_int *out, const mp_int *mod, int n, 
 19900 -    const mp_int *roots, const mp_int *ys,
 19901 -    mp_int *tmp, mp_int *ySub, mp_int *rootsSub)
 19902 +fft_recurse(mp_int* out, const mp_int* mod, int n, const mp_int* roots,
 19903 +            const mp_int* ys, mp_int* tmp, mp_int* ySub, mp_int* rootsSub)
 19904  {
 19905    if (n == 1) {
 19906 -    MP_CHECK (mp_copy (&ys[0], &out[0]));
 19907 +    MP_CHECK(mp_copy(&ys[0], &out[0]));
 19908      return SECSuccess;
 19909    }
 19911 -  // Recurse on the first half 
 19912 -  for (int i=0; i<n/2; i++) {
 19913 -    MP_CHECK (mp_addmod (&ys[i], &ys[i+(n/2)], mod, &ySub[i]));
 19914 -    MP_CHECK (mp_copy (&roots[2*i], &rootsSub[i]));
 19915 +  // Recurse on the first half
 19916 +  for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; i++) {
 19917 +    MP_CHECK(mp_addmod(&ys[i], &ys[i + (n / 2)], mod, &ySub[i]));
 19918 +    MP_CHECK(mp_copy(&roots[2 * i], &rootsSub[i]));
 19919    }
 19921 -  MP_CHECK (fft_recurse (tmp, mod, n/2, rootsSub, ySub, &tmp[n/2], &ySub[n/2], &rootsSub[n/2]));
 19922 -  for (int i=0; i<n/2; i++) {
 19923 -    MP_CHECK (mp_copy (&tmp[i], &out[2*i]));
 19924 +  MP_CHECK(fft_recurse(tmp, mod, n / 2, rootsSub, ySub, &tmp[n / 2],
 19925 +                       &ySub[n / 2], &rootsSub[n / 2]));
 19926 +  for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; i++) {
 19927 +    MP_CHECK(mp_copy(&tmp[i], &out[2 * i]));
 19928    }
 19930 -  // Recurse on the second half 
 19931 -  for (int i=0; i<n/2; i++) {
 19932 -    MP_CHECK (mp_submod (&ys[i], &ys[i+(n/2)], mod, &ySub[i]));
 19933 -    MP_CHECK (mp_mulmod (&ySub[i], &roots[i], mod, &ySub[i]));
 19934 +  // Recurse on the second half
 19935 +  for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; i++) {
 19936 +    MP_CHECK(mp_submod(&ys[i], &ys[i + (n / 2)], mod, &ySub[i]));
 19937 +    MP_CHECK(mp_mulmod(&ySub[i], &roots[i], mod, &ySub[i]));
 19938    }
 19940 -  MP_CHECK (fft_recurse (tmp, mod, n/2, rootsSub, ySub, &tmp[n/2], &ySub[n/2], &rootsSub[n/2]));
 19941 -  for (int i=0; i<n/2; i++) {
 19942 -    MP_CHECK (mp_copy (&tmp[i], &out[2*i + 1]));
 19943 +  MP_CHECK(fft_recurse(tmp, mod, n / 2, rootsSub, ySub, &tmp[n / 2],
 19944 +                       &ySub[n / 2], &rootsSub[n / 2]));
 19945 +  for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; i++) {
 19946 +    MP_CHECK(mp_copy(&tmp[i], &out[2 * i + 1]));
 19947    }
 19949    return SECSuccess;
 19950  }
 19952  static SECStatus
 19953 -fft_interpolate_raw (mp_int *out, 
 19954 -    const mp_int *ys, int nPoints, const mp_int *roots, 
 19955 -    const mp_int *mod, bool invert)
 19956 +fft_interpolate_raw(mp_int* out, const mp_int* ys, int nPoints,
 19957 +                    const mp_int* roots, const mp_int* mod, bool invert)
 19958  {
 19959    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 19960    mp_int tmp[nPoints];
 19961    mp_int ySub[nPoints];
 19962    mp_int rootsSub[nPoints];
 19963 -  for (int i=0; i<nPoints;i++) {
 19964 -    MP_DIGITS (&tmp[i]) = NULL;
 19965 -    MP_DIGITS (&ySub[i]) = NULL;
 19966 -    MP_DIGITS (&rootsSub[i]) = NULL;
 19967 +  for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
 19968 +    MP_DIGITS(&tmp[i]) = NULL;
 19969 +    MP_DIGITS(&ySub[i]) = NULL;
 19970 +    MP_DIGITS(&rootsSub[i]) = NULL;
 19971    }
 19973    mp_int n_inverse;
 19974 -  MP_DIGITS (&n_inverse) = NULL;
 19975 +  MP_DIGITS(&n_inverse) = NULL;
 19977 -  for (int i=0; i<nPoints;i++) {
 19978 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&tmp[i]));
 19979 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&ySub[i]));
 19980 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&rootsSub[i]));
 19981 +  for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
 19982 +    MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&tmp[i]));
 19983 +    MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&ySub[i]));
 19984 +    MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&rootsSub[i]));
 19985    }
 19987 -  MP_CHECK (fft_recurse(out, mod, nPoints, roots, ys, tmp, ySub, rootsSub));
 19988 +  MP_CHECK(fft_recurse(out, mod, nPoints, roots, ys, tmp, ySub, rootsSub));
 19990    if (invert) {
 19991 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&n_inverse));
 19992 +    MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&n_inverse));
 19994 -    mp_set (&n_inverse, nPoints);
 19995 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_invmod (&n_inverse, mod, &n_inverse));
 19996 -    for (int i=0; i<nPoints;i++) {
 19997 -      MP_CHECKC (mp_mulmod(&out[i], &n_inverse, mod, &out[i]));
 19998 +    mp_set(&n_inverse, nPoints);
 19999 +    MP_CHECKC(mp_invmod(&n_inverse, mod, &n_inverse));
 20000 +    for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
 20001 +      MP_CHECKC(mp_mulmod(&out[i], &n_inverse, mod, &out[i]));
 20002      }
 20003    }
 20005  cleanup:
 20006 -  mp_clear (&n_inverse); 
 20007 -  for (int i=0; i<nPoints;i++) {
 20008 +  mp_clear(&n_inverse);
 20009 +  for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
 20010      mp_clear(&tmp[i]);
 20011      mp_clear(&ySub[i]);
 20012      mp_clear(&rootsSub[i]);
 20013    }
 20015    return rv;
 20016 -} 
 20017 +}
 20019  /*
 20020   * The PrioConfig object has a list of N-th roots of unity for large N.
 20021 - * This routine returns the n-th roots of unity for n < N, where n is 
 20022 + * This routine returns the n-th roots of unity for n < N, where n is
 20023   * a power of two. If the `invert` flag is set, it returns the inverses
 20024   * of the n-th roots of unity.
 20025   */
 20026  SECStatus
 20027 -poly_fft_get_roots (mp_int *roots_out, int n_points, const_PrioConfig cfg, bool invert)
 20028 +poly_fft_get_roots(mp_int* roots_out, int n_points, const_PrioConfig cfg,
 20029 +                   bool invert)
 20030  {
 20031 -  if (n_points > cfg->n_roots) 
 20032 +  if (n_points > cfg->n_roots)
 20033      return SECFailure;
 20034 -  const mp_int *roots_in = invert ? cfg->rootsInv->data : cfg->roots->data;
 20035 +  const mp_int* roots_in = invert ? cfg->rootsInv->data : cfg->roots->data;
 20036    const int step_size = cfg->n_roots / n_points;
 20038 -  for (int i=0; i < n_points; i++) {
 20039 +  for (int i = 0; i < n_points; i++) {
 20040      roots_out[i] = roots_in[i * step_size];
 20041    }
 20043 @@ -126,63 +127,62 @@
 20044  }
 20046  SECStatus
 20047 -poly_fft (MPArray points_out, const_MPArray points_in, 
 20048 -    const_PrioConfig cfg, bool invert)
 20049 +poly_fft(MPArray points_out, const_MPArray points_in, const_PrioConfig cfg,
 20050 +         bool invert)
 20051  {
 20052    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 20053    const int n_points = points_in->len;
 20054    if (points_out->len != points_in->len)
 20055      return SECFailure;
 20056 -  if (n_points > cfg->n_roots) 
 20057 +  if (n_points > cfg->n_roots)
 20058      return SECFailure;
 20059 -  if (cfg->n_roots % n_points != 0) 
 20060 +  if (cfg->n_roots % n_points != 0)
 20061      return SECFailure;
 20063    mp_int scaled_roots[n_points];
 20064 -  P_CHECK (poly_fft_get_roots (scaled_roots, n_points, cfg, invert));
 20065 +  P_CHECK(poly_fft_get_roots(scaled_roots, n_points, cfg, invert));
 20067 -  MP_CHECK (fft_interpolate_raw (points_out->data, points_in->data, n_points, 
 20068 -      scaled_roots, &cfg->modulus, invert));
 20069 +  MP_CHECK(fft_interpolate_raw(points_out->data, points_in->data, n_points,
 20070 +                               scaled_roots, &cfg->modulus, invert));
 20072    return SECSuccess;
 20073  }
 20075 -
 20076 -SECStatus 
 20077 -poly_eval (mp_int *value, const_MPArray coeffs, const mp_int *eval_at, 
 20078 -    const_PrioConfig cfg)
 20079 -{ 
 20080 +SECStatus
 20081 +poly_eval(mp_int* value, const_MPArray coeffs, const mp_int* eval_at,
 20082 +          const_PrioConfig cfg)
 20083 +{
 20084    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 20085    const int n = coeffs->len;
 20087    // Use Horner's method to evaluate the polynomial at the point
 20088    // `eval_at`
 20089 -  mp_copy (&coeffs->data[n-1], value);
 20090 -  for (int i=n-2; i >= 0; i--) {
 20091 -    MP_CHECK (mp_mulmod (value, eval_at, &cfg->modulus, value));
 20092 -    MP_CHECK (mp_addmod (value, &coeffs->data[i], &cfg->modulus, value));
 20093 +  mp_copy(&coeffs->data[n - 1], value);
 20094 +  for (int i = n - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
 20095 +    MP_CHECK(mp_mulmod(value, eval_at, &cfg->modulus, value));
 20096 +    MP_CHECK(mp_addmod(value, &coeffs->data[i], &cfg->modulus, value));
 20097    }
 20099    return rv;
 20100  }
 20102  SECStatus
 20103 -poly_interp_evaluate (mp_int *value, const_MPArray poly_points, 
 20104 -    const mp_int *eval_at, const_PrioConfig cfg)
 20105 +poly_interp_evaluate(mp_int* value, const_MPArray poly_points,
 20106 +                     const mp_int* eval_at, const_PrioConfig cfg)
 20107  {
 20108    SECStatus rv;
 20109    MPArray coeffs = NULL;
 20110    const int N = poly_points->len;
 20111    mp_int roots[N];
 20112 -  
 20113 -  P_CHECKA (coeffs = MPArray_new (N));
 20114 -  P_CHECKC (poly_fft_get_roots (roots, N, cfg, false));
 20115 +
 20116 +  P_CHECKA(coeffs = MPArray_new(N));
 20117 +  P_CHECKC(poly_fft_get_roots(roots, N, cfg, false));
 20119    // Interpolate polynomial through roots of unity
 20120 -  P_CHECKC (poly_fft (coeffs, poly_points, cfg, true)) 
 20121 -  P_CHECKC (poly_eval (value, coeffs, eval_at, cfg));
 20122 +  P_CHECKC(poly_fft(coeffs, poly_points, cfg, true))
 20123 +  P_CHECKC(poly_eval(value, coeffs, eval_at, cfg));
 20125  cleanup:
 20126 -  MPArray_clear (coeffs);
 20127 +  MPArray_clear(coeffs);
 20128    return rv;
 20129  }
 20130 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/prg.h b/third_party/prio/prio/prg.h
 20131 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/prg.h
 20132 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/prg.h
 20133 @@ -1,62 +1,60 @@
 20134  /*
 20135   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 20136 - * 
 20137 + *
 20138   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 20139   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 20140 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 20141 + * file, You can obtain one at
 20142   */
 20144  #ifndef __PRG_H__
 20145  #define __PRG_H__
 20147 +#include <blapit.h>
 20148  #include <mpi.h>
 20149 -#include <nss/blapit.h>
 20150  #include <stdlib.h>
 20152  #include "config.h"
 20154 -typedef struct prg *PRG;
 20155 -typedef const struct prg *const_PRG;
 20156 +typedef struct prg* PRG;
 20157 +typedef const struct prg* const_PRG;
 20159 -/* 
 20160 +/*
 20161   * Initialize or destroy a pseudo-random generator.
 20162   */
 20163 -PRG PRG_new (const PrioPRGSeed key);
 20164 -void PRG_clear (PRG prg);
 20165 +PRG PRG_new(const PrioPRGSeed key);
 20166 +void PRG_clear(PRG prg);
 20168 -/* 
 20169 +/*
 20170   * Produce the next bytes of output from the PRG.
 20171   */
 20172 -SECStatus PRG_get_bytes (PRG prg, unsigned char *bytes, size_t len);
 20173 +SECStatus PRG_get_bytes(PRG prg, unsigned char* bytes, size_t len);
 20175  /*
 20176   * Use the PRG output to sample a big integer x in the range
 20177   *    0 <= x < max.
 20178   */
 20179 -SECStatus PRG_get_int (PRG prg, mp_int *out, const mp_int *max);
 20180 +SECStatus PRG_get_int(PRG prg, mp_int* out, const mp_int* max);
 20182  /*
 20183   * Use secret sharing to split the int src into two shares.
 20184   * Use PRG to generate the value `shareB`.
 20185   * The mp_ints must be initialized.
 20186   */
 20187 -SECStatus PRG_share_int (PRG prg, mp_int *shareA, const mp_int *src,
 20188 -    const_PrioConfig cfg);
 20189 +SECStatus PRG_share_int(PRG prg, mp_int* shareA, const mp_int* src,
 20190 +                        const_PrioConfig cfg);
 20192 -/* 
 20193 +/*
 20194   * Set each item in the array to a pseudorandom value in the range
 20195   * [0, mod), where the values are generated using the PRG.
 20196   */
 20197 -SECStatus PRG_get_array (PRG prg, MPArray arr, const mp_int *mod);
 20198 +SECStatus PRG_get_array(PRG prg, MPArray arr, const mp_int* mod);
 20200 -/* 
 20201 +/*
 20202   * Secret shares the array in `src` into `arrA` using randomness
 20203   * provided by `prgB`. The arrays `src` and `arrA` must be the same
 20204   * length.
 20205   */
 20206 -SECStatus PRG_share_array (PRG prgB, MPArray arrA, 
 20207 -    const_MPArray src, const_PrioConfig cfg);
 20208 -
 20209 +SECStatus PRG_share_array(PRG prgB, MPArray arrA, const_MPArray src,
 20210 +                          const_PrioConfig cfg);
 20212  #endif /* __PRG_H__ */
 20213 -
 20214 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/prg.c b/third_party/prio/prio/prg.c
 20215 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/prg.c
 20216 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/prg.c
 20217 @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
 20218  /*
 20219   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 20220 - * 
 20221 + *
 20222   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 20223   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 20224 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 20225 + * file, You can obtain one at
 20226   */
 20228 +#include <blapit.h>
 20229  #include <mprio.h>
 20230 -#include <nss/blapit.h>
 20231 -#include <nss/pk11pub.h>
 20232 +#include <pk11pub.h>
 20233  #include <string.h>
 20235  #include "prg.h"
 20236 @@ -16,23 +16,25 @@
 20237  #include "share.h"
 20238  #include "util.h"
 20240 -struct prg {
 20241 -  PK11SlotInfo *slot;
 20242 -  PK11SymKey *key;
 20243 -  PK11Context *ctx;
 20244 +struct prg
 20245 +{
 20246 +  PK11SlotInfo* slot;
 20247 +  PK11SymKey* key;
 20248 +  PK11Context* ctx;
 20249  };
 20251 -SECStatus 
 20252 -PrioPRGSeed_randomize (PrioPRGSeed *key)
 20253 +SECStatus
 20254 +PrioPRGSeed_randomize(PrioPRGSeed* key)
 20255  {
 20256 -  return rand_bytes ((unsigned char *)key, PRG_SEED_LENGTH);   
 20257 +  return rand_bytes((unsigned char*)key, PRG_SEED_LENGTH);
 20258  }
 20260 -PRG 
 20261 -PRG_new (const PrioPRGSeed key_in)
 20262 +PRG
 20263 +PRG_new(const PrioPRGSeed key_in)
 20264  {
 20265 -  PRG prg = malloc (sizeof (struct prg));
 20266 -  if (!prg) return NULL;
 20267 +  PRG prg = malloc(sizeof(struct prg));
 20268 +  if (!prg)
 20269 +    return NULL;
 20270    prg->slot = NULL;
 20271    prg->key = NULL;
 20272    prg->ctx = NULL;
 20273 @@ -40,106 +42,104 @@
 20274    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 20275    const CK_MECHANISM_TYPE cipher = CKM_AES_CTR;
 20277 -  P_CHECKA (prg->slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot ());
 20278 +  P_CHECKA(prg->slot = PK11_GetInternalSlot());
 20280    // Create a mutable copy of the key.
 20281    PrioPRGSeed key_mut;
 20282 -  memcpy (key_mut, key_in, PRG_SEED_LENGTH);
 20283 +  memcpy(key_mut, key_in, PRG_SEED_LENGTH);
 20285 -  SECItem keyItem = {siBuffer, key_mut, PRG_SEED_LENGTH};
 20286 +  SECItem keyItem = { siBuffer, key_mut, PRG_SEED_LENGTH };
 20288    // The IV can be all zeros since we only encrypt once with
 20289    // each AES key.
 20290 -  CK_AES_CTR_PARAMS param = {128, {}};
 20291 -  SECItem paramItem = {siBuffer, (void *)&param, sizeof(CK_AES_CTR_PARAMS)};
 20292 +  CK_AES_CTR_PARAMS param = { 128, {} };
 20293 +  SECItem paramItem = { siBuffer, (void*)&param, sizeof(CK_AES_CTR_PARAMS) };
 20295 -  P_CHECKA (prg->key = PK11_ImportSymKey (prg->slot, cipher, PK11_OriginUnwrap,
 20296 -        CKA_ENCRYPT, &keyItem, NULL));
 20297 +  P_CHECKA(prg->key = PK11_ImportSymKey(prg->slot, cipher, PK11_OriginUnwrap,
 20298 +                                        CKA_ENCRYPT, &keyItem, NULL));
 20300 -  P_CHECKA (prg->ctx = PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(cipher, CKA_ENCRYPT,
 20301 -        prg->key, &paramItem));
 20302 +  P_CHECKA(prg->ctx = PK11_CreateContextBySymKey(cipher, CKA_ENCRYPT, prg->key,
 20303 +                                                 &paramItem));
 20305  cleanup:
 20306    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
 20307 -    PRG_clear (prg);
 20308 +    PRG_clear(prg);
 20309      prg = NULL;
 20310    }
 20312    return prg;
 20313  }
 20315 -
 20316 -void 
 20317 -PRG_clear (PRG prg)
 20318 +void
 20319 +PRG_clear(PRG prg)
 20320  {
 20321 -  if (!prg) return;
 20322 +  if (!prg)
 20323 +    return;
 20325    if (prg->key)
 20326 -    PK11_FreeSymKey (prg->key);
 20327 +    PK11_FreeSymKey(prg->key);
 20328    if (prg->slot)
 20329 -    PK11_FreeSlot (prg->slot);
 20330 +    PK11_FreeSlot(prg->slot);
 20331    if (prg->ctx)
 20332 -    PK11_DestroyContext (prg->ctx, PR_TRUE);
 20333 +    PK11_DestroyContext(prg->ctx, PR_TRUE);
 20335 -  free (prg);
 20336 +  free(prg);
 20337  }
 20339 -static SECStatus 
 20340 -PRG_get_bytes_internal (void *prg_vp, unsigned char *bytes, size_t len)
 20341 +static SECStatus
 20342 +PRG_get_bytes_internal(void* prg_vp, unsigned char* bytes, size_t len)
 20343  {
 20344    PRG prg = (PRG)prg_vp;
 20346    unsigned char in[len];
 20347 -  memset (in, 0, len);
 20348 +  memset(in, 0, len);
 20350    int outlen;
 20351 -  SECStatus rv = PK11_CipherOp (prg->ctx, bytes, &outlen, len, in, len);
 20352 -  return (rv != SECSuccess || (size_t)outlen != len) ? SECFailure: SECSuccess;
 20353 -}  
 20354 -
 20355 -SECStatus 
 20356 -PRG_get_bytes (PRG prg, unsigned char *bytes, size_t len)
 20357 -{
 20358 -  return PRG_get_bytes_internal ((void *)prg, bytes, len); 
 20359 -}
 20360 -
 20361 -SECStatus 
 20362 -PRG_get_int (PRG prg, mp_int *out, const mp_int *max)
 20363 -{
 20364 -  return rand_int_rng (out, max, &PRG_get_bytes_internal, (void *)prg);
 20365 +  SECStatus rv = PK11_CipherOp(prg->ctx, bytes, &outlen, len, in, len);
 20366 +  return (rv != SECSuccess || (size_t)outlen != len) ? SECFailure : SECSuccess;
 20367  }
 20369  SECStatus
 20370 -PRG_get_array (PRG prg, MPArray dst, const mp_int *mod)
 20371 +PRG_get_bytes(PRG prg, unsigned char* bytes, size_t len)
 20372 +{
 20373 +  return PRG_get_bytes_internal((void*)prg, bytes, len);
 20374 +}
 20375 +
 20376 +SECStatus
 20377 +PRG_get_int(PRG prg, mp_int* out, const mp_int* max)
 20378 +{
 20379 +  return rand_int_rng(out, max, &PRG_get_bytes_internal, (void*)prg);
 20380 +}
 20381 +
 20382 +SECStatus
 20383 +PRG_get_array(PRG prg, MPArray dst, const mp_int* mod)
 20384  {
 20385    SECStatus rv;
 20386 -  for (int i=0; i<dst->len; i++) {
 20387 -    P_CHECK (PRG_get_int (prg, &dst->data[i], mod));
 20388 +  for (int i = 0; i < dst->len; i++) {
 20389 +    P_CHECK(PRG_get_int(prg, &dst->data[i], mod));
 20390    }
 20392    return SECSuccess;
 20393  }
 20395  SECStatus
 20396 -PRG_share_int (PRG prgB, mp_int *shareA, const mp_int *src, const_PrioConfig cfg)
 20397 +PRG_share_int(PRG prgB, mp_int* shareA, const mp_int* src, const_PrioConfig cfg)
 20398  {
 20399    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 20400    mp_int tmp;
 20401 -  MP_DIGITS (&tmp) = NULL;
 20402 +  MP_DIGITS(&tmp) = NULL;
 20404 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&tmp));
 20405 -  P_CHECKC (PRG_get_int (prgB, &tmp, &cfg->modulus)); 
 20406 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_submod (src, &tmp, &cfg->modulus, shareA));
 20407 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&tmp));
 20408 +  P_CHECKC(PRG_get_int(prgB, &tmp, &cfg->modulus));
 20409 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_submod(src, &tmp, &cfg->modulus, shareA));
 20411  cleanup:
 20412 -  mp_clear (&tmp);
 20413 +  mp_clear(&tmp);
 20414    return rv;
 20415  }
 20417 -
 20418 -SECStatus 
 20419 -PRG_share_array (PRG prgB, MPArray arrA, 
 20420 -    const_MPArray src, const_PrioConfig cfg)
 20421 +SECStatus
 20422 +PRG_share_array(PRG prgB, MPArray arrA, const_MPArray src, const_PrioConfig cfg)
 20423  {
 20424    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 20425    if (arrA->len != src->len)
 20426 @@ -147,10 +147,9 @@
 20428    const int len = src->len;
 20430 -  for (int i=0; i < len; i++) {
 20431 -    P_CHECK(PRG_share_int (prgB, &arrA->data[i], &src->data[i], cfg));
 20432 +  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
 20433 +    P_CHECK(PRG_share_int(prgB, &arrA->data[i], &src->data[i], cfg));
 20434    }
 20436    return rv;
 20437 -
 20438  }
 20439 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/rand.h b/third_party/prio/prio/rand.h
 20440 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/rand.h
 20441 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/rand.h
 20442 @@ -1,43 +1,44 @@
 20443  /*
 20444   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 20445 - * 
 20446 + *
 20447   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 20448   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 20449 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 20450 + * file, You can obtain one at
 20451   */
 20453  #ifndef __RAND_H__
 20454  #define __RAND_H__
 20456  #include <mpi.h>
 20457 -#include <nss/seccomon.h>
 20458 +#include <seccomon.h>
 20459  #include <stdlib.h>
 20461  /*
 20462   * Typedef for function pointer. A function pointer of type RandBytesFunc
 20463   * points to a function that fills the buffer `out` of with `len` random bytes.
 20464   */
 20465 -typedef SECStatus (*RandBytesFunc) (void *user_data, unsigned char *out, size_t len);
 20466 +typedef SECStatus (*RandBytesFunc)(void* user_data, unsigned char* out,
 20467 +                                   size_t len);
 20469 -/* 
 20470 +/*
 20471   * Initialize or cleanup the global random number generator
 20472   * state that NSS uses.
 20473   */
 20474 -SECStatus rand_init (void);
 20475 -void rand_clear (void);
 20476 +SECStatus rand_init(void);
 20477 +void rand_clear(void);
 20479 -/* 
 20480 +/*
 20481   * Generate the specified number of random bytes using the
 20482   * NSS random number generator.
 20483 - */ 
 20484 -SECStatus rand_bytes (unsigned char *out, size_t n_bytes);
 20485 + */
 20486 +SECStatus rand_bytes(unsigned char* out, size_t n_bytes);
 20488  /*
 20489   * Generate a random number x such that
 20490   *    0 <= x < max
 20491   * using the NSS random number generator.
 20492   */
 20493 -SECStatus rand_int (mp_int *out, const mp_int *max);
 20494 +SECStatus rand_int(mp_int* out, const mp_int* max);
 20496  /*
 20497   * Generate a random number x such that
 20498 @@ -47,8 +48,7 @@
 20499   * The pointer user_data is passed to RandBytesFung `rng` as a first
 20500   * argument.
 20501   */
 20502 -SECStatus rand_int_rng (mp_int *out, const mp_int *max, 
 20503 -    RandBytesFunc rng, void *user_data);
 20504 +SECStatus rand_int_rng(mp_int* out, const mp_int* max, RandBytesFunc rng,
 20505 +                       void* user_data);
 20507  #endif /* __RAND_H__ */
 20508 -
 20509 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/rand.c b/third_party/prio/prio/rand.c
 20510 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/rand.c
 20511 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/rand.c
 20512 @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 20513  /*
 20514   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 20515 - * 
 20516 + *
 20517   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 20518   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 20519 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 20520 + * file, You can obtain one at
 20521   */
 20523  #include <limits.h>
 20524  #include <mprio.h>
 20525 -#include <nss/nss.h>
 20526 -#include <nss/pk11pub.h>
 20527 -#include <nspr/prinit.h>
 20528 +#include <nss.h>
 20529 +#include <pk11pub.h>
 20530 +#include <prinit.h>
 20532  #include "debug.h"
 20533  #include "rand.h"
 20534 @@ -18,44 +18,41 @@
 20536  #define CHUNK_SIZE 8192
 20538 -static NSSInitContext *prioGlobalContext = NULL;
 20539 +static NSSInitContext* prioGlobalContext = NULL;
 20541  SECStatus
 20542 -rand_init (void)
 20543 +rand_init(void)
 20544  {
 20545 -  if (prioGlobalContext) 
 20546 +  if (prioGlobalContext)
 20547      return SECSuccess;
 20549 -  prioGlobalContext = NSS_InitContext ("", "", "", "", NULL, 
 20550 -      NSS_INIT_READONLY | 
 20551 -      NSS_INIT_NOCERTDB | 
 20552 -      NSS_INIT_NOMODDB | 
 20553 -      NSS_INIT_FORCEOPEN | 
 20554 -      NSS_INIT_NOROOTINIT);
 20555 +  prioGlobalContext =
 20556 +    NSS_InitContext("", "", "", "", NULL,
 20558 +                      NSS_INIT_FORCEOPEN | NSS_INIT_NOROOTINIT);
 20560    return (prioGlobalContext != NULL) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
 20561  }
 20563 -static SECStatus 
 20564 -rand_bytes_internal (void *user_data, unsigned char *out, size_t n_bytes)
 20565 +static SECStatus
 20566 +rand_bytes_internal(void* user_data, unsigned char* out, size_t n_bytes)
 20567  {
 20568    // No pointer should ever be passed in.
 20569    if (user_data != NULL)
 20570      return SECFailure;
 20571 -  if (!NSS_IsInitialized ()) {
 20572 -    PRIO_DEBUG ("NSS not initialized. Call rand_init() first.");
 20573 +  if (!NSS_IsInitialized()) {
 20574 +    PRIO_DEBUG("NSS not initialized. Call rand_init() first.");
 20575      return SECFailure;
 20576    }
 20578    SECStatus rv = SECFailure;
 20580    int to_go = n_bytes;
 20581 -  unsigned char *cp = out;
 20582 +  unsigned char* cp = out;
 20583    while (to_go) {
 20584 -    int to_gen = MIN (CHUNK_SIZE, to_go);
 20585 -    if ((rv = PK11_GenerateRandom (cp, to_gen)) != SECSuccess) 
 20586 -    {
 20587 -      PRIO_DEBUG ("Error calling PK11_GenerateRandom");
 20588 +    int to_gen = MIN(CHUNK_SIZE, to_go);
 20589 +    if ((rv = PK11_GenerateRandom(cp, to_gen)) != SECSuccess) {
 20590 +      PRIO_DEBUG("Error calling PK11_GenerateRandom");
 20591        return SECFailure;
 20592      }
 20594 @@ -66,67 +63,67 @@
 20595    return rv;
 20596  }
 20598 -SECStatus 
 20599 -rand_bytes (unsigned char *out, size_t n_bytes)
 20600 +SECStatus
 20601 +rand_bytes(unsigned char* out, size_t n_bytes)
 20602  {
 20603 -  return rand_bytes_internal (NULL, out, n_bytes);
 20604 +  return rand_bytes_internal(NULL, out, n_bytes);
 20605  }
 20607  SECStatus
 20608 -rand_int (mp_int *out, const mp_int *max)
 20609 +rand_int(mp_int* out, const mp_int* max)
 20610  {
 20611 -  return rand_int_rng (out, max, &rand_bytes_internal, NULL);
 20612 +  return rand_int_rng(out, max, &rand_bytes_internal, NULL);
 20613  }
 20615  SECStatus
 20616 -rand_int_rng (mp_int *out, const mp_int *max, 
 20617 -    RandBytesFunc rng_func, void *user_data)
 20618 +rand_int_rng(mp_int* out, const mp_int* max, RandBytesFunc rng_func,
 20619 +             void* user_data)
 20620  {
 20621    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 20623    // Ensure max value is > 0
 20624 -  if (mp_cmp_z (max) == 0)
 20625 +  if (mp_cmp_z(max) == 0)
 20626      return SECFailure;
 20628    // Compute max-1, which tells us the largest
 20629    // value we will ever need to generate.
 20630 -  MP_CHECK (mp_sub_d (max, 1, out));
 20631 +  MP_CHECK(mp_sub_d(max, 1, out));
 20633 -  const int nbytes = mp_unsigned_octet_size (out);
 20634 +  const int nbytes = mp_unsigned_octet_size(out);
 20636 -  // Figure out how many MSBs we need to get in the 
 20637 -  // most-significant byte. 
 20638 +  // Figure out how many MSBs we need to get in the
 20639 +  // most-significant byte.
 20640    unsigned char max_bytes[nbytes];
 20641 -  MP_CHECK (mp_to_fixlen_octets (out, max_bytes, nbytes));
 20642 -  const unsigned char mask = msb_mask (max_bytes[0]); 
 20643 +  MP_CHECK(mp_to_fixlen_octets(out, max_bytes, nbytes));
 20644 +  const unsigned char mask = msb_mask(max_bytes[0]);
 20646    // Buffer to store the pseudo-random bytes
 20647    unsigned char buf[nbytes];
 20649    do {
 20650      // Use  rejection sampling to find a value strictly less than max.
 20651 -    P_CHECK (rng_func (user_data, buf, nbytes));
 20652 +    P_CHECK(rng_func(user_data, buf, nbytes));
 20654      // Mask off high-order bits that we will never need.
 20655 -    P_CHECK (rng_func (user_data, &buf[0], 1));
 20656 -    if (mask) buf[0] &= mask;
 20657 +    P_CHECK(rng_func(user_data, &buf[0], 1));
 20658 +    if (mask)
 20659 +      buf[0] &= mask;
 20661 -    MP_CHECK (mp_read_unsigned_octets (out, buf, nbytes));
 20662 -  } while (mp_cmp (out, max) != -1);
 20663 +    MP_CHECK(mp_read_unsigned_octets(out, buf, nbytes));
 20664 +  } while (mp_cmp(out, max) != -1);
 20666    return 0;
 20667  }
 20669  void
 20670 -rand_clear (void)
 20671 +rand_clear(void)
 20672  {
 20673    if (prioGlobalContext) {
 20674 -    NSS_ShutdownContext (prioGlobalContext);
 20675 +    NSS_ShutdownContext(prioGlobalContext);
 20676  #ifdef DO_PR_CLEANUP
 20677 -    PR_Cleanup ();
 20678 -#endif    
 20679 +    PR_Cleanup();
 20680 +#endif
 20681    }
 20683    prioGlobalContext = NULL;
 20684  }
 20685 -
 20686 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/serial.h b/third_party/prio/prio/serial.h
 20687 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/serial.h
 20688 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/serial.h
 20689 @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 20690  /*
 20691   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 20692 - * 
 20693 + *
 20694   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 20695   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 20696 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 20697 + * file, You can obtain one at
 20698   */
 20700  #ifndef __SERIAL_H__
 20701 @@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
 20703  #include <mprio.h>
 20705 -SECStatus serial_write_packet_client (msgpack_packer *pk, const_PrioPacketClient p,
 20706 -    const_PrioConfig cfg);
 20707 +SECStatus serial_write_packet_client(msgpack_packer* pk,
 20708 +                                     const_PrioPacketClient p,
 20709 +                                     const_PrioConfig cfg);
 20711 -SECStatus serial_read_packet_client (msgpack_unpacker *upk, PrioPacketClient p,
 20712 -    const_PrioConfig cfg);
 20713 +SECStatus serial_read_packet_client(msgpack_unpacker* upk, PrioPacketClient p,
 20714 +                                    const_PrioConfig cfg);
 20716  #endif /* __SERIAL_H__ */
 20717 -
 20718 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/serial.c b/third_party/prio/prio/serial.c
 20719 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/serial.c
 20720 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/serial.c
 20721 @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 20722  /*
 20723   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 20724 - * 
 20725 + *
 20726   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 20727   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 20728 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 20729 + * file, You can obtain one at
 20730   */
 20732  #include <mprio.h>
 20733 @@ -17,277 +17,277 @@
 20735  #define MSGPACK_OK 0
 20737 -static SECStatus 
 20738 -serial_write_mp_int (msgpack_packer *pk, const mp_int *n)
 20739 +static SECStatus
 20740 +serial_write_mp_int(msgpack_packer* pk, const mp_int* n)
 20741  {
 20742    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 20743 -  unsigned int n_size = mp_unsigned_octet_size (n);  
 20744 +  unsigned int n_size = mp_unsigned_octet_size(n);
 20746    unsigned char data[n_size];
 20747 -  MP_CHECK (mp_to_fixlen_octets (n, data, n_size));
 20748 +  MP_CHECK(mp_to_fixlen_octets(n, data, n_size));
 20750 -  P_CHECK (msgpack_pack_str (pk, n_size));
 20751 -  P_CHECK (msgpack_pack_str_body (pk, data, n_size));
 20752 +  P_CHECK(msgpack_pack_str(pk, n_size));
 20753 +  P_CHECK(msgpack_pack_str_body(pk, data, n_size));
 20754    return rv;
 20755  }
 20757  static SECStatus
 20758 -object_to_mp_int (msgpack_object *obj, mp_int *n, const mp_int *max)
 20759 +object_to_mp_int(msgpack_object* obj, mp_int* n, const mp_int* max)
 20760  {
 20761    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 20762 -  P_CHECKCB (obj != NULL);
 20763 -  P_CHECKCB (obj->type == MSGPACK_OBJECT_STR);
 20764 -  P_CHECKCB (n != NULL);
 20765 +  P_CHECKCB(obj != NULL);
 20766 +  P_CHECKCB(obj->type == MSGPACK_OBJECT_STR);
 20767 +  P_CHECKCB(n != NULL);
 20769    msgpack_object_str s = obj->via.str;
 20770 -  P_CHECKCB (s.ptr != NULL);
 20771 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_read_unsigned_octets (n, (unsigned char *)s.ptr, s.size));
 20772 +  P_CHECKCB(s.ptr != NULL);
 20773 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_read_unsigned_octets(n, (unsigned char*)s.ptr, s.size));
 20775 -  P_CHECKCB (mp_cmp_z (n) >= 0);
 20776 -  P_CHECKCB (mp_cmp (n, max) < 0);
 20777 +  P_CHECKCB(mp_cmp_z(n) >= 0);
 20778 +  P_CHECKCB(mp_cmp(n, max) < 0);
 20780  cleanup:
 20781    return rv;
 20782  }
 20784 -static SECStatus 
 20785 -serial_read_mp_int (msgpack_unpacker *upk, mp_int *n, const mp_int *max)
 20786 +static SECStatus
 20787 +serial_read_mp_int(msgpack_unpacker* upk, mp_int* n, const mp_int* max)
 20788  {
 20789    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 20790 -  P_CHECKCB (upk != NULL);
 20791 -  P_CHECKCB (n != NULL);
 20792 -  P_CHECKCB (max != NULL);
 20793 +  P_CHECKCB(upk != NULL);
 20794 +  P_CHECKCB(n != NULL);
 20795 +  P_CHECKCB(max != NULL);
 20797    msgpack_unpacked res;
 20798 -  msgpack_unpacked_init (&res);
 20799 -  UP_CHECK (msgpack_unpacker_next (upk, &res))
 20800 +  msgpack_unpacked_init(&res);
 20801 +  UP_CHECK(msgpack_unpacker_next(upk, &res))
 20803    msgpack_object obj =;
 20804 -  P_CHECKC (object_to_mp_int (&obj, n, max));
 20805 +  P_CHECKC(object_to_mp_int(&obj, n, max));
 20807  cleanup:
 20808 -  msgpack_unpacked_destroy (&res);
 20809 +  msgpack_unpacked_destroy(&res);
 20811    return rv;
 20812  }
 20814 -static SECStatus 
 20815 -serial_read_int (msgpack_unpacker *upk, int *n)
 20816 +static SECStatus
 20817 +serial_read_int(msgpack_unpacker* upk, int* n)
 20818  {
 20819    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 20820 -  P_CHECKCB (upk != NULL);
 20821 -  P_CHECKCB (n != NULL);
 20822 +  P_CHECKCB(upk != NULL);
 20823 +  P_CHECKCB(n != NULL);
 20825    msgpack_unpacked res;
 20826 -  msgpack_unpacked_init (&res);
 20827 -  UP_CHECK (msgpack_unpacker_next (upk, &res))
 20828 +  msgpack_unpacked_init(&res);
 20829 +  UP_CHECK(msgpack_unpacker_next(upk, &res))
 20831    msgpack_object obj =;
 20835    *n = obj.via.i64;
 20837  cleanup:
 20838 -  msgpack_unpacked_destroy (&res);
 20839 +  msgpack_unpacked_destroy(&res);
 20841    return rv;
 20842  }
 20844 -static SECStatus 
 20845 -serial_write_mp_array (msgpack_packer *pk, const_MPArray arr)
 20846 +static SECStatus
 20847 +serial_write_mp_array(msgpack_packer* pk, const_MPArray arr)
 20848  {
 20849    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 20850 -  P_CHECKCB (pk != NULL);
 20851 -  P_CHECKCB (arr != NULL);
 20852 +  P_CHECKCB(pk != NULL);
 20853 +  P_CHECKCB(arr != NULL);
 20855 -  P_CHECK (msgpack_pack_array (pk, arr->len));
 20856 +  P_CHECK(msgpack_pack_array(pk, arr->len));
 20857    for (int i = 0; i < arr->len; i++) {
 20858 -    P_CHECK (serial_write_mp_int (pk, &arr->data[i]));
 20859 +    P_CHECK(serial_write_mp_int(pk, &arr->data[i]));
 20860    }
 20862  cleanup:
 20863    return rv;
 20864  }
 20866 -static SECStatus 
 20867 -serial_read_mp_array (msgpack_unpacker *upk, MPArray arr, size_t len, const mp_int
 20868 -    *max)
 20869 +static SECStatus
 20870 +serial_read_mp_array(msgpack_unpacker* upk, MPArray arr, size_t len,
 20871 +                     const mp_int* max)
 20872  {
 20873    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 20874 -  P_CHECKCB (upk != NULL);
 20875 -  P_CHECKCB (arr != NULL);
 20876 -  P_CHECKCB (max != NULL);
 20877 +  P_CHECKCB(upk != NULL);
 20878 +  P_CHECKCB(arr != NULL);
 20879 +  P_CHECKCB(max != NULL);
 20881    msgpack_unpacked res;
 20882 -  msgpack_unpacked_init (&res);
 20883 -  UP_CHECK (msgpack_unpacker_next (upk, &res))
 20884 +  msgpack_unpacked_init(&res);
 20885 +  UP_CHECK(msgpack_unpacker_next(upk, &res))
 20887    msgpack_object obj =;
 20888 -  P_CHECKCB (obj.type == MSGPACK_OBJECT_ARRAY);
 20889 +  P_CHECKCB(obj.type == MSGPACK_OBJECT_ARRAY);
 20891    msgpack_object_array objarr = obj.via.array;
 20892 -  P_CHECKCB (objarr.size == len);
 20893 +  P_CHECKCB(objarr.size == len);
 20895 -  P_CHECKC (MPArray_resize (arr, len));
 20896 -  for (unsigned int i=0; i<len; i++) {
 20897 -    P_CHECKC (object_to_mp_int (&objarr.ptr[i], &arr->data[i], max));
 20898 +  P_CHECKC(MPArray_resize(arr, len));
 20899 +  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
 20900 +    P_CHECKC(object_to_mp_int(&objarr.ptr[i], &arr->data[i], max));
 20901    }
 20903  cleanup:
 20904 -  msgpack_unpacked_destroy (&res);
 20905 +  msgpack_unpacked_destroy(&res);
 20907    return rv;
 20908  }
 20910 -
 20911 -static SECStatus 
 20912 -serial_write_beaver_triple (msgpack_packer *pk, const_BeaverTriple t)
 20913 +static SECStatus
 20914 +serial_write_beaver_triple(msgpack_packer* pk, const_BeaverTriple t)
 20915  {
 20916    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 20917 -  P_CHECKCB (pk != NULL);
 20918 -  P_CHECKCB (t != NULL);
 20919 +  P_CHECKCB(pk != NULL);
 20920 +  P_CHECKCB(t != NULL);
 20922 -  P_CHECK (serial_write_mp_int (pk, &t->a)); 
 20923 -  P_CHECK (serial_write_mp_int (pk, &t->b)); 
 20924 -  P_CHECK (serial_write_mp_int (pk, &t->c)); 
 20925 +  P_CHECK(serial_write_mp_int(pk, &t->a));
 20926 +  P_CHECK(serial_write_mp_int(pk, &t->b));
 20927 +  P_CHECK(serial_write_mp_int(pk, &t->c));
 20929  cleanup:
 20930    return rv;
 20931  }
 20933 -static SECStatus 
 20934 -serial_read_beaver_triple (msgpack_unpacker *pk, BeaverTriple t, const mp_int *max)
 20935 +static SECStatus
 20936 +serial_read_beaver_triple(msgpack_unpacker* pk, BeaverTriple t,
 20937 +                          const mp_int* max)
 20938  {
 20939    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 20940 -  P_CHECKCB (pk != NULL);
 20941 -  P_CHECKCB (t != NULL);
 20942 -  P_CHECKCB (max != NULL);
 20943 +  P_CHECKCB(pk != NULL);
 20944 +  P_CHECKCB(t != NULL);
 20945 +  P_CHECKCB(max != NULL);
 20947 -  P_CHECK (serial_read_mp_int (pk, &t->a, max)); 
 20948 -  P_CHECK (serial_read_mp_int (pk, &t->b, max)); 
 20949 -  P_CHECK (serial_read_mp_int (pk, &t->c, max)); 
 20950 +  P_CHECK(serial_read_mp_int(pk, &t->a, max));
 20951 +  P_CHECK(serial_read_mp_int(pk, &t->b, max));
 20952 +  P_CHECK(serial_read_mp_int(pk, &t->c, max));
 20954  cleanup:
 20955    return rv;
 20956  }
 20958 -static SECStatus 
 20959 -serial_write_server_a_data (msgpack_packer *pk, const struct server_a_data *A)
 20960 +static SECStatus
 20961 +serial_write_server_a_data(msgpack_packer* pk, const struct server_a_data* A)
 20962  {
 20963    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 20964 -  P_CHECKCB (pk != NULL);
 20965 -  P_CHECKCB (A != NULL);
 20966 +  P_CHECKCB(pk != NULL);
 20967 +  P_CHECKCB(A != NULL);
 20969 -  P_CHECK (serial_write_mp_array (pk, A->data_shares)); 
 20970 -  P_CHECK (serial_write_mp_array (pk, A->h_points)); 
 20971 +  P_CHECK(serial_write_mp_array(pk, A->data_shares));
 20972 +  P_CHECK(serial_write_mp_array(pk, A->h_points));
 20973  cleanup:
 20974    return rv;
 20975  }
 20977 -static SECStatus 
 20978 -serial_read_server_a_data (msgpack_unpacker *upk, struct server_a_data *A,
 20979 -    const_PrioConfig cfg)
 20980 +static SECStatus
 20981 +serial_read_server_a_data(msgpack_unpacker* upk, struct server_a_data* A,
 20982 +                          const_PrioConfig cfg)
 20983  {
 20984    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 20985 -  P_CHECKCB (upk != NULL);
 20986 -  P_CHECKCB (A != NULL);
 20987 +  P_CHECKCB(upk != NULL);
 20988 +  P_CHECKCB(A != NULL);
 20990 -  P_CHECK (serial_read_mp_array (upk, A->data_shares, cfg->num_data_fields,
 20991 -        &cfg->modulus)); 
 20992 -  P_CHECK (serial_read_mp_array (upk, A->h_points, PrioConfig_hPoints (cfg),
 20993 -        &cfg->modulus)); 
 20994 +  P_CHECK(serial_read_mp_array(upk, A->data_shares, cfg->num_data_fields,
 20995 +                               &cfg->modulus));
 20996 +  P_CHECK(serial_read_mp_array(upk, A->h_points, PrioConfig_hPoints(cfg),
 20997 +                               &cfg->modulus));
 20999  cleanup:
 21000    return rv;
 21001  }
 21003 -static SECStatus 
 21004 -serial_write_prg_seed (msgpack_packer *pk, const PrioPRGSeed *seed)
 21005 +static SECStatus
 21006 +serial_write_prg_seed(msgpack_packer* pk, const PrioPRGSeed* seed)
 21007  {
 21008    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21009 -  P_CHECKCB (pk != NULL);
 21010 -  P_CHECKCB (seed != NULL);
 21011 +  P_CHECKCB(pk != NULL);
 21012 +  P_CHECKCB(seed != NULL);
 21014 -  P_CHECK (msgpack_pack_str (pk, PRG_SEED_LENGTH));
 21015 -  P_CHECK (msgpack_pack_str_body (pk, seed, PRG_SEED_LENGTH));
 21016 +  P_CHECK(msgpack_pack_str(pk, PRG_SEED_LENGTH));
 21017 +  P_CHECK(msgpack_pack_str_body(pk, seed, PRG_SEED_LENGTH));
 21019  cleanup:
 21020    return rv;
 21021  }
 21023 -static SECStatus 
 21024 -serial_read_prg_seed (msgpack_unpacker *upk, PrioPRGSeed *seed)
 21025 +static SECStatus
 21026 +serial_read_prg_seed(msgpack_unpacker* upk, PrioPRGSeed* seed)
 21027  {
 21028    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21029 -  P_CHECKCB (upk != NULL);
 21030 -  P_CHECKCB (seed != NULL);
 21031 +  P_CHECKCB(upk != NULL);
 21032 +  P_CHECKCB(seed != NULL);
 21034    msgpack_unpacked res;
 21035 -  msgpack_unpacked_init (&res);
 21036 -  UP_CHECK (msgpack_unpacker_next (upk, &res))
 21037 +  msgpack_unpacked_init(&res);
 21038 +  UP_CHECK(msgpack_unpacker_next(upk, &res))
 21040    msgpack_object obj =;
 21041 -  P_CHECKCB (obj.type == MSGPACK_OBJECT_STR);
 21042 +  P_CHECKCB(obj.type == MSGPACK_OBJECT_STR);
 21044    msgpack_object_str s = obj.via.str;
 21045 -  P_CHECKCB (s.size == PRG_SEED_LENGTH);
 21046 -  memcpy (seed, s.ptr, PRG_SEED_LENGTH);
 21047 +  P_CHECKCB(s.size == PRG_SEED_LENGTH);
 21048 +  memcpy(seed, s.ptr, PRG_SEED_LENGTH);
 21050  cleanup:
 21051 -  msgpack_unpacked_destroy (&res);
 21052 +  msgpack_unpacked_destroy(&res);
 21054    return rv;
 21055  }
 21057 -static SECStatus 
 21058 -serial_write_server_b_data (msgpack_packer *pk, const struct server_b_data *B)
 21059 +static SECStatus
 21060 +serial_write_server_b_data(msgpack_packer* pk, const struct server_b_data* B)
 21061  {
 21062    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21063 -  P_CHECKCB (pk != NULL);
 21064 -  P_CHECKCB (B != NULL);
 21065 +  P_CHECKCB(pk != NULL);
 21066 +  P_CHECKCB(B != NULL);
 21068 -  rv = serial_write_prg_seed (pk, &B->seed);
 21069 +  rv = serial_write_prg_seed(pk, &B->seed);
 21070  cleanup:
 21071    return rv;
 21072  }
 21074 -static SECStatus 
 21075 -serial_read_server_b_data (msgpack_unpacker *upk, struct server_b_data *B)
 21076 +static SECStatus
 21077 +serial_read_server_b_data(msgpack_unpacker* upk, struct server_b_data* B)
 21078  {
 21079    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21080 -  P_CHECKCB (upk != NULL);
 21081 -  P_CHECKCB (B != NULL);
 21082 -  
 21083 -  rv =serial_read_prg_seed (upk, &B->seed);
 21084 +  P_CHECKCB(upk != NULL);
 21085 +  P_CHECKCB(B != NULL);
 21086 +
 21087 +  rv = serial_read_prg_seed(upk, &B->seed);
 21088  cleanup:
 21089    return rv;
 21090  }
 21092 -SECStatus 
 21093 -serial_write_packet_client (msgpack_packer *pk, const_PrioPacketClient p,
 21094 -    const_PrioConfig cfg)
 21095 +SECStatus
 21096 +serial_write_packet_client(msgpack_packer* pk, const_PrioPacketClient p,
 21097 +                           const_PrioConfig cfg)
 21098  {
 21099    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21100 -  P_CHECKCB (pk != NULL);
 21101 -  P_CHECKCB (p != NULL);
 21102 +  P_CHECKCB(pk != NULL);
 21103 +  P_CHECKCB(p != NULL);
 21105 -  P_CHECK (msgpack_pack_str (pk, cfg->batch_id_len));
 21106 -  P_CHECK (msgpack_pack_str_body (pk, cfg->batch_id, cfg->batch_id_len));
 21107 +  P_CHECK(msgpack_pack_str(pk, cfg->batch_id_len));
 21108 +  P_CHECK(msgpack_pack_str_body(pk, cfg->batch_id, cfg->batch_id_len));
 21110 -  P_CHECK (serial_write_beaver_triple (pk, p->triple));
 21111 +  P_CHECK(serial_write_beaver_triple(pk, p->triple));
 21113 -  P_CHECK (serial_write_mp_int (pk, &p->f0_share));
 21114 -  P_CHECK (serial_write_mp_int (pk, &p->g0_share));
 21115 -  P_CHECK (serial_write_mp_int (pk, &p->h0_share));
 21116 +  P_CHECK(serial_write_mp_int(pk, &p->f0_share));
 21117 +  P_CHECK(serial_write_mp_int(pk, &p->g0_share));
 21118 +  P_CHECK(serial_write_mp_int(pk, &p->h0_share));
 21120 -  P_CHECK (msgpack_pack_int (pk, p->for_server));
 21121 +  P_CHECK(msgpack_pack_int(pk, p->for_server));
 21123    switch (p->for_server) {
 21124      case PRIO_SERVER_A:
 21125 -      P_CHECK (serial_write_server_a_data (pk, &p->shares.A));
 21126 +      P_CHECK(serial_write_server_a_data(pk, &p->shares.A));
 21127        break;
 21128      case PRIO_SERVER_B:
 21129 -      P_CHECK (serial_write_server_b_data (pk, &p->shares.B));
 21130 +      P_CHECK(serial_write_server_b_data(pk, &p->shares.B));
 21131        break;
 21132      default:
 21133        return SECFailure;
 21134 @@ -297,146 +297,144 @@
 21135    return rv;
 21136  }
 21138 -SECStatus 
 21139 -serial_read_server_id (msgpack_unpacker *upk, PrioServerId *s)
 21140 +SECStatus
 21141 +serial_read_server_id(msgpack_unpacker* upk, PrioServerId* s)
 21142  {
 21143    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21144 -  P_CHECKCB (upk != NULL);
 21145 -  P_CHECKCB (s != NULL);
 21146 +  P_CHECKCB(upk != NULL);
 21147 +  P_CHECKCB(s != NULL);
 21149    int serv;
 21150 -  P_CHECK (serial_read_int (upk, &serv));
 21151 -  P_CHECKCB (serv == PRIO_SERVER_A || serv == PRIO_SERVER_B);
 21152 +  P_CHECK(serial_read_int(upk, &serv));
 21153 +  P_CHECKCB(serv == PRIO_SERVER_A || serv == PRIO_SERVER_B);
 21154    *s = serv;
 21156  cleanup:
 21157    return rv;
 21158  }
 21160 -SECStatus 
 21161 -serial_read_packet_client (msgpack_unpacker *upk, PrioPacketClient p,
 21162 -    const_PrioConfig cfg)
 21163 +SECStatus
 21164 +serial_read_packet_client(msgpack_unpacker* upk, PrioPacketClient p,
 21165 +                          const_PrioConfig cfg)
 21166  {
 21167    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21168 -  P_CHECKCB (upk != NULL);
 21169 -  P_CHECKCB (p != NULL);
 21170 +  P_CHECKCB(upk != NULL);
 21171 +  P_CHECKCB(p != NULL);
 21172    msgpack_unpacked res;
 21173 -  msgpack_unpacked_init (&res);
 21174 -  UP_CHECK (msgpack_unpacker_next (upk, &res))
 21175 +  msgpack_unpacked_init(&res);
 21176 +  UP_CHECK(msgpack_unpacker_next(upk, &res))
 21178    msgpack_object obj =;
 21179 -  P_CHECKCB (obj.type == MSGPACK_OBJECT_STR);
 21180 +  P_CHECKCB(obj.type == MSGPACK_OBJECT_STR);
 21182    msgpack_object_str s = obj.via.str;
 21183 -  P_CHECKCB (s.size == cfg->batch_id_len);
 21184 -  P_CHECKCB (!memcmp (s.ptr, (char *)cfg->batch_id, cfg->batch_id_len));
 21185 +  P_CHECKCB(s.size == cfg->batch_id_len);
 21186 +  P_CHECKCB(!memcmp(s.ptr, (char*)cfg->batch_id, cfg->batch_id_len));
 21188 -  P_CHECK (serial_read_beaver_triple (upk, p->triple, &cfg->modulus));
 21189 +  P_CHECK(serial_read_beaver_triple(upk, p->triple, &cfg->modulus));
 21191 -  P_CHECK (serial_read_mp_int (upk, &p->f0_share, &cfg->modulus));
 21192 -  P_CHECK (serial_read_mp_int (upk, &p->g0_share, &cfg->modulus));
 21193 -  P_CHECK (serial_read_mp_int (upk, &p->h0_share, &cfg->modulus));
 21194 +  P_CHECK(serial_read_mp_int(upk, &p->f0_share, &cfg->modulus));
 21195 +  P_CHECK(serial_read_mp_int(upk, &p->g0_share, &cfg->modulus));
 21196 +  P_CHECK(serial_read_mp_int(upk, &p->h0_share, &cfg->modulus));
 21198 -  P_CHECK (serial_read_server_id (upk, &p->for_server));
 21199 +  P_CHECK(serial_read_server_id(upk, &p->for_server));
 21201    switch (p->for_server) {
 21202      case PRIO_SERVER_A:
 21203 -      P_CHECK (serial_read_server_a_data (upk, &p->shares.A, cfg));
 21204 +      P_CHECK(serial_read_server_a_data(upk, &p->shares.A, cfg));
 21205        break;
 21206      case PRIO_SERVER_B:
 21207 -      P_CHECK (serial_read_server_b_data (upk, &p->shares.B));
 21208 +      P_CHECK(serial_read_server_b_data(upk, &p->shares.B));
 21209        break;
 21210      default:
 21211        return SECFailure;
 21212    }
 21214  cleanup:
 21215 -  msgpack_unpacked_destroy (&res);
 21216 +  msgpack_unpacked_destroy(&res);
 21217    return rv;
 21218  }
 21220 -
 21221 -SECStatus 
 21222 -PrioPacketVerify1_write (const_PrioPacketVerify1 p, msgpack_packer *pk)
 21223 +SECStatus
 21224 +PrioPacketVerify1_write(const_PrioPacketVerify1 p, msgpack_packer* pk)
 21225  {
 21226    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21227 -  P_CHECKCB (pk != NULL);
 21228 -  P_CHECKCB (p != NULL);
 21229 +  P_CHECKCB(pk != NULL);
 21230 +  P_CHECKCB(p != NULL);
 21232 -  P_CHECK (serial_write_mp_int (pk, &p->share_d));
 21233 -  P_CHECK (serial_write_mp_int (pk, &p->share_e));
 21234 +  P_CHECK(serial_write_mp_int(pk, &p->share_d));
 21235 +  P_CHECK(serial_write_mp_int(pk, &p->share_e));
 21237  cleanup:
 21238    return rv;
 21239  }
 21241 -SECStatus 
 21242 -PrioPacketVerify1_read (PrioPacketVerify1 p, msgpack_unpacker *upk,
 21243 -    const_PrioConfig cfg)
 21244 +SECStatus
 21245 +PrioPacketVerify1_read(PrioPacketVerify1 p, msgpack_unpacker* upk,
 21246 +                       const_PrioConfig cfg)
 21247  {
 21248    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21249 -  P_CHECKCB (upk != NULL);
 21250 -  P_CHECKCB (p != NULL);
 21251 +  P_CHECKCB(upk != NULL);
 21252 +  P_CHECKCB(p != NULL);
 21254 -  P_CHECK (serial_read_mp_int (upk, &p->share_d, &cfg->modulus));
 21255 -  P_CHECK (serial_read_mp_int (upk, &p->share_e, &cfg->modulus));
 21256 +  P_CHECK(serial_read_mp_int(upk, &p->share_d, &cfg->modulus));
 21257 +  P_CHECK(serial_read_mp_int(upk, &p->share_e, &cfg->modulus));
 21259  cleanup:
 21260    return rv;
 21261  }
 21263 -SECStatus 
 21264 -PrioPacketVerify2_write (const_PrioPacketVerify2 p, msgpack_packer *pk)
 21265 +SECStatus
 21266 +PrioPacketVerify2_write(const_PrioPacketVerify2 p, msgpack_packer* pk)
 21267  {
 21268    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21269 -  P_CHECKCB (pk != NULL);
 21270 -  P_CHECKCB (p != NULL);
 21271 +  P_CHECKCB(pk != NULL);
 21272 +  P_CHECKCB(p != NULL);
 21274 -  P_CHECK (serial_write_mp_int (pk, &p->share_out));
 21275 +  P_CHECK(serial_write_mp_int(pk, &p->share_out));
 21277  cleanup:
 21278    return rv;
 21279  }
 21281 -SECStatus 
 21282 -PrioPacketVerify2_read (PrioPacketVerify2 p, msgpack_unpacker *upk,
 21283 -    const_PrioConfig cfg)
 21284 +SECStatus
 21285 +PrioPacketVerify2_read(PrioPacketVerify2 p, msgpack_unpacker* upk,
 21286 +                       const_PrioConfig cfg)
 21287  {
 21288    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21289 -  P_CHECKCB (upk != NULL);
 21290 -  P_CHECKCB (p != NULL);
 21291 +  P_CHECKCB(upk != NULL);
 21292 +  P_CHECKCB(p != NULL);
 21294 -  P_CHECK (serial_read_mp_int (upk, &p->share_out, &cfg->modulus));
 21295 +  P_CHECK(serial_read_mp_int(upk, &p->share_out, &cfg->modulus));
 21297  cleanup:
 21298    return rv;
 21299  }
 21301 -SECStatus 
 21302 -PrioTotalShare_write (const_PrioTotalShare t, msgpack_packer *pk)
 21303 +SECStatus
 21304 +PrioTotalShare_write(const_PrioTotalShare t, msgpack_packer* pk)
 21305  {
 21306    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21307 -  P_CHECKCB (t != NULL);
 21308 -  P_CHECKCB (pk != NULL);
 21309 -  P_CHECK (msgpack_pack_int (pk, t->idx));
 21310 -  P_CHECK (serial_write_mp_array (pk, t->data_shares));
 21311 +  P_CHECKCB(t != NULL);
 21312 +  P_CHECKCB(pk != NULL);
 21313 +  P_CHECK(msgpack_pack_int(pk, t->idx));
 21314 +  P_CHECK(serial_write_mp_array(pk, t->data_shares));
 21316  cleanup:
 21317    return rv;
 21318  }
 21320 -SECStatus 
 21321 -PrioTotalShare_read (PrioTotalShare t, msgpack_unpacker *upk, 
 21322 -    const_PrioConfig cfg)
 21323 +SECStatus
 21324 +PrioTotalShare_read(PrioTotalShare t, msgpack_unpacker* upk,
 21325 +                    const_PrioConfig cfg)
 21326  {
 21327    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21328 -  P_CHECKCB (t != NULL);
 21329 -  P_CHECKCB (upk != NULL);
 21330 -  P_CHECK (serial_read_server_id (upk, &t->idx));
 21331 -  P_CHECK (serial_read_mp_array (upk, t->data_shares, cfg->num_data_fields,
 21332 -        &cfg->modulus));
 21333 +  P_CHECKCB(t != NULL);
 21334 +  P_CHECKCB(upk != NULL);
 21335 +  P_CHECK(serial_read_server_id(upk, &t->idx));
 21336 +  P_CHECK(serial_read_mp_array(upk, t->data_shares, cfg->num_data_fields,
 21337 +                               &cfg->modulus));
 21339  cleanup:
 21340    return rv;
 21341  }
 21342 -
 21343 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/server.h b/third_party/prio/prio/server.h
 21344 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/server.h
 21345 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/server.h
 21346 @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 21347  /*
 21348   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 21349 - * 
 21350 + *
 21351   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 21352   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 21353 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 21354 + * file, You can obtain one at
 21355   */
 21357  #ifndef __SERVER_H__
 21358 @@ -13,12 +13,14 @@
 21359  #include "prg.h"
 21360  #include "share.h"
 21362 -struct prio_total_share {
 21363 +struct prio_total_share
 21364 +{
 21365    PrioServerId idx;
 21366    MPArray data_shares;
 21367  };
 21369 -struct prio_server {
 21370 +struct prio_server
 21371 +{
 21372    const_PrioConfig cfg;
 21373    PrioServerId idx;
 21375 @@ -34,7 +36,8 @@
 21376    PRG prg;
 21377  };
 21379 -struct prio_verifier {
 21380 +struct prio_verifier
 21381 +{
 21382    PrioServer s;
 21384    PrioPacketClient clientp;
 21385 @@ -47,14 +50,15 @@
 21386    mp_int share_out;
 21387  };
 21389 -struct prio_packet_verify1 {
 21390 +struct prio_packet_verify1
 21391 +{
 21392    mp_int share_d;
 21393    mp_int share_e;
 21394  };
 21396 -struct prio_packet_verify2 {
 21397 +struct prio_packet_verify2
 21398 +{
 21399    mp_int share_out;
 21400  };
 21402  #endif /* __SERVER_H__ */
 21403 -
 21404 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/server.c b/third_party/prio/prio/server.c
 21405 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/server.c
 21406 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/server.c
 21407 @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 21408  /*
 21409   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 21410 - * 
 21411 + *
 21412   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 21413   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 21414 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 21415 + * file, You can obtain one at
 21416   */
 21418  #include <mpi.h>
 21419 @@ -12,49 +12,51 @@
 21420  #include <stdlib.h>
 21422  #include "client.h"
 21423 -#include "prg.h"
 21424 +#include "mparray.h"
 21425  #include "poly.h"
 21426 -#include "mparray.h"
 21427 +#include "prg.h"
 21428  #include "server.h"
 21429  #include "util.h"
 21431 -PrioServer 
 21432 -PrioServer_new (const_PrioConfig cfg, PrioServerId server_idx, 
 21433 -    PrivateKey server_priv, const PrioPRGSeed seed)
 21434 +PrioServer
 21435 +PrioServer_new(const_PrioConfig cfg, PrioServerId server_idx,
 21436 +               PrivateKey server_priv, const PrioPRGSeed seed)
 21437  {
 21438    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21439 -  PrioServer s = malloc (sizeof (*s));
 21440 -  if (!s) return NULL;
 21441 +  PrioServer s = malloc(sizeof(*s));
 21442 +  if (!s)
 21443 +    return NULL;
 21444    s->cfg = cfg;
 21445    s->idx = server_idx;
 21446    s->priv_key = server_priv;
 21447    s->data_shares = NULL;
 21448    s->prg = NULL;
 21449 -  
 21450 -  P_CHECKA (s->data_shares = MPArray_new (s->cfg->num_data_fields));
 21451 -  P_CHECKA (s->prg = PRG_new (seed));
 21452 +
 21453 +  P_CHECKA(s->data_shares = MPArray_new(s->cfg->num_data_fields));
 21454 +  P_CHECKA(s->prg = PRG_new(seed));
 21456  cleanup:
 21457    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
 21458 -    PrioServer_clear (s); 
 21459 +    PrioServer_clear(s);
 21460      return NULL;
 21461    }
 21463    return s;
 21464  }
 21466 -void 
 21467 -PrioServer_clear (PrioServer s)
 21468 +void
 21469 +PrioServer_clear(PrioServer s)
 21470  {
 21471 -  if (!s) return;
 21472 +  if (!s)
 21473 +    return;
 21475 -  PRG_clear (s->prg);
 21476 -  MPArray_clear (s->data_shares);
 21477 +  PRG_clear(s->prg);
 21478 +  MPArray_clear(s->data_shares);
 21479    free(s);
 21480  }
 21482  SECStatus
 21483 -PrioServer_aggregate (PrioServer s, PrioVerifier v)
 21484 +PrioServer_aggregate(PrioServer s, PrioVerifier v)
 21485  {
 21486    MPArray arr = NULL;
 21487    switch (s->idx) {
 21488 @@ -69,48 +71,49 @@
 21489        return SECFailure;
 21490    }
 21492 -  return MPArray_addmod (s->data_shares, arr, &s->cfg->modulus);  
 21493 +  return MPArray_addmod(s->data_shares, arr, &s->cfg->modulus);
 21494  }
 21496 -PrioTotalShare 
 21497 -PrioTotalShare_new (void)
 21498 +PrioTotalShare
 21499 +PrioTotalShare_new(void)
 21500  {
 21501 -  PrioTotalShare t = malloc (sizeof (*t));
 21502 -  if (!t) return NULL;
 21503 +  PrioTotalShare t = malloc(sizeof(*t));
 21504 +  if (!t)
 21505 +    return NULL;
 21507 -  t->data_shares = MPArray_new (0);
 21508 +  t->data_shares = MPArray_new(0);
 21509    if (!t->data_shares) {
 21510 -    free (t);
 21511 +    free(t);
 21512      return NULL;
 21513    }
 21515    return t;
 21516  }
 21518 -void 
 21519 -PrioTotalShare_clear (PrioTotalShare t)
 21520 +void
 21521 +PrioTotalShare_clear(PrioTotalShare t)
 21522  {
 21523 -  if (!t) return;
 21524 -  MPArray_clear (t->data_shares);
 21525 -  free (t);
 21526 +  if (!t)
 21527 +    return;
 21528 +  MPArray_clear(t->data_shares);
 21529 +  free(t);
 21530  }
 21532  SECStatus
 21533 -PrioTotalShare_set_data (PrioTotalShare t, const_PrioServer s)
 21534 +PrioTotalShare_set_data(PrioTotalShare t, const_PrioServer s)
 21535  {
 21536    t->idx = s->idx;
 21537    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21538 - 
 21539 -  P_CHECK (MPArray_resize (t->data_shares, s->data_shares->len));
 21540 -  P_CHECK (MPArray_copy (t->data_shares, s->data_shares));
 21541 +
 21542 +  P_CHECK(MPArray_resize(t->data_shares, s->data_shares->len));
 21543 +  P_CHECK(MPArray_copy(t->data_shares, s->data_shares));
 21545    return rv;
 21546  }
 21548  SECStatus
 21549 -PrioTotalShare_final (const_PrioConfig cfg, 
 21550 -    unsigned long *output,
 21551 -    const_PrioTotalShare tA, const_PrioTotalShare tB)
 21552 +PrioTotalShare_final(const_PrioConfig cfg, unsigned long* output,
 21553 +                     const_PrioTotalShare tA, const_PrioTotalShare tB)
 21554  {
 21555    if (tA->data_shares->len != cfg->num_data_fields)
 21556      return SECFailure;
 21557 @@ -122,24 +125,24 @@
 21558    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21560    mp_int tmp;
 21561 -  MP_DIGITS (&tmp) = NULL;
 21562 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&tmp));
 21563 +  MP_DIGITS(&tmp) = NULL;
 21564 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&tmp));
 21566 -  for (int i=0; i<cfg->num_data_fields; i++) {
 21567 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_addmod(&tA->data_shares->data[i], &tB->data_shares->data[i], 
 21568 -          &cfg->modulus, &tmp));
 21569 +  for (int i = 0; i < cfg->num_data_fields; i++) {
 21570 +    MP_CHECKC(mp_addmod(&tA->data_shares->data[i], &tB->data_shares->data[i],
 21571 +                        &cfg->modulus, &tmp));
 21573      output[i] = tmp.dp[0];
 21574    }
 21576  cleanup:
 21577 -  mp_clear (&tmp);
 21578 +  mp_clear(&tmp);
 21579    return rv;
 21580  }
 21582 -
 21583 -inline static mp_int *
 21584 -get_data_share (const_PrioVerifier v, int i) {
 21585 +inline static mp_int*
 21586 +get_data_share(const_PrioVerifier v, int i)
 21587 +{
 21588    switch (v->s->idx) {
 21589      case PRIO_SERVER_A:
 21590        return &v->clientp->shares.A.data_shares->data[i];
 21591 @@ -150,8 +153,9 @@
 21592    return NULL;
 21593  }
 21595 -inline static mp_int *
 21596 -get_h_share (const_PrioVerifier v, int i) {
 21597 +inline static mp_int*
 21598 +get_h_share(const_PrioVerifier v, int i)
 21599 +{
 21600    switch (v->s->idx) {
 21601      case PRIO_SERVER_A:
 21602        return &v->clientp->shares.A.h_points->data[i];
 21603 @@ -168,118 +172,122 @@
 21604   * by the shared secret. Store the evaluations in the verifier object.
 21605   */
 21606  static SECStatus
 21607 -compute_shares (PrioVerifier v, const_PrioPacketClient p)
 21608 +compute_shares(PrioVerifier v, const_PrioPacketClient p)
 21609  {
 21610    SECStatus rv;
 21611    const int n = v->s->cfg->num_data_fields + 1;
 21612 -  const int N = next_power_of_two (n);
 21613 +  const int N = next_power_of_two(n);
 21614    mp_int eval_at;
 21615 -  MP_DIGITS (&eval_at) = NULL;
 21616 +  MP_DIGITS(&eval_at) = NULL;
 21618    MPArray points_f = NULL;
 21619    MPArray points_g = NULL;
 21620    MPArray points_h = NULL;
 21622 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&eval_at)); 
 21623 -  P_CHECKA (points_f = MPArray_new (N));
 21624 -  P_CHECKA (points_g = MPArray_new (N));
 21625 -  P_CHECKA (points_h = MPArray_new (2*N));
 21626 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&eval_at));
 21627 +  P_CHECKA(points_f = MPArray_new(N));
 21628 +  P_CHECKA(points_g = MPArray_new(N));
 21629 +  P_CHECKA(points_h = MPArray_new(2 * N));
 21631    // Use PRG to generate random point
 21632 -  MP_CHECKC (PRG_get_int (v->s->prg, &eval_at, &v->s->cfg->modulus));
 21633 - 
 21634 -  // Reduce value into the field we're using. This 
 21635 +  MP_CHECKC(PRG_get_int(v->s->prg, &eval_at, &v->s->cfg->modulus));
 21636 +
 21637 +  // Reduce value into the field we're using. This
 21638    // doesn't yield exactly a uniformly random point,
 21639    // but for values this large, it will be close
 21640    // enough.
 21641 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_mod (&eval_at, &v->s->cfg->modulus, &eval_at));
 21642 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_mod(&eval_at, &v->s->cfg->modulus, &eval_at));
 21644    // Client sends us the values of f(0) and g(0)
 21645 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_copy(&p->f0_share, &points_f->data[0]));
 21646 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_copy(&p->g0_share, &points_g->data[0]));
 21647 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_copy(&p->h0_share, &points_h->data[0])); 
 21648 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_copy(&p->f0_share, &points_f->data[0]));
 21649 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_copy(&p->g0_share, &points_g->data[0]));
 21650 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_copy(&p->h0_share, &points_h->data[0]));
 21652 -  for (int i=1; i<n; i++) {
 21653 +  for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
 21654      // [f](i) = i-th data share
 21655 -    const mp_int *data_i_minus_1 = get_data_share(v, i-1);
 21656 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_copy(data_i_minus_1, &points_f->data[i]));
 21657 +    const mp_int* data_i_minus_1 = get_data_share(v, i - 1);
 21658 +    MP_CHECKC(mp_copy(data_i_minus_1, &points_f->data[i]));
 21660      // [g](i) = i-th data share minus 1
 21661      // Only need to shift the share for 0-th server
 21662 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_copy(&points_f->data[i], &points_g->data[i]));
 21663 +    MP_CHECKC(mp_copy(&points_f->data[i], &points_g->data[i]));
 21664      if (!v->s->idx) {
 21665 -      MP_CHECKC (mp_sub_d(&points_g->data[i], 1, &points_g->data[i]));
 21666 -      MP_CHECKC (mp_mod(&points_g->data[i], &v->s->cfg->modulus, &points_g->data[i]));
 21667 +      MP_CHECKC(mp_sub_d(&points_g->data[i], 1, &points_g->data[i]));
 21668 +      MP_CHECKC(
 21669 +        mp_mod(&points_g->data[i], &v->s->cfg->modulus, &points_g->data[i]));
 21670      }
 21671    }
 21673    int j = 0;
 21674 -  for (int i=1; i<2*N; i+=2) {
 21675 -    const mp_int *h_point_j = get_h_share (v, j++);
 21676 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_copy(h_point_j, &points_h->data[i]));
 21677 +  for (int i = 1; i < 2 * N; i += 2) {
 21678 +    const mp_int* h_point_j = get_h_share(v, j++);
 21679 +    MP_CHECKC(mp_copy(h_point_j, &points_h->data[i]));
 21680    }
 21682 -  P_CHECKC (poly_interp_evaluate (&v->share_fR, points_f, &eval_at, v->s->cfg));
 21683 -  P_CHECKC (poly_interp_evaluate (&v->share_gR, points_g, &eval_at, v->s->cfg));
 21684 -  P_CHECKC (poly_interp_evaluate (&v->share_hR, points_h, &eval_at, v->s->cfg));
 21685 +  P_CHECKC(poly_interp_evaluate(&v->share_fR, points_f, &eval_at, v->s->cfg));
 21686 +  P_CHECKC(poly_interp_evaluate(&v->share_gR, points_g, &eval_at, v->s->cfg));
 21687 +  P_CHECKC(poly_interp_evaluate(&v->share_hR, points_h, &eval_at, v->s->cfg));
 21689  cleanup:
 21690 -  MPArray_clear (points_f);
 21691 -  MPArray_clear (points_g);
 21692 -  MPArray_clear (points_h);
 21693 -  mp_clear (&eval_at);
 21694 +  MPArray_clear(points_f);
 21695 +  MPArray_clear(points_g);
 21696 +  MPArray_clear(points_h);
 21697 +  mp_clear(&eval_at);
 21698    return rv;
 21699  }
 21701 -PrioVerifier PrioVerifier_new (PrioServer s)
 21702 +PrioVerifier
 21703 +PrioVerifier_new(PrioServer s)
 21704  {
 21705    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21706 -  PrioVerifier v = malloc (sizeof *v);
 21707 -  if (!v) return NULL;
 21708 +  PrioVerifier v = malloc(sizeof *v);
 21709 +  if (!v)
 21710 +    return NULL;
 21712    v->s = s;
 21713    v->clientp = NULL;
 21714    v->data_sharesB = NULL;
 21715    v->h_pointsB = NULL;
 21717 -  MP_DIGITS (&v->share_fR) = NULL;
 21718 -  MP_DIGITS (&v->share_gR) = NULL;
 21719 -  MP_DIGITS (&v->share_hR) = NULL;
 21720 +  MP_DIGITS(&v->share_fR) = NULL;
 21721 +  MP_DIGITS(&v->share_gR) = NULL;
 21722 +  MP_DIGITS(&v->share_hR) = NULL;
 21724 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&v->share_fR));
 21725 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&v->share_gR));
 21726 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&v->share_hR)); 
 21727 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&v->share_fR));
 21728 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&v->share_gR));
 21729 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&v->share_hR));
 21731 -  P_CHECKA (v->clientp = PrioPacketClient_new (s->cfg, s->idx));
 21732 +  P_CHECKA(v->clientp = PrioPacketClient_new(s->cfg, s->idx));
 21734 -  const int N = next_power_of_two (s->cfg->num_data_fields + 1);
 21735 +  const int N = next_power_of_two(s->cfg->num_data_fields + 1);
 21736    if (v->s->idx == PRIO_SERVER_B) {
 21737 -    P_CHECKA (v->data_sharesB = MPArray_new (v->s->cfg->num_data_fields));
 21738 -    P_CHECKA (v->h_pointsB = MPArray_new (N));
 21739 +    P_CHECKA(v->data_sharesB = MPArray_new(v->s->cfg->num_data_fields));
 21740 +    P_CHECKA(v->h_pointsB = MPArray_new(N));
 21741    }
 21743  cleanup:
 21744    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
 21745 -    PrioVerifier_clear (v);
 21746 +    PrioVerifier_clear(v);
 21747      return NULL;
 21748    }
 21750    return v;
 21751  }
 21753 -SECStatus 
 21754 -PrioVerifier_set_data (PrioVerifier v, unsigned char *data, unsigned int data_len)
 21755 +SECStatus
 21756 +PrioVerifier_set_data(PrioVerifier v, unsigned char* data,
 21757 +                      unsigned int data_len)
 21758  {
 21759    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21760    PRG prgB = NULL;
 21761 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPacketClient_decrypt (v->clientp, v->s->cfg, 
 21762 -        v->s->priv_key, data, data_len));
 21763 +  P_CHECKC(PrioPacketClient_decrypt(v->clientp, v->s->cfg, v->s->priv_key, data,
 21764 +                                    data_len));
 21766    PrioPacketClient p = v->clientp;
 21767    if (p->for_server != v->s->idx)
 21768      return SECFailure;
 21770 -  const int N = next_power_of_two (v->s->cfg->num_data_fields + 1);
 21771 +  const int N = next_power_of_two(v->s->cfg->num_data_fields + 1);
 21772    if (v->s->idx == PRIO_SERVER_A) {
 21773      // Check that packet has the correct number of data fields
 21774      if (p->shares.A.data_shares->len != v->s->cfg->num_data_fields)
 21775 @@ -289,70 +297,73 @@
 21776    }
 21778    if (v->s->idx == PRIO_SERVER_B) {
 21779 -    P_CHECKA (prgB = PRG_new (v->clientp->shares.B.seed));
 21780 -    P_CHECKC (PRG_get_array (prgB, v->data_sharesB, &v->s->cfg->modulus));
 21781 -    P_CHECKC (PRG_get_array (prgB, v->h_pointsB, &v->s->cfg->modulus));
 21782 +    P_CHECKA(prgB = PRG_new(v->clientp->shares.B.seed));
 21783 +    P_CHECKC(PRG_get_array(prgB, v->data_sharesB, &v->s->cfg->modulus));
 21784 +    P_CHECKC(PRG_get_array(prgB, v->h_pointsB, &v->s->cfg->modulus));
 21785    }
 21787    // TODO: This can be done much faster by using the combined
 21788 -  // interpolate-and-evaluate optimization described in the 
 21789 +  // interpolate-and-evaluate optimization described in the
 21790    // Prio paper.
 21791    //
 21792    // Compute share of f(r), g(r), h(r)
 21793 -  P_CHECKC (compute_shares (v, p)); 
 21794 +  P_CHECKC(compute_shares(v, p));
 21796  cleanup:
 21798 -  PRG_clear (prgB);
 21799 +  PRG_clear(prgB);
 21800    return rv;
 21801  }
 21803 -
 21804 -void PrioVerifier_clear (PrioVerifier v)
 21805 +void
 21806 +PrioVerifier_clear(PrioVerifier v)
 21807  {
 21808 -  if (v == NULL) return;
 21809 -  PrioPacketClient_clear (v->clientp);
 21810 -  MPArray_clear (v->data_sharesB); 
 21811 -  MPArray_clear (v->h_pointsB); 
 21812 -  mp_clear (&v->share_fR);
 21813 -  mp_clear (&v->share_gR);
 21814 -  mp_clear (&v->share_hR);
 21815 -  free (v);
 21816 +  if (v == NULL)
 21817 +    return;
 21818 +  PrioPacketClient_clear(v->clientp);
 21819 +  MPArray_clear(v->data_sharesB);
 21820 +  MPArray_clear(v->h_pointsB);
 21821 +  mp_clear(&v->share_fR);
 21822 +  mp_clear(&v->share_gR);
 21823 +  mp_clear(&v->share_hR);
 21824 +  free(v);
 21825  }
 21827 -PrioPacketVerify1 
 21828 -PrioPacketVerify1_new (void)
 21829 +PrioPacketVerify1
 21830 +PrioPacketVerify1_new(void)
 21831  {
 21832    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21833 -  PrioPacketVerify1 p = malloc (sizeof *p);
 21834 -  if (!p) return NULL;
 21835 +  PrioPacketVerify1 p = malloc(sizeof *p);
 21836 +  if (!p)
 21837 +    return NULL;
 21839 -  MP_DIGITS (&p->share_d) = NULL;
 21840 -  MP_DIGITS (&p->share_e) = NULL;
 21841 +  MP_DIGITS(&p->share_d) = NULL;
 21842 +  MP_DIGITS(&p->share_e) = NULL;
 21844 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&p->share_d));
 21845 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&p->share_e));
 21846 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&p->share_d));
 21847 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&p->share_e));
 21849  cleanup:
 21850    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
 21851 -    PrioPacketVerify1_clear (p);
 21852 +    PrioPacketVerify1_clear(p);
 21853      return NULL;
 21854    }
 21856    return p;
 21857  }
 21859 -void 
 21860 -PrioPacketVerify1_clear (PrioPacketVerify1 p)
 21861 +void
 21862 +PrioPacketVerify1_clear(PrioPacketVerify1 p)
 21863  {
 21864 -  if (!p) return;
 21865 -  mp_clear (&p->share_d);
 21866 -  mp_clear (&p->share_e);
 21867 -  free (p);
 21868 +  if (!p)
 21869 +    return;
 21870 +  mp_clear(&p->share_d);
 21871 +  mp_clear(&p->share_e);
 21872 +  free(p);
 21873  }
 21875  SECStatus
 21876 -PrioPacketVerify1_set_data (PrioPacketVerify1 p1, const_PrioVerifier v)
 21877 +PrioPacketVerify1_set_data(PrioPacketVerify1 p1, const_PrioVerifier v)
 21878  {
 21879    // See the Prio paper for details on how this works.
 21880    // Appendix C descrives the MPC protocol used here.
 21881 @@ -361,121 +372,121 @@
 21883    // Compute corrections.
 21884    //   [d] = [f(r)] - [a]
 21885 -  MP_CHECK (mp_sub (&v->share_fR, &v->clientp->triple->a, &p1->share_d));
 21886 -  MP_CHECK (mp_mod (&p1->share_d, &v->s->cfg->modulus, &p1->share_d));
 21887 +  MP_CHECK(mp_sub(&v->share_fR, &v->clientp->triple->a, &p1->share_d));
 21888 +  MP_CHECK(mp_mod(&p1->share_d, &v->s->cfg->modulus, &p1->share_d));
 21890    //   [e] = [g(r)] - [b]
 21891 -  MP_CHECK (mp_sub (&v->share_gR, &v->clientp->triple->b, &p1->share_e));
 21892 -  MP_CHECK (mp_mod (&p1->share_e, &v->s->cfg->modulus, &p1->share_e));
 21893 +  MP_CHECK(mp_sub(&v->share_gR, &v->clientp->triple->b, &p1->share_e));
 21894 +  MP_CHECK(mp_mod(&p1->share_e, &v->s->cfg->modulus, &p1->share_e));
 21896    return rv;
 21897  }
 21899 -PrioPacketVerify2 
 21900 -PrioPacketVerify2_new (void)
 21901 +PrioPacketVerify2
 21902 +PrioPacketVerify2_new(void)
 21903  {
 21904    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21905 -  PrioPacketVerify2 p = malloc (sizeof *p);
 21906 -  if (!p) return NULL;
 21907 +  PrioPacketVerify2 p = malloc(sizeof *p);
 21908 +  if (!p)
 21909 +    return NULL;
 21911 -  MP_DIGITS (&p->share_out) = NULL;
 21912 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&p->share_out));
 21913 +  MP_DIGITS(&p->share_out) = NULL;
 21914 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&p->share_out));
 21916  cleanup:
 21917    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
 21918 -    PrioPacketVerify2_clear (p); 
 21919 +    PrioPacketVerify2_clear(p);
 21920      return NULL;
 21921    }
 21922    return p;
 21923  }
 21925 -void 
 21926 -PrioPacketVerify2_clear (PrioPacketVerify2 p)
 21927 +void
 21928 +PrioPacketVerify2_clear(PrioPacketVerify2 p)
 21929  {
 21930 -  if (!p) return; 
 21931 -  mp_clear (&p->share_out);
 21932 -  free (p);
 21933 +  if (!p)
 21934 +    return;
 21935 +  mp_clear(&p->share_out);
 21936 +  free(p);
 21937  }
 21939  SECStatus
 21940 -PrioPacketVerify2_set_data (PrioPacketVerify2 p2, const_PrioVerifier v,
 21941 -    const_PrioPacketVerify1 p1A, const_PrioPacketVerify1 p1B)
 21942 +PrioPacketVerify2_set_data(PrioPacketVerify2 p2, const_PrioVerifier v,
 21943 +                           const_PrioPacketVerify1 p1A,
 21944 +                           const_PrioPacketVerify1 p1B)
 21945  {
 21946    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 21948    mp_int d, e, tmp;
 21949 -  MP_DIGITS (&d) = NULL;
 21950 -  MP_DIGITS (&e) = NULL;
 21951 -  MP_DIGITS (&tmp) = NULL;
 21952 +  MP_DIGITS(&d) = NULL;
 21953 +  MP_DIGITS(&e) = NULL;
 21954 +  MP_DIGITS(&tmp) = NULL;
 21956 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&d));
 21957 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&e));
 21958 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&tmp));
 21959 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&d));
 21960 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&e));
 21961 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&tmp));
 21963 -  const mp_int *mod = &v->s->cfg->modulus;
 21964 +  const mp_int* mod = &v->s->cfg->modulus;
 21966    // Compute share of f(r)*g(r)
 21967    //    [f(r)*g(r)] = [d*e/2] + d[b] + e[a] + [c]
 21968 - 
 21969 - // Compute d 
 21970 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_addmod (&p1A->share_d, &p1B->share_d, mod, &d));
 21971 +
 21972 +  // Compute d
 21973 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_addmod(&p1A->share_d, &p1B->share_d, mod, &d));
 21974    // Compute e
 21975 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_addmod (&p1A->share_e, &p1B->share_e, mod, &e));
 21976 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_addmod(&p1A->share_e, &p1B->share_e, mod, &e));
 21978    // Compute d*e
 21979 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_mulmod (&d, &e, mod, &p2->share_out));
 21980 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_mulmod(&d, &e, mod, &p2->share_out));
 21981    // out = d*e/2
 21982 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_mulmod (&p2->share_out, &v->s->cfg->inv2, 
 21983 -        mod, &p2->share_out));
 21984 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_mulmod(&p2->share_out, &v->s->cfg->inv2, mod, &p2->share_out));
 21986 -  // Compute d[b] 
 21987 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_mulmod (&d, &v->clientp->triple->b, mod, &tmp));
 21988 -  // out = d*e/2 + d[b] 
 21989 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_addmod (&p2->share_out, &tmp, mod, &p2->share_out));
 21990 +  // Compute d[b]
 21991 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_mulmod(&d, &v->clientp->triple->b, mod, &tmp));
 21992 +  // out = d*e/2 + d[b]
 21993 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_addmod(&p2->share_out, &tmp, mod, &p2->share_out));
 21995 -  // Compute e[a] 
 21996 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_mulmod (&e, &v->clientp->triple->a, mod, &tmp));
 21997 +  // Compute e[a]
 21998 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_mulmod(&e, &v->clientp->triple->a, mod, &tmp));
 21999    // out = d*e/2 + d[b] + e[a]
 22000 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_addmod (&p2->share_out, &tmp, mod, &p2->share_out));
 22001 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_addmod(&p2->share_out, &tmp, mod, &p2->share_out));
 22003    // out = d*e/2 + d[b] + e[a] + [c]
 22004 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_addmod (&p2->share_out, &v->clientp->triple->c, mod, &p2->share_out));
 22005 +  MP_CHECKC(
 22006 +    mp_addmod(&p2->share_out, &v->clientp->triple->c, mod, &p2->share_out));
 22008    // We want to compute f(r)*g(r) - h(r),
 22009    // so subtract off [h(r)]:
 22010    //    out = d*e/2 + d[b] + e[a] + [c] - [h(r)]
 22011 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_sub (&p2->share_out, &v->share_hR, &p2->share_out));
 22012 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_mod (&p2->share_out, mod, &p2->share_out));
 22013 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_sub(&p2->share_out, &v->share_hR, &p2->share_out));
 22014 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_mod(&p2->share_out, mod, &p2->share_out));
 22016  cleanup:
 22017 -  mp_clear (&d);
 22018 -  mp_clear (&e);
 22019 -  mp_clear (&tmp);
 22020 +  mp_clear(&d);
 22021 +  mp_clear(&e);
 22022 +  mp_clear(&tmp);
 22023    return rv;
 22024  }
 22026 -int 
 22027 -PrioVerifier_isValid (const_PrioVerifier v,
 22028 -    const_PrioPacketVerify2 pA, const_PrioPacketVerify2 pB)
 22029 +int
 22030 +PrioVerifier_isValid(const_PrioVerifier v, const_PrioPacketVerify2 pA,
 22031 +                     const_PrioPacketVerify2 pB)
 22032  {
 22033    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 22034    mp_int res;
 22035 -  MP_DIGITS (&res) = NULL;
 22036 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&res));
 22037 +  MP_DIGITS(&res) = NULL;
 22038 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&res));
 22040 -  // Add up the shares of the output wire value and 
 22041 +  // Add up the shares of the output wire value and
 22042    // ensure that the sum is equal to zero, which indicates
 22043    // that
 22044    //      f(r) * g(r) == h(r).
 22045 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_addmod (&pA->share_out, &pB->share_out,
 22046 -        &v->s->cfg->modulus, &res));
 22047 +  MP_CHECKC(
 22048 +    mp_addmod(&pA->share_out, &pB->share_out, &v->s->cfg->modulus, &res));
 22050 -  rv = (mp_cmp_d (&res, 0) == 0) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
 22051 +  rv = (mp_cmp_d(&res, 0) == 0) ? SECSuccess : SECFailure;
 22053  cleanup:
 22054 -  mp_clear (&res);
 22055 +  mp_clear(&res);
 22056    return rv;
 22057  }
 22058 -
 22059 -
 22060 -
 22061 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/share.h b/third_party/prio/prio/share.h
 22062 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/share.h
 22063 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/share.h
 22064 @@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 22065  /*
 22066   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 22067 - * 
 22068 + *
 22069   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 22070   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 22071 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 22072 + * file, You can obtain one at
 22073   */
 22075 -
 22076  #ifndef __SHARE_H__
 22077  #define __SHARE_H__
 22079 @@ -14,23 +13,22 @@
 22081  #include "config.h"
 22083 -struct beaver_triple {
 22084 +struct beaver_triple
 22085 +{
 22086    mp_int a;
 22087    mp_int b;
 22088    mp_int c;
 22089  };
 22091 -typedef struct beaver_triple *BeaverTriple;
 22092 -typedef const struct beaver_triple *const_BeaverTriple;
 22093 -
 22094 +typedef struct beaver_triple* BeaverTriple;
 22095 +typedef const struct beaver_triple* const_BeaverTriple;
 22097  /*
 22098   * Use secret sharing to split the int src into two shares.
 22099   * The mp_ints must be initialized.
 22100   */
 22101 -SECStatus share_int (const_PrioConfig cfg, const mp_int *src, 
 22102 -    mp_int *shareA, mp_int *shareB);
 22103 -
 22104 +SECStatus share_int(const_PrioConfig cfg, const mp_int* src, mp_int* shareA,
 22105 +                    mp_int* shareB);
 22107  /*
 22108   * Prio uses Beaver triples to implement one step of the
 22109 @@ -38,14 +36,12 @@
 22110   * a sharing of random values a, b, c such that
 22111   *    a * b = c
 22112   */
 22113 -BeaverTriple BeaverTriple_new (void);
 22114 -void BeaverTriple_clear (BeaverTriple t);
 22115 +BeaverTriple BeaverTriple_new(void);
 22116 +void BeaverTriple_clear(BeaverTriple t);
 22118 -SECStatus BeaverTriple_set_rand (const_PrioConfig cfg, 
 22119 -    BeaverTriple triple_a, 
 22120 -    BeaverTriple triple_b);
 22121 +SECStatus BeaverTriple_set_rand(const_PrioConfig cfg, BeaverTriple triple_a,
 22122 +                                BeaverTriple triple_b);
 22124 -bool BeaverTriple_areEqual (const_BeaverTriple t1, const_BeaverTriple t2);
 22125 +bool BeaverTriple_areEqual(const_BeaverTriple t1, const_BeaverTriple t2);
 22127  #endif /* __SHARE_H__ */
 22128 -
 22129 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/share.c b/third_party/prio/prio/share.c
 22130 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/share.c
 22131 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/share.c
 22132 @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 22133  /*
 22134   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 22135 - * 
 22136 + *
 22137   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 22138   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 22139 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 22140 + * file, You can obtain one at
 22141   */
 22143  #include <mprio.h>
 22144 @@ -12,86 +12,85 @@
 22145  #include "share.h"
 22146  #include "util.h"
 22148 -
 22149  SECStatus
 22150 -share_int (const struct prio_config *cfg, const mp_int *src, 
 22151 -    mp_int *shareA, mp_int *shareB)
 22152 +share_int(const struct prio_config* cfg, const mp_int* src, mp_int* shareA,
 22153 +          mp_int* shareB)
 22154  {
 22155    SECStatus rv;
 22156 -  P_CHECK (rand_int (shareA, &cfg->modulus)); 
 22157 -  MP_CHECK (mp_submod (src, shareA, &cfg->modulus, shareB));
 22158 +  P_CHECK(rand_int(shareA, &cfg->modulus));
 22159 +  MP_CHECK(mp_submod(src, shareA, &cfg->modulus, shareB));
 22161    return rv;
 22162  }
 22164  BeaverTriple
 22165 -BeaverTriple_new (void)
 22166 +BeaverTriple_new(void)
 22167  {
 22168 -  BeaverTriple triple = malloc (sizeof *triple);
 22169 +  BeaverTriple triple = malloc(sizeof *triple);
 22170    if (!triple)
 22171      return NULL;
 22173 -  MP_DIGITS (&triple->a) = NULL;
 22174 -  MP_DIGITS (&triple->b) = NULL;
 22175 -  MP_DIGITS (&triple->c) = NULL;
 22176 +  MP_DIGITS(&triple->a) = NULL;
 22177 +  MP_DIGITS(&triple->b) = NULL;
 22178 +  MP_DIGITS(&triple->c) = NULL;
 22180    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 22181 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&triple->a)); 
 22182 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&triple->b)); 
 22183 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&triple->c)); 
 22184 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&triple->a));
 22185 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&triple->b));
 22186 +  MP_CHECKC(mp_init(&triple->c));
 22188  cleanup:
 22189    if (rv != SECSuccess) {
 22190 -    BeaverTriple_clear (triple);
 22191 +    BeaverTriple_clear(triple);
 22192      return NULL;
 22193    }
 22194    return triple;
 22195  }
 22197 -
 22198  void
 22199 -BeaverTriple_clear (BeaverTriple triple)
 22200 +BeaverTriple_clear(BeaverTriple triple)
 22201  {
 22202 -  if (!triple) return;
 22203 -  mp_clear (&triple->a);
 22204 -  mp_clear (&triple->b);
 22205 -  mp_clear (&triple->c);
 22206 -  free (triple);
 22207 +  if (!triple)
 22208 +    return;
 22209 +  mp_clear(&triple->a);
 22210 +  mp_clear(&triple->b);
 22211 +  mp_clear(&triple->c);
 22212 +  free(triple);
 22213  }
 22215  SECStatus
 22216 -BeaverTriple_set_rand (const struct prio_config *cfg, 
 22217 -    struct beaver_triple *triple_1, 
 22218 -    struct beaver_triple *triple_2)
 22219 +BeaverTriple_set_rand(const struct prio_config* cfg,
 22220 +                      struct beaver_triple* triple_1,
 22221 +                      struct beaver_triple* triple_2)
 22222  {
 22223    SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 22225    // TODO: Can shorten this code using share_int()
 22227    // We need that
 22228 -  //   (a1 + a2)(b1 + b2) = c1 + c2   (mod p) 
 22229 -  P_CHECK (rand_int (&triple_1->a, &cfg->modulus)); 
 22230 -  P_CHECK (rand_int (&triple_1->b, &cfg->modulus)); 
 22231 -  P_CHECK (rand_int (&triple_2->a, &cfg->modulus)); 
 22232 -  P_CHECK (rand_int (&triple_2->b, &cfg->modulus)); 
 22233 +  //   (a1 + a2)(b1 + b2) = c1 + c2   (mod p)
 22234 +  P_CHECK(rand_int(&triple_1->a, &cfg->modulus));
 22235 +  P_CHECK(rand_int(&triple_1->b, &cfg->modulus));
 22236 +  P_CHECK(rand_int(&triple_2->a, &cfg->modulus));
 22237 +  P_CHECK(rand_int(&triple_2->b, &cfg->modulus));
 22239    // We are trying to be a little clever here to avoid the use of temp
 22240    // variables.
 22242    // c1 = a1 + a2
 22243 -  MP_CHECK (mp_addmod (&triple_1->a, &triple_2->a, &cfg->modulus, &triple_1->c));
 22244 +  MP_CHECK(mp_addmod(&triple_1->a, &triple_2->a, &cfg->modulus, &triple_1->c));
 22246    // c2 = b1 + b2
 22247 -  MP_CHECK (mp_addmod (&triple_1->b, &triple_2->b, &cfg->modulus, &triple_2->c)); 
 22248 +  MP_CHECK(mp_addmod(&triple_1->b, &triple_2->b, &cfg->modulus, &triple_2->c));
 22250    // c1 = c1 * c2 = (a1 + a2) (b1 + b2)
 22251 -  MP_CHECK (mp_mulmod (&triple_1->c, &triple_2->c, &cfg->modulus, &triple_1->c)); 
 22252 +  MP_CHECK(mp_mulmod(&triple_1->c, &triple_2->c, &cfg->modulus, &triple_1->c));
 22254    // Set c2 to random blinding value
 22255 -  MP_CHECK (rand_int (&triple_2->c, &cfg->modulus)); 
 22256 +  MP_CHECK(rand_int(&triple_2->c, &cfg->modulus));
 22258    // c1 = c1 - c2
 22259 -  MP_CHECK (mp_submod (&triple_1->c, &triple_2->c, &cfg->modulus, &triple_1->c)); 
 22260 +  MP_CHECK(mp_submod(&triple_1->c, &triple_2->c, &cfg->modulus, &triple_1->c));
 22262    // Now we should have random tuples satisfying:
 22263    //   (a1 + a2) (b1 + b2) = c1 + c2
 22264 @@ -99,10 +98,9 @@
 22265    return rv;
 22266  }
 22268 -bool 
 22269 -BeaverTriple_areEqual (const_BeaverTriple t1, const_BeaverTriple t2)
 22270 +bool
 22271 +BeaverTriple_areEqual(const_BeaverTriple t1, const_BeaverTriple t2)
 22272  {
 22273 -  return (mp_cmp (&t1->a, &t2->a) == 0 &&
 22274 -      mp_cmp (&t1->b, &t2->b) == 0 &&
 22275 -      mp_cmp (&t1->c, &t2->c) == 0);
 22276 +  return (mp_cmp(&t1->a, &t2->a) == 0 && mp_cmp(&t1->b, &t2->b) == 0 &&
 22277 +          mp_cmp(&t1->c, &t2->c) == 0);
 22278  }
 22279 diff --git a/third_party/prio/prio/util.h b/third_party/prio/prio/util.h
 22280 --- a/third_party/prio/prio/util.h
 22281 +++ b/third_party/prio/prio/util.h
 22282 @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 22283  /*
 22284   * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 22285 - * 
 22286 + *
 22287   * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 22288   * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 22289 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 22290 + * file, You can obtain one at
 22291   */
 22293  #ifndef __UTIL_H__
 22294 @@ -16,80 +16,88 @@
 22295  #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
 22297  // Check a Prio error code and return failure if the call fails.
 22298 -#define P_CHECK(s) \
 22299 -  do { \
 22300 -    if((rv = (s)) != SECSuccess) \
 22301 -    return rv; \
 22302 -  } while(0);
 22303 +#define P_CHECK(s)                                                             \
 22304 +  do {                                                                         \
 22305 +    if ((rv = (s)) != SECSuccess)                                              \
 22306 +      return rv;                                                               \
 22307 +  } while (0);
 22309  // Check an allocation that should not return NULL. If the allocation returns
 22310 -// NULL, set the return value and jump to the cleanup label to free memory. 
 22311 -#define P_CHECKA(s) \
 22312 -  do { \
 22313 -    if((s) == NULL) {\
 22314 -      rv = SECFailure;\
 22315 -      goto cleanup;\
 22316 -    }\
 22317 -  } while(0);
 22318 +// NULL, set the return value and jump to the cleanup label to free memory.
 22319 +#define P_CHECKA(s)                                                            \
 22320 +  do {                                                                         \
 22321 +    if ((s) == NULL) {                                                         \
 22322 +      rv = SECFailure;                                                         \
 22323 +      goto cleanup;                                                            \
 22324 +    }                                                                          \
 22325 +  } while (0);
 22327  // Check a Prio library call that should return SECSuccess. If it doesn't,
 22328  // jump to the cleanup label.
 22329 -#define P_CHECKC(s) \
 22330 -  do { \
 22331 -    if((rv = (s)) != SECSuccess) { \
 22332 -       goto cleanup; \
 22333 -    }\
 22334 -  } while(0);
 22335 +#define P_CHECKC(s)                                                            \
 22336 +  do {                                                                         \
 22337 +    if ((rv = (s)) != SECSuccess) {                                            \
 22338 +      goto cleanup;                                                            \
 22339 +    }                                                                          \
 22340 +  } while (0);
 22342  // Check a boolean that should be true. If it not,
 22343  // jump to the cleanup label.
 22344 -#define P_CHECKCB(s) \
 22345 -  do { \
 22346 -    if(!(s)) { \
 22347 -       rv = SECFailure; \
 22348 -       goto cleanup; \
 22349 -    }\
 22350 -  } while(0);
 22351 +#define P_CHECKCB(s)                                                           \
 22352 +  do {                                                                         \
 22353 +    if (!(s)) {                                                                \
 22354 +      rv = SECFailure;                                                         \
 22355 +      goto cleanup;                                                            \
 22356 +    }                                                                          \
 22357 +  } while (0);
 22359  // Check an MPI library call and return failure if it fails.
 22360 -#define MP_CHECK(s) do { if((s) != MP_OKAY) return SECFailure; } while(0);
 22361 +#define MP_CHECK(s)                                                            \
 22362 +  do {                                                                         \
 22363 +    if ((s) != MP_OKAY)                                                        \
 22364 +      return SECFailure;                                                       \
 22365 +  } while (0);
 22367  // Check a msgpack object unpacked correctly
 22368 -#define UP_CHECK(s) do { int r = (s); if(r != MSGPACK_UNPACK_SUCCESS &&\
 22369 -    r != MSGPACK_UNPACK_EXTRA_BYTES) \
 22370 -    return SECFailure; } while(0);
 22371 +#define UP_CHECK(s)                                                            \
 22372 +  do {                                                                         \
 22373 +    int r = (s);                                                               \
 22374 +    if (r != MSGPACK_UNPACK_SUCCESS && r != MSGPACK_UNPACK_EXTRA_BYTES)        \
 22375 +      return SECFailure;                                                       \
 22376 +  } while (0);
 22378  // Check an MPI library call. If it fails, set the return code and jump
 22379  // to the cleanup label.
 22380 -#define MP_CHECKC(s) \
 22381 -  do { \
 22382 -    if((s) != MP_OKAY) { \
 22383 -       rv = SECFailure; \
 22384 -       goto cleanup; \
 22385 -    }\
 22386 -  } while(0);
 22387 +#define MP_CHECKC(s)                                                           \
 22388 +  do {                                                                         \
 22389 +    if ((s) != MP_OKAY) {                                                      \
 22390 +      rv = SECFailure;                                                         \
 22391 +      goto cleanup;                                                            \
 22392 +    }                                                                          \
 22393 +  } while (0);
 22395  static inline int
 22396 -next_power_of_two (int val)
 22397 +next_power_of_two(int val)
 22398  {
 22399    int i = val;
 22400    int out = 0;
 22401 -  for ( ; i > 0; i >>= 1) {
 22402 +  for (; i > 0; i >>= 1) {
 22403      out++;
 22404    }
 22406    int pow = 1 << out;
 22407 -  return (pow > 1 && pow/2 == val) ? val : pow;
 22408 -} 
 22409 +  return (pow > 1 && pow / 2 == val) ? val : pow;
 22410 +}
 22412 -/* 
 22413 +/*
 22414   * Return a mask that masks out all of the zero bits
 22415   */
 22416  static inline unsigned char
 22417 -msb_mask (unsigned char val)
 22418 +msb_mask(unsigned char val)
 22419  {
 22420    unsigned char mask;
 22421 -  for (mask = 0x00; (val & mask) != val; mask = (mask << 1) + 1);
 22422 +  for (mask = 0x00; (val & mask) != val; mask = (mask << 1) + 1)
 22423 +    ;
 22424    return mask;
 22425  }
 22427 @@ -99,4 +107,3 @@
 22428  #define UNUSED(x) (void)(x)
 22430  #endif /* __UTIL_H__ */
 22431 -
 22432 diff --git a/third_party/prio/ptest/MUTEST_LICENSE b/third_party/prio/ptest/MUTEST_LICENSE
 22433 deleted file mode 100644
 22434 --- a/third_party/prio/ptest/MUTEST_LICENSE
 22435 +++ /dev/null
 22436 @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
 22437 -I don't like licenses, because I don't like having to worry about all this
 22438 -legal stuff just for a simple piece of software I don't really mind anyone
 22439 -using. But I also believe that it's important that people share and give back;
 22440 -so I'm placing this work under the following license.
 22441 -
 22442 -
 22443 -BOLA - Buena Onda License Agreement (v1.0)
 22444 -------------------------------------------
 22445 -
 22446 -This work is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no
 22447 -event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of
 22448 -this work.
 22449 -
 22450 -To all effects and purposes, this work is to be considered Public Domain.
 22451 -
 22452 -
 22453 -However, if you want to be "Buena onda", you should:
 22454 -
 22455 -1. Not take credit for it, and give proper recognition to the authors.
 22456 -2. Share your modifications, so everybody benefits from them.
 22457 -4. Do something nice for the authors.
 22458 -5. Help someone who needs it: sign up for some volunteer work or help your
 22459 -   neighbour paint the house.
 22460 -6. Don't waste. Anything, but specially energy that comes from natural
 22461 -   non-renewable resources. Extra points if you discover or invent something
 22462 -   to replace them.
 22463 -7. Be tolerant. Everything that's good in nature comes from cooperation.
 22464 -
 22465 -The order is important, and the further you go the more "Buena onda" you are.
 22466 -Make the world a better place: be "Buena onda".
 22467 diff --git a/third_party/prio/ptest/SConscript b/third_party/prio/ptest/SConscript
 22468 deleted file mode 100644
 22469 --- a/third_party/prio/ptest/SConscript
 22470 +++ /dev/null
 22471 @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
 22472 -import sys
 22473 -
 22474 -Import('env')
 22475 -
 22476 -prio_env = env.Clone()
 22477 -
 22478 -test_srcs = [
 22479 -    "mutest.c",
 22480 -    "client_test.c",
 22481 -    "example_test.c",
 22482 -    "encrypt_test.c",
 22483 -    "fft_test.c",
 22484 -    "mpi_test.c",
 22485 -    "prg_test.c",
 22486 -    "rand_test.c",
 22487 -    "serial_test.c",
 22488 -    "server_test.c",
 22489 -    "share_test.c",
 22490 -]
 22491 -
 22492 -libs = [
 22493 -  "nss3",
 22494 -  "mpi",
 22495 -  "mprio",
 22496 -  "msgpackc"
 22497 -]
 22498 -
 22499 -# Run the mutest script to generate the test harness code
 22500 -bld = Builder(action = 'ptest/mkmutest ptest/mutest.h $SOURCES | $CC -c -xc -o $TARGET -')
 22501 -prio_env.Append(BUILDERS = {'MkMutest' : bld})
 22502 -
 22503 -prio_env.Append(LIBS = libs)
 22504 -
 22505 -# Enable mpi print
 22506 -prio_env.Append(CFLAGS = ['-DMP_IOFUNC'])
 22507 -
 22508 -# Copy the mutest scripts to the build dir
 22509 -prio_env.Install("mkmutest")
 22510 -prio_env.Install("mutest.h")
 22511 -
 22512 -test_objs = prio_env.Object(test_srcs)
 22513 -test_main = prio_env.MkMutest(test_objs)
 22514 -prio_env.Program("ptest", [test_main] + test_objs)
 22515 -
 22516 diff --git a/third_party/prio/ptest/client_test.c b/third_party/prio/ptest/client_test.c
 22517 deleted file mode 100644
 22518 --- a/third_party/prio/ptest/client_test.c
 22519 +++ /dev/null
 22520 @@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
 22521 -/*
 22522 - * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 22523 - * 
 22524 - * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 22525 - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 22526 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 22527 - */
 22528 -
 22529 -#include <mprio.h>
 22530 -
 22531 -#include "prio/client.h"
 22532 -#include "prio/server.h"
 22533 -#include "prio/util.h"
 22534 -#include "mutest.h"
 22535 -
 22536 -void 
 22537 -mu_test_client__new (void)
 22538 -{
 22539 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 22540 -  PrioConfig cfg = NULL;
 22541 -  PrioPacketClient pA = NULL;
 22542 -  PrioPacketClient pB = NULL;
 22543 -
 22544 -  P_CHECKA (cfg = PrioConfig_newTest(23));
 22545 -  P_CHECKA (pA = PrioPacketClient_new (cfg, PRIO_SERVER_A));
 22546 -  P_CHECKA (pB = PrioPacketClient_new (cfg, PRIO_SERVER_B));
 22547 -
 22548 -  {
 22549 -  const int ndata = PrioConfig_numDataFields (cfg);
 22550 -  bool data_items[ndata];
 22551 -
 22552 -  for (int i=0; i < ndata; i++) {
 22553 -    // Arbitrary data
 22554 -    data_items[i] = (i % 3 == 1) || (i % 5 == 3);
 22555 -  }
 22556 -
 22557 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPacketClient_set_data (cfg, data_items, pA, pB));
 22558 -  }
 22559 -
 22560 -cleanup:
 22561 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 22562 -
 22563 -  PrioPacketClient_clear (pA);
 22564 -  PrioPacketClient_clear (pB);
 22565 -  PrioConfig_clear (cfg);
 22566 -}
 22567 -
 22568 -void 
 22569 -test_client_agg (int nclients)
 22570 -{
 22571 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 22572 -  PublicKey pkA = NULL;
 22573 -  PublicKey pkB = NULL;
 22574 -  PrivateKey skA = NULL;
 22575 -  PrivateKey skB = NULL;
 22576 -  PrioConfig cfg = NULL;
 22577 -  PrioServer sA = NULL;
 22578 -  PrioServer sB = NULL;
 22579 -  PrioTotalShare tA = NULL;
 22580 -  PrioTotalShare tB = NULL;
 22581 -  PrioVerifier vA = NULL;
 22582 -  PrioVerifier vB = NULL;
 22583 -  unsigned char *for_a = NULL;
 22584 -  unsigned char *for_b = NULL;
 22585 -  const unsigned char *batch_id = (unsigned char *)"test_batch";
 22586 -  unsigned int batch_id_len = strlen ((char *)batch_id);
 22587 -
 22588 -  PrioPRGSeed seed;
 22589 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPRGSeed_randomize (&seed));
 22590 -
 22591 -  P_CHECKC (Keypair_new (&skA, &pkA));
 22592 -  P_CHECKC (Keypair_new (&skB, &pkB));
 22593 -  P_CHECKA (cfg = PrioConfig_new (133, pkA, pkB, batch_id, batch_id_len));
 22594 -  P_CHECKA (sA = PrioServer_new (cfg, 0, skA, seed));
 22595 -  P_CHECKA (sB = PrioServer_new (cfg, 1, skB, seed));
 22596 -  P_CHECKA (tA = PrioTotalShare_new ());
 22597 -  P_CHECKA (tB = PrioTotalShare_new ());
 22598 -  P_CHECKA (vA = PrioVerifier_new (sA));
 22599 -  P_CHECKA (vB = PrioVerifier_new (sB));
 22600 -
 22601 -  const int ndata = PrioConfig_numDataFields (cfg);
 22602 -
 22603 -  {
 22604 -    bool data_items[ndata];
 22605 -    for (int i=0; i < ndata; i++) {
 22606 -      // Arbitrary data
 22607 -      data_items[i] = (i % 3 == 1) || (i % 5 == 3);
 22608 -    }
 22609 -
 22610 -    for (int i=0; i < nclients; i++) {
 22611 -      unsigned int aLen, bLen;
 22612 -      P_CHECKC (PrioClient_encode (cfg, data_items, &for_a, &aLen, 
 22613 -            &for_b, &bLen));
 22614 -              
 22615 -      P_CHECKC (PrioVerifier_set_data (vA, for_a, aLen));
 22616 -      P_CHECKC (PrioVerifier_set_data (vB, for_b, bLen));
 22617 -
 22618 -      mu_check (PrioServer_aggregate (sA, vA) == SECSuccess);
 22619 -      mu_check (PrioServer_aggregate (sB, vB) == SECSuccess);
 22620 -
 22621 -      free (for_a);
 22622 -      free (for_b);
 22623 -
 22624 -      for_a = NULL;
 22625 -      for_b = NULL;
 22626 -    }
 22627 -
 22628 -    mu_check (PrioTotalShare_set_data (tA, sA) == SECSuccess);
 22629 -    mu_check (PrioTotalShare_set_data (tB, sB) == SECSuccess);
 22630 -
 22631 -    unsigned long output[ndata];
 22632 -    mu_check (PrioTotalShare_final (cfg, output, tA, tB) == SECSuccess);
 22633 -    for (int i=0; i < ndata; i++) {
 22634 -      unsigned long v = ((i % 3 == 1) || (i % 5 == 3));
 22635 -      mu_check (output[i] == v*nclients);
 22636 -    }
 22637 -  }
 22638 -
 22639 -  //rv = SECFailure;
 22640 -  //goto cleanup;
 22641 -
 22642 -cleanup:
 22643 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 22644 -  if (for_a) free (for_a);
 22645 -  if (for_b) free (for_b);
 22646 -
 22647 -  PublicKey_clear (pkA);
 22648 -  PublicKey_clear (pkB);
 22649 -  PrivateKey_clear (skA);
 22650 -  PrivateKey_clear (skB);
 22651 -
 22652 -  PrioVerifier_clear (vA);
 22653 -  PrioVerifier_clear (vB);
 22654 -
 22655 -  PrioTotalShare_clear (tA);
 22656 -  PrioTotalShare_clear (tB);
 22657 -
 22658 -  PrioServer_clear (sA);
 22659 -  PrioServer_clear (sB);
 22660 -  PrioConfig_clear (cfg);
 22661 -}
 22662 -
 22663 -void 
 22664 -mu_test_client__agg_1 (void)
 22665 -{
 22666 -  test_client_agg (1);
 22667 -}
 22668 -
 22669 -void 
 22670 -mu_test_client__agg_2 (void)
 22671 -{
 22672 -  test_client_agg (2);
 22673 -}
 22674 -
 22675 -void 
 22676 -mu_test_client__agg_10 (void)
 22677 -{
 22678 -  test_client_agg (10);
 22679 -}
 22680 -
 22681 diff --git a/third_party/prio/ptest/encrypt_test.c b/third_party/prio/ptest/encrypt_test.c
 22682 deleted file mode 100644
 22683 --- a/third_party/prio/ptest/encrypt_test.c
 22684 +++ /dev/null
 22685 @@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
 22686 -/*
 22687 - * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 22688 - * 
 22689 - * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 22690 - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 22691 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 22692 - */
 22693 -
 22694 -#include <nspr.h>
 22695 -#include <nss/nss.h>
 22696 -#include <nss/secoidt.h>
 22697 -#include <nss/keyhi.h>
 22698 -#include <nss/pk11pub.h>
 22699 -#include <nss/cert.h>
 22700 -
 22701 -#include "mutest.h"
 22702 -#include "prio/encrypt.h"
 22703 -#include "prio/rand.h"
 22704 -#include "prio/util.h"
 22705 -
 22706 -
 22707 -void 
 22708 -mu_test_keygen (void) 
 22709 -{
 22710 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 22711 -  PublicKey pubkey = NULL;
 22712 -  PrivateKey pvtkey = NULL;
 22713 -
 22714 -  P_CHECKC (Keypair_new (&pvtkey, &pubkey));
 22715 -  mu_check (SECKEY_PublicKeyStrength (pubkey) == 32);
 22716 -
 22717 -cleanup:
 22718 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 22719 -  PublicKey_clear (pubkey);
 22720 -  PrivateKey_clear (pvtkey);
 22721 -  return;
 22722 -}
 22723 -
 22724 -void 
 22725 -test_encrypt_once (int bad, unsigned int inlen) 
 22726 -{
 22727 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 22728 -  PublicKey pubkey = NULL;
 22729 -  PrivateKey pvtkey = NULL;
 22730 -  PublicKey pubkey2 = NULL;
 22731 -  PrivateKey pvtkey2 = NULL;
 22732 -
 22733 -  unsigned char *bytes_in = NULL;
 22734 -  unsigned char *bytes_enc = NULL;
 22735 -  unsigned char *bytes_dec = NULL;
 22736 -  
 22737 -  unsigned int enclen;
 22738 -  P_CHECKC (PublicKey_encryptSize (inlen, &enclen));
 22739 -  unsigned int declen = enclen;
 22740 -
 22741 -  P_CHECKA (bytes_in = malloc (inlen));
 22742 -  P_CHECKA (bytes_enc = malloc (enclen));
 22743 -  P_CHECKA (bytes_dec= malloc (enclen));
 22744 -  P_CHECKC (rand_bytes (bytes_in, inlen));
 22745 -
 22746 -  memset (bytes_dec, 0, declen);
 22747 -
 22748 -  unsigned int encryptedBytes;
 22749 -  P_CHECKC (Keypair_new (&pvtkey, &pubkey));
 22750 -  P_CHECKC (Keypair_new (&pvtkey2, &pubkey2));
 22751 -  P_CHECKC (PublicKey_encrypt (pubkey, bytes_enc, 
 22752 -        &encryptedBytes, enclen,
 22753 -        bytes_in, inlen));
 22754 -  mu_check (encryptedBytes == enclen);
 22755 -
 22756 -  if (bad == 1) 
 22757 -    enclen = 30; 
 22758 -
 22759 -  if (bad == 2) {
 22760 -    bytes_enc[4] = 6;
 22761 -    bytes_enc[5] = 0;
 22762 -  }
 22763 -
 22764 -  if (bad == 3) {
 22765 -    bytes_enc[40] = 6;
 22766 -    bytes_enc[41] = 0;
 22767 -  }
 22768 -
 22769 -  unsigned int decryptedBytes;
 22770 -  PrivateKey key_to_use = (bad == 4) ? pvtkey2 : pvtkey;
 22771 -  P_CHECKC (PrivateKey_decrypt (key_to_use, bytes_dec, &decryptedBytes, declen,
 22772 -        bytes_enc, enclen));
 22773 -  mu_check (decryptedBytes == inlen);
 22774 -  mu_check (!strncmp ((char *)bytes_in, (char *)bytes_dec, inlen));
 22775 -
 22776 -cleanup:
 22777 -  mu_check (bad ? (rv == SECFailure) : (rv == SECSuccess));
 22778 -  if (bytes_in) free (bytes_in);
 22779 -  if (bytes_enc) free (bytes_enc);
 22780 -  if (bytes_dec) free (bytes_dec);
 22781 -
 22782 -  PublicKey_clear (pubkey);
 22783 -  PrivateKey_clear (pvtkey);
 22784 -  PublicKey_clear (pubkey2);
 22785 -  PrivateKey_clear (pvtkey2);
 22786 -  return;
 22787 -}
 22788 -
 22789 -void 
 22790 -mu_test_encrypt_good (void) 
 22791 -{
 22792 -  test_encrypt_once (0, 100);
 22793 -}
 22794 -
 22795 -void 
 22796 -mu_test_encrypt_good_long (void) 
 22797 -{
 22798 -  test_encrypt_once (0, 1000000);
 22799 -}
 22800 -
 22801 -void 
 22802 -mu_test_encrypt_too_short (void) 
 22803 -{
 22804 -  test_encrypt_once (1, 87);
 22805 -}
 22806 -
 22807 -void 
 22808 -mu_test_encrypt_garbage (void) 
 22809 -{
 22810 -  test_encrypt_once (2, 10023);
 22811 -}
 22812 -
 22813 -void 
 22814 -mu_test_encrypt_garbage2 (void) 
 22815 -{
 22816 -  test_encrypt_once (3, 8123);
 22817 -}
 22818 -
 22819 -void 
 22820 -mu_test_decrypt_wrong_key (void) 
 22821 -{
 22822 -  test_encrypt_once (4, 81230);
 22823 -}
 22824 -
 22825 -void 
 22826 -mu_test_export (void) 
 22827 -{
 22828 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 22829 -  PublicKey pubkey = NULL;
 22830 -
 22831 -  unsigned char raw_bytes[CURVE25519_KEY_LEN];
 22832 -  unsigned char raw_bytes2[CURVE25519_KEY_LEN];
 22833 -  for (int i=0; i< CURVE25519_KEY_LEN; i++) {
 22834 -    raw_bytes[i] = (3*i+7) % 0xFF;
 22835 -  }
 22836 -
 22837 -  P_CHECKC (PublicKey_import (&pubkey, raw_bytes, CURVE25519_KEY_LEN));
 22838 -  P_CHECKC (PublicKey_export (pubkey, raw_bytes2));
 22839 -
 22840 -  for (int i=0; i< CURVE25519_KEY_LEN; i++) {
 22841 -    mu_check (raw_bytes[i] == raw_bytes2[i]);
 22842 -  }
 22843 -
 22844 -cleanup:
 22845 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 22846 -  PublicKey_clear (pubkey);
 22847 -  return;
 22848 -}
 22849 -
 22850 -void 
 22851 -mu_test_export_hex (void) 
 22852 -{
 22853 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 22854 -  PublicKey pubkey = NULL;
 22855 -
 22856 -  const unsigned char hex_bytes[2*CURVE25519_KEY_LEN] = \
 22857 -         "102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F00000FFEEDDCCBBAA998877665544332211";
 22858 -  const unsigned char hex_bytesl[2*CURVE25519_KEY_LEN] = \
 22859 -         "102030405060708090a0B0C0D0E0F00000FfeEddcCbBaa998877665544332211";
 22860 -
 22861 -  const unsigned char raw_bytes_should[CURVE25519_KEY_LEN] = {
 22862 -    0x10, 0x20, 0x30, 0x40,   0x50, 0x60, 0x70, 0x80, 
 22863 -    0x90, 0xA0, 0xB0, 0xC0,   0xD0, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0x00,
 22864 -    0x00, 0xFF, 0xEE, 0xDD,   0xCC, 0xBB, 0xAA, 0x99,
 22865 -    0x88, 0x77, 0x66, 0x55,   0x44, 0x33, 0x22, 0x11 };
 22866 -  unsigned char raw_bytes[CURVE25519_KEY_LEN];
 22867 -  unsigned char hex_bytes2[2*CURVE25519_KEY_LEN+1];
 22868 -
 22869 -  // Make sure that invalid lengths are rejected.
 22870 -  mu_check (PublicKey_import_hex (&pubkey, hex_bytes, 
 22871 -        2*CURVE25519_KEY_LEN-1) == SECFailure);
 22872 -  mu_check (PublicKey_import_hex (&pubkey, hex_bytes, 
 22873 -        2*CURVE25519_KEY_LEN+1) == SECFailure);
 22874 -
 22875 -  // Import a key in upper-case hex
 22876 -  P_CHECKC (PublicKey_import_hex (&pubkey, hex_bytes, 2*CURVE25519_KEY_LEN));
 22877 -  P_CHECKC (PublicKey_export (pubkey, raw_bytes));
 22878 -  PublicKey_clear (pubkey);
 22879 -  pubkey = NULL;
 22880 -
 22881 -  for (int i=0; i<CURVE25519_KEY_LEN; i++) {
 22882 -    mu_check (raw_bytes[i] == raw_bytes_should[i]);
 22883 -  }
 22884 -
 22885 -  // Import a key in mixed-case hex
 22886 -  P_CHECKC (PublicKey_import_hex (&pubkey, hex_bytesl, 2*CURVE25519_KEY_LEN));
 22887 -  P_CHECKC (PublicKey_export (pubkey, raw_bytes));
 22888 -  PublicKey_clear (pubkey);
 22889 -  pubkey = NULL;
 22890 -
 22891 -  for (int i=0; i<CURVE25519_KEY_LEN; i++) {
 22892 -    mu_check (raw_bytes[i] == raw_bytes_should[i]);
 22893 -  }
 22894 -
 22895 -  mu_check (PublicKey_import (&pubkey, raw_bytes_should, 
 22896 -        CURVE25519_KEY_LEN-1) == SECFailure);
 22897 -  mu_check (PublicKey_import (&pubkey, raw_bytes_should, 
 22898 -        CURVE25519_KEY_LEN+1) == SECFailure);
 22899 -
 22900 -  // Import a raw key and export as hex
 22901 -  P_CHECKC (PublicKey_import (&pubkey, raw_bytes_should, CURVE25519_KEY_LEN));
 22902 -  P_CHECKC (PublicKey_export_hex (pubkey, hex_bytes2));
 22903 -
 22904 -  for (int i=0; i<2*CURVE25519_KEY_LEN; i++) {
 22905 -    mu_check (hex_bytes[i] == hex_bytes2[i]);
 22906 -  }
 22907 -  mu_ensure (hex_bytes2[2*CURVE25519_KEY_LEN] == '\0');
 22908 -
 22909 -cleanup:
 22910 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 22911 -  PublicKey_clear (pubkey);
 22912 -  return;
 22913 -}
 22914 diff --git a/third_party/prio/ptest/example_test.c b/third_party/prio/ptest/example_test.c
 22915 deleted file mode 100644
 22916 --- a/third_party/prio/ptest/example_test.c
 22917 +++ /dev/null
 22918 @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
 22919 -/*
 22920 - * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 22921 - * 
 22922 - * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 22923 - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 22924 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 22925 - */
 22926 -
 22927 -//#include <stdio.h>
 22928 -#include "mutest.h"
 22929 -
 22930 -
 22931 -
 22932 -void 
 22933 -mu_test_example (void) 
 22934 -{
 22935 -  mu_check (1);
 22936 -}
 22937 -
 22938 -
 22939 -
 22940 diff --git a/third_party/prio/ptest/fft_test.c b/third_party/prio/ptest/fft_test.c
 22941 deleted file mode 100644
 22942 --- a/third_party/prio/ptest/fft_test.c
 22943 +++ /dev/null
 22944 @@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
 22945 -/*
 22946 - * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 22947 - * 
 22948 - * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 22949 - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 22950 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 22951 - */
 22952 -
 22953 -#include <mpi.h>
 22954 -#include <mprio.h>
 22955 -#include <stdio.h>
 22956 -
 22957 -#include "mutest.h"
 22958 -#include "prio/config.h"
 22959 -#include "prio/mparray.h"
 22960 -#include "prio/poly.h"
 22961 -#include "prio/util.h"
 22962 -
 22963 -void 
 22964 -mu_test__fft_one (void)
 22965 -{
 22966 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 22967 -  PrioConfig cfg = NULL;
 22968 -  MPArray points_in = NULL;
 22969 -  MPArray points_out = NULL;
 22970 -
 22971 -  P_CHECKA (cfg = PrioConfig_newTest (123));
 22972 -  P_CHECKA (points_in = MPArray_new (1));
 22973 -  P_CHECKA (points_out = MPArray_new (1));
 22974 -
 22975 -  mp_set (&points_in->data[0], 3);
 22976 -  mu_check (poly_fft (points_out, points_in, cfg, false) == SECSuccess);
 22977 -
 22978 -  mu_check (mp_cmp_d(&points_in->data[0], 3) == 0);
 22979 -  mu_check (mp_cmp_d(&points_out->data[0], 3) == 0);
 22980 -
 22981 -cleanup:
 22982 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 22983 -  MPArray_clear (points_in);
 22984 -  MPArray_clear (points_out);
 22985 -
 22986 -  PrioConfig_clear (cfg);
 22987 -}
 22988 -
 22989 -void 
 22990 -mu_test__fft_roots (void)
 22991 -{
 22992 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 22993 -  PrioConfig cfg = NULL;
 22994 -  mp_int tmp;
 22995 -  MP_DIGITS (&tmp) = NULL;
 22996 -
 22997 -  P_CHECKA (cfg = PrioConfig_newTest (90));
 22998 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&tmp));
 22999 -
 23000 -  mp_int roots[4];
 23001 -  poly_fft_get_roots (roots, 4, cfg, false);
 23002 -
 23003 -  for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
 23004 -    mp_exptmod_d(&roots[i], 4, &cfg->modulus, &tmp);
 23005 -    mu_check (mp_cmp_d( &tmp, 1) == 0);
 23006 -  }
 23007 -
 23008 -cleanup:
 23009 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 23010 -  mp_clear (&tmp);
 23011 -  PrioConfig_clear (cfg);
 23012 -}
 23013 -
 23014 -void 
 23015 -mu_test__fft_simple (void)
 23016 -{
 23017 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 23018 -  const int nPoints = 4;
 23019 -
 23020 -  PrioConfig cfg = NULL;
 23021 -  MPArray points_in = NULL;
 23022 -  MPArray points_out = NULL;
 23023 -
 23024 -  mp_int should_be, tmp;
 23025 -  mp_int roots[nPoints];
 23026 -  MP_DIGITS (&should_be) = NULL;
 23027 -  MP_DIGITS (&tmp) = NULL;
 23028 -  for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
 23029 -    MP_DIGITS (&roots[i]) = NULL;
 23030 -  }
 23031 -  
 23032 -  P_CHECKA (cfg = PrioConfig_newTest (140));
 23033 -  P_CHECKA (points_in = MPArray_new (nPoints));
 23034 -  P_CHECKA (points_out = MPArray_new (nPoints));
 23035 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&should_be));
 23036 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&tmp));
 23037 -
 23038 -  poly_fft_get_roots (roots, nPoints, cfg, false);
 23039 -
 23040 -  mp_set (&points_in->data[0], 3);
 23041 -  mp_set (&points_in->data[1], 8);
 23042 -  mp_set (&points_in->data[2], 7);
 23043 -  mp_set (&points_in->data[3], 9);
 23044 -  mu_check (poly_fft (points_out, points_in, cfg, false) == SECSuccess);
 23045 -
 23046 -  for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
 23047 -    mp_set (&should_be, 0);
 23048 -    for (int j=0; j<nPoints; j++) {
 23049 -      mu_check (mp_exptmod_d(&roots[i], j, &cfg->modulus, &tmp) == MP_OKAY);
 23050 -      mu_check (mp_mulmod(&tmp, &points_in->data[j], &cfg->modulus, &tmp) == MP_OKAY);
 23051 -      mu_check (mp_addmod(&should_be, &tmp, &cfg->modulus, &should_be) == MP_OKAY);
 23052 -    }
 23053 -
 23054 -    /*
 23055 -    puts("Should be:");
 23056 -    mp_print(&should_be, stdout);
 23057 -    puts("");
 23058 -    mp_print(&points_out[i], stdout);
 23059 -    puts("");
 23060 -    */
 23061 -    mu_check (mp_cmp (&should_be, &points_out->data[i]) == 0);
 23062 -  }
 23063 -
 23064 -cleanup:
 23065 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 23066 -  mp_clear (&tmp);
 23067 -  mp_clear (&should_be);
 23068 -  MPArray_clear (points_in);
 23069 -  MPArray_clear (points_out);
 23070 -  PrioConfig_clear (cfg);
 23071 -}
 23072 -
 23073 -void 
 23074 -mu_test__fft_invert (void)
 23075 -{
 23076 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 23077 -  const int nPoints = 8;
 23078 -
 23079 -  PrioConfig cfg = NULL;
 23080 -  MPArray points_in = NULL;
 23081 -  MPArray points_out = NULL;
 23082 -  MPArray points_out2 = NULL;
 23083 -  mp_int roots[nPoints];
 23084 -  
 23085 -  P_CHECKA (cfg = PrioConfig_newTest (91));
 23086 -  P_CHECKA (points_in = MPArray_new (nPoints)); 
 23087 -  P_CHECKA (points_out = MPArray_new (nPoints));
 23088 -  P_CHECKA (points_out2 = MPArray_new (nPoints));
 23089 -
 23090 -  poly_fft_get_roots (roots, nPoints, cfg, false);
 23091 -
 23092 -  mp_set (&points_in->data[0], 3);
 23093 -  mp_set (&points_in->data[1], 8);
 23094 -  mp_set (&points_in->data[2], 7);
 23095 -  mp_set (&points_in->data[3], 9);
 23096 -  mp_set (&points_in->data[4], 123);
 23097 -  mp_set (&points_in->data[5], 123123987);
 23098 -  mp_set (&points_in->data[6], 2);
 23099 -  mp_set (&points_in->data[7], 0);
 23100 -  mu_check (poly_fft(points_out, points_in, cfg, false) == SECSuccess);
 23101 -  mu_check (poly_fft(points_out2, points_out, cfg, true) == SECSuccess);
 23102 -
 23103 -  for (int i=0; i<nPoints; i++) {
 23104 -    mu_check (mp_cmp (&points_out2->data[i], &points_in->data[i]) == 0);
 23105 -  }
 23106 -
 23107 -cleanup:
 23108 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 23109 -
 23110 -  MPArray_clear (points_in);
 23111 -  MPArray_clear (points_out);
 23112 -  MPArray_clear (points_out2);
 23113 -  PrioConfig_clear (cfg);
 23114 -}
 23115 diff --git a/third_party/prio/ptest/mkmutest b/third_party/prio/ptest/mkmutest
 23116 deleted file mode 100755
 23117 --- a/third_party/prio/ptest/mkmutest
 23118 +++ /dev/null
 23119 @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
 23120 -#!/usr/bin/env bash
 23121 -#
 23122 -# This file is part of mutest, a simple micro unit testing framework for C.
 23123 -#
 23124 -# mutest was written by Leandro Lucarella <> and is released
 23125 -# under the BOLA license, please see the LICENSE file or visit:
 23126 -#
 23127 -#
 23128 -# This is a simple script to generate a C file that runs all the test suites
 23129 -# present in .o files passed as arguments.
 23130 -#
 23131 -# Please, read the README file for more details.
 23132 -#
 23133 -
 23134 -
 23135 -# the trick here is getting all the test cases present in an object file using
 23136 -# nm. All the tests must take and return void, start with "mutest_" and, of
 23137 -# course, should not be static, which leads to a small limitation: all test
 23138 -# cases must have unique names, even across test suites.
 23139 -
 23140 -# the first argument should be mutest.h
 23141 -if [ -z "$1" ]
 23142 -then
 23143 -	echo "Too few arguments" >&2
 23144 -	echo "Usage: $0 mutest_h_location [object files...]" >&2
 23145 -	exit 1
 23146 -fi
 23147 -mutest_h="$1"
 23148 -shift
 23149 -echo "#include \"$mutest_h\""
 23150 -echo "void mu_run_suites() {"
 23151 -echo
 23152 -for file in "$@"
 23153 -do
 23154 -	pr_file=`echo "$file" | sed 's/\"/\\\\\"/g'`
 23155 -	suite=`basename "$file" .o | sed 's/\"/\\\\\"/g'`
 23156 -#symbols=`nm "$file" | egrep '^[[:xdigit:]]{8} T mu_\w+$' | cut -c12-`
 23157 -	symbols=`nm "$file" | egrep ' T _mu_\w+$' | cut -c21-`
 23158 -	symbols+=`nm "$file" | egrep ' T mu_\w+$' | cut -c20-`
 23159 -	tests=`echo "$symbols" | egrep '^mu_test'`
 23160 -	inits=`echo "$symbols" | egrep '^mu_init'`
 23161 -	terms=`echo "$symbols" | egrep '^mu_term'`
 23162 -	echo -e '\tdo {'
 23163 -	echo -e '\t\tmutest_suite_name = "'"$suite"'";'
 23164 -	echo -e '\t\tmu_print(MU_SUITE, "\\nRunning suite '"'$suite'"'\\n");'
 23165 -	for init in $inits
 23166 -	do
 23167 -		echo -e "\\t\\tmu_run_init($init);"
 23168 -	done
 23169 -	for testcase in $tests
 23170 -	do
 23171 -		echo -e "\t\tmu_run_case($testcase);"
 23172 -	done
 23173 -	for term in $terms
 23174 -	do
 23175 -		echo -e "\t\tmu_run_term($term);"
 23176 -	done
 23177 -	echo -e "\t\tif (mutest_suite_failed) ++mutest_failed_suites;"
 23178 -	echo -e "\t\telse                     ++mutest_passed_suites;"
 23179 -	echo -e "\t\tmutest_suite_failed = 0;"
 23180 -	echo -e '\t} while (0);'
 23181 -	echo
 23182 -done
 23183 -echo "}"
 23184 -
 23185 diff --git a/third_party/prio/ptest/mpi_test.c b/third_party/prio/ptest/mpi_test.c
 23186 deleted file mode 100644
 23187 --- a/third_party/prio/ptest/mpi_test.c
 23188 +++ /dev/null
 23189 @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
 23190 -/*
 23191 - * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 23192 - * 
 23193 - * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 23194 - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 23195 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 23196 - */
 23197 -
 23198 -#include <mpi.h>
 23199 -
 23200 -#include "mutest.h"
 23201 -
 23202 -
 23203 -void 
 23204 -mu_test_mpi__add (void) 
 23205 -{
 23206 -  mp_int a;
 23207 -  mp_int b;
 23208 -  mp_int c;
 23209 -
 23210 -  mu_check (mp_init (&a) == MP_OKAY);
 23211 -  mu_check (mp_init (&b) == MP_OKAY);
 23212 -  mu_check (mp_init (&c) == MP_OKAY);
 23213 -
 23214 -  mp_set (&a, 10);
 23215 -  mp_set (&b, 7);
 23216 -  mp_add (&a, &b, &c);
 23217 -
 23218 -  mp_set (&a, 17);
 23219 -  mu_check (mp_cmp (&a, &c) == 0);
 23220 -
 23221 -  mp_clear (&a);
 23222 -  mp_clear (&b);
 23223 -  mp_clear (&c);
 23224 -}
 23225 -
 23226 -
 23227 -
 23228 diff --git a/third_party/prio/ptest/mutest.h b/third_party/prio/ptest/mutest.h
 23229 deleted file mode 100644
 23230 --- a/third_party/prio/ptest/mutest.h
 23231 +++ /dev/null
 23232 @@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
 23233 -/*
 23234 - * This file is part of mutest, a simple micro unit testing framework for C.
 23235 - *
 23236 - * mutest was written by Leandro Lucarella <> and is released
 23237 - * under the BOLA license, please see the LICENSE file or visit:
 23238 - *
 23239 - *
 23240 - * This header file should be included in the source files that will make up
 23241 - * a test suite. It's used for both C and Python implementation, but when
 23242 - * using the Python implementation you should define the MUTEST_PY macro.
 23243 - * If you implement your mu_run_suites() function yourself, you probably will
 23244 - * need to include this header too (see mkmutest).
 23245 - *
 23246 - * Please, read the README file for more details.
 23247 - */
 23248 -
 23249 -#include <stdio.h> /* fprintf() */
 23250 -
 23251 -#ifdef __cplusplus
 23252 -extern "C" {
 23253 -#endif
 23254 -
 23255 -/* verbosity level (each level shows all the previous levels too) */
 23256 -enum {
 23257 -	MU_QUIET = 0, /* be completely quiet */
 23258 -	MU_ERROR,     /* shows errors only */
 23259 -	MU_SUMMARY,   /* shows a summary */
 23260 -	MU_SUITE,     /* shows test suites progress */
 23261 -	MU_CASE,      /* shows test cases progress */
 23262 -	MU_CHECK      /* shows the current running check */
 23263 -};
 23264 -
 23265 -/* print a message according to the verbosity level */
 23266 -#define mu_print(level, ...) \
 23267 -	do { \
 23268 -		if (mutest_verbose_level >= level) { \
 23269 -			if (mutest_verbose_level == MU_ERROR) \
 23270 -				fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); \
 23271 -			else \
 23272 -				fprintf(stdout, __VA_ARGS__); \
 23273 -		} \
 23274 -	} while (0)
 23275 -
 23276 -/* print an error message */
 23277 -#define mu_printerr(name, action) \
 23278 -		mu_print(MU_ERROR, __FILE__ ":%d: " name " failed, "\
 23279 -				action " test case\n", __LINE__);
 23280 -
 23281 -/* modify the internal state so a failure gets counted */
 23282 -#define mutest_count_err ++mutest_failed_checks; mutest_case_failed = 1;
 23283 -
 23284 -/* modify the internal state so a success gets counted */
 23285 -#define mutest_count_suc ++mutest_passed_checks;
 23286 -
 23287 -#ifdef __cplusplus
 23288 -
 23289 -#include <exception>
 23290 -
 23291 -/* print an error message triggered by a C++ exception */
 23292 -#define mu_printex(name, action, ex) \
 23293 -		mu_print(MU_ERROR, __FILE__ ":%d: " name " failed, " \
 23294 -				"exception thrown (%s), " action \
 23295 -				" test case\n", __LINE__, ex);
 23296 -
 23297 -#define mutest_try try {
 23298 -#define mutest_catch(name, action, final) \
 23299 -		} catch (const std::exception& e) { \
 23300 -			mutest_count_err \
 23301 -			mu_printex(name, action, e.what()); \
 23302 -			final; \
 23303 -		} catch (...) { \
 23304 -			mutest_count_err \
 23305 -			mu_printex(name, action, "[unknown]"); \
 23306 -			final; \
 23307 -		}
 23308 -
 23309 -#else /* !__cplusplus */
 23310 -
 23311 -#define mutest_try
 23312 -#define mutest_catch(name, action, exp)
 23313 -
 23314 -#endif /* __cplusplus */
 23315 -
 23316 -/* check that an expression evaluates to true, continue if the check fails */
 23317 -#define mu_check_base(exp, name, action, final) \
 23318 -	do { \
 23319 -		mu_print(MU_CHECK, "\t\t* Checking " name "(" #exp ")...\n"); \
 23320 -		mutest_try \
 23321 -			if (exp) mutest_count_suc \
 23322 -			else { \
 23323 -				mutest_count_err \
 23324 -				mu_printerr(name "(" #exp ")", action); \
 23325 -				final; \
 23326 -			} \
 23327 -		mutest_catch(name, action, final) \
 23328 -	} while (0)
 23329 -
 23330 -/* check that an expression evaluates to true, continue if the check fails */
 23331 -#define mu_check(exp) mu_check_base(exp, "mu_check", "resuming", continue)
 23332 -
 23333 -/*
 23334 - * ensure that an expression evaluates to true, abort the current test
 23335 - * case if the check fails
 23336 - */
 23337 -#define mu_ensure(exp) mu_check_base(exp, "mu_ensure", "aborting", return)
 23338 -
 23339 -#ifdef __cplusplus
 23340 -
 23341 -#define mu_echeck_base(ex, exp, name, action, final) \
 23342 -	do { \
 23343 -		mu_print(MU_CHECK, "\t\t* Checking " name "(" #ex ", " #exp \
 23344 -				")...\n"); \
 23345 -		try { \
 23346 -			exp; \
 23347 -			mutest_count_err \
 23348 -			mu_printerr(name "(" #ex ", " #exp ")", \
 23349 -					"no exception thrown, "	action); \
 23350 -			final; \
 23351 -		} catch (const ex& e) { \
 23352 -			mutest_count_suc \
 23353 -		} catch (const std::exception& e) { \
 23354 -			mutest_count_err \
 23355 -			mu_printex(name "(" #ex ", " #exp ")", action, \
 23356 -					e.what()); \
 23357 -			final; \
 23358 -		} catch (...) { \
 23359 -			mutest_count_err \
 23360 -			mu_printex(name "(" #ex ", " #exp ")", action, \
 23361 -					"[unknown]"); \
 23362 -			final; \
 23363 -		} \
 23364 -	} while (0)
 23365 -
 23366 -/*
 23367 - * check that an expression throws a particular exception, continue if the
 23368 - * check fails
 23369 - */
 23370 -#define mu_echeck(ex, exp) \
 23371 -	mu_echeck_base(ex, exp, "mu_echeck", "resuming", continue)
 23372 -
 23373 -/*
 23374 - * ensure that an expression throws a particular exception, abort the current
 23375 - * test case if the check fails
 23376 - */
 23377 -#define mu_eensure(ex, exp) \
 23378 -	mu_echeck_base(ex, exp, "mu_eensure", "aborting", return)
 23379 -
 23380 -#endif /* __cplusplus */
 23381 -
 23382 -#ifndef MUTEST_PY /* we are using the C implementation */
 23383 -
 23384 -/*
 23385 - * this function implements the test suites execution, you should generate
 23386 - * a module with this function using mkmutest, or take a look to that script
 23387 - * if you want to implement your own customized version */
 23388 -void mu_run_suites();
 23389 -
 23390 -/* macro for running a single initialization function */
 23391 -#ifndef mu_run_init
 23392 -#define mu_run_init(name) \
 23393 -	{ \
 23394 -		int name(); \
 23395 -		int r; \
 23396 -		mu_print(MU_CASE, "\t+ Executing initialization function " \
 23397 -				"'" #name "'...\n"); \
 23398 -		if ((r = name())) { \
 23399 -			mu_print(MU_ERROR, "%s:" #name ": initialization " \
 23400 -					"function failed (returned %d), " \
 23401 -					"skipping test suite...\n", \
 23402 -					mutest_suite_name, r); \
 23403 -			++mutest_skipped_suites; \
 23404 -			break; \
 23405 -		} \
 23406 -	} do { } while (0)
 23407 -#endif /* mu_run_init */
 23408 -
 23409 -/* macro for running a single test case */
 23410 -#ifndef mu_run_case
 23411 -#define mu_run_case(name) \
 23412 -	do { \
 23413 -		mu_print(MU_CASE, "\t* Executing test case '" #name "'...\n");\
 23414 -		mutest_case_name = #name; \
 23415 -		void name(); \
 23416 -		name(); \
 23417 -		if (mutest_case_failed) { \
 23418 -			++mutest_failed_cases; \
 23419 -			mutest_suite_failed = 1; \
 23420 -		} else ++mutest_passed_cases; \
 23421 -		mutest_case_failed = 0; \
 23422 -	} while (0)
 23423 -#endif /* mu_run_case */
 23424 -
 23425 -/* macro for running a single termination function */
 23426 -#ifndef mu_run_term
 23427 -#define mu_run_term(name) \
 23428 -	do { \
 23429 -		mu_print(MU_CASE, "\t- Executing termination function '" \
 23430 -				#name "'...\n"); \
 23431 -		void name(); \
 23432 -		name(); \
 23433 -	} while (0)
 23434 -#endif /* mu_run_term */
 23435 -
 23436 -/*
 23437 - * mutest exported variables for internal use, do not use directly unless you
 23438 - *  know what you're doing.
 23439 - */
 23440 -extern const char* mutest_suite_name;
 23441 -extern int mutest_failed_suites;
 23442 -extern int mutest_passed_suites;
 23443 -extern int mutest_skipped_suites;
 23444 -extern int mutest_suite_failed;
 23445 -/* test cases */
 23446 -extern const char* mutest_case_name;
 23447 -extern int mutest_failed_cases;
 23448 -extern int mutest_passed_cases;
 23449 -extern int mutest_case_failed;
 23450 -/* checks */
 23451 -extern int mutest_failed_checks;
 23452 -extern int mutest_passed_checks;
 23453 -/* verbosity */
 23454 -extern int mutest_verbose_level;
 23455 -
 23456 -#else /* MUTEST_PY is defined, using the Python implementation */
 23457 -
 23458 -/* this increments when the "API" changes, it's just for sanity check */
 23459 -int mutest_api_version = 1;
 23460 -
 23461 -int mutest_case_failed; /* unused, for C implementation compatibility */
 23462 -
 23463 -int mutest_passed_checks;
 23464 -int mutest_failed_checks;
 23465 -void mutest_reset_counters() {
 23466 -	mutest_passed_checks = 0;
 23467 -	mutest_failed_checks = 0;
 23468 -}
 23469 -
 23470 -int mutest_verbose_level = MU_ERROR;
 23471 -void mutest_set_verbose_level(int val) {
 23472 -	mutest_verbose_level = val;
 23473 -}
 23474 -
 23475 -#endif /* MUTEST_PY */
 23476 -
 23477 -#ifdef __cplusplus
 23478 -}
 23479 -#endif
 23480 -
 23481 diff --git a/third_party/prio/ptest/mutest.c b/third_party/prio/ptest/mutest.c
 23482 deleted file mode 100644
 23483 --- a/third_party/prio/ptest/mutest.c
 23484 +++ /dev/null
 23485 @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
 23486 -/*
 23487 - * This file is part of mutest, a simple micro unit testing framework for C.
 23488 - *
 23489 - * mutest was written by Leandro Lucarella <> and is released
 23490 - * under the BOLA license, please see the LICENSE file or visit:
 23491 - *
 23492 - *
 23493 - * This is the main program, it runs all the test suites and shows the
 23494 - * results.  The main work (of running the test suite) is done by the (usually)
 23495 - * synthesized mu_run_suites() function, which can be generated using the
 23496 - * mkmutest script (or written manually).
 23497 - *
 23498 - * Please, read the README file for more details.
 23499 - */
 23500 -
 23501 -#include <mprio.h>
 23502 -#include <stdio.h> /* printf(), fprintf() */
 23503 -#include <string.h> /* strncmp() */
 23504 -
 23505 -#include "mutest.h" /* MU_* constants, mu_print() */
 23506 -
 23507 -/*
 23508 - * note that all global variables are public because they need to be accessed
 23509 - * from other modules, like the test suites or the module implementing
 23510 - * mu_run_suites()
 23511 - */
 23512 -
 23513 -/* globals for managing test suites */
 23514 -const char* mutest_suite_name;
 23515 -int mutest_failed_suites;
 23516 -int mutest_passed_suites;
 23517 -int mutest_skipped_suites;
 23518 -int mutest_suite_failed;
 23519 -
 23520 -
 23521 -/* globals for managing test cases */
 23522 -const char* mutest_case_name;
 23523 -int mutest_failed_cases;
 23524 -int mutest_passed_cases;
 23525 -int mutest_case_failed;
 23526 -
 23527 -
 23528 -/* globals for managing checks */
 23529 -int mutest_failed_checks;
 23530 -int mutest_passed_checks;
 23531 -
 23532 -
 23533 -/* verbosity level, see mutest.h */
 23534 -int mutest_verbose_level = 1; /* exported for use in test suites */
 23535 -
 23536 -
 23537 -
 23538 -/*
 23539 - * only -v is supported right now, both "-v -v" and "-vv" are accepted for
 23540 - * increasing the verbosity by 2.
 23541 - */
 23542 -void parse_args(__attribute__((unused)) int argc, char* argv[]) {
 23543 -	while (*++argv) {
 23544 -		if (strncmp(*argv, "-v", 2) == 0) {
 23545 -			++mutest_verbose_level;
 23546 -			char* c = (*argv) + 1;
 23547 -			while (*++c) {
 23548 -				if (*c != 'v')
 23549 -					break;
 23550 -				++mutest_verbose_level;
 23551 -			}
 23552 -		}
 23553 -	}
 23554 -}
 23555 -
 23556 -
 23557 -int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
 23558 -
 23559 -  Prio_init ();
 23560 -	parse_args(argc, argv);
 23561 -
 23562 -	mu_run_suites();
 23563 -
 23564 -  Prio_clear ();
 23565 -
 23566 -	mu_print(MU_SUMMARY, "\n"
 23567 -			"Tests done:\n"
 23568 -			"\t%d test suite(s) passed, %d failed, %d skipped.\n"
 23569 -			"\t%d test case(s) passed, %d failed.\n"
 23570 -			"\t%d check(s) passed, %d failed.\n"
 23571 -			"\n",
 23572 -			mutest_passed_suites, mutest_failed_suites,
 23573 -			mutest_skipped_suites,
 23574 -			mutest_passed_cases, mutest_failed_cases,
 23575 -			mutest_passed_checks, mutest_failed_checks);
 23576 -
 23577 -	return (mutest_failed_suites + mutest_skipped_suites) ? 1 : 0;
 23578 -}
 23579 -
 23580 diff --git a/third_party/prio/ptest/prg_test.c b/third_party/prio/ptest/prg_test.c
 23581 deleted file mode 100644
 23582 --- a/third_party/prio/ptest/prg_test.c
 23583 +++ /dev/null
 23584 @@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
 23585 -/*
 23586 - * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 23587 - * 
 23588 - * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 23589 - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 23590 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 23591 - */
 23592 -
 23593 -#include <mpi.h>
 23594 -
 23595 -#include "mutest.h"
 23596 -#include "prio/prg.h"
 23597 -#include "prio/util.h"
 23598 -
 23599 -void
 23600 -mu_test__prg_simple (void) 
 23601 -{
 23602 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 23603 -  PrioPRGSeed key;
 23604 -  PRG prg = NULL;
 23605 -
 23606 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPRGSeed_randomize (&key)); 
 23607 -  P_CHECKA (prg = PRG_new (key)); 
 23608 -
 23609 -cleanup:
 23610 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 23611 -  PRG_clear (prg);
 23612 -}
 23613 -
 23614 -void
 23615 -mu_test__prg_repeat (void) 
 23616 -{
 23617 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 23618 -  const int buflen = 10000;
 23619 -  unsigned char buf1[buflen];
 23620 -  unsigned char buf2[buflen];
 23621 -
 23622 -  PrioPRGSeed key;
 23623 -  PRG prg1 = NULL;
 23624 -  PRG prg2 = NULL;
 23625 -
 23626 -  buf1[3] = 'a';
 23627 -  buf2[3] = 'b';
 23628 -
 23629 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPRGSeed_randomize (&key)); 
 23630 -  P_CHECKA (prg1 = PRG_new (key)); 
 23631 -  P_CHECKA (prg2 = PRG_new (key)); 
 23632 -
 23633 -  P_CHECKC (PRG_get_bytes (prg1, buf1, buflen));
 23634 -  P_CHECKC (PRG_get_bytes (prg2, buf2, buflen));
 23635 -
 23636 -  bool all_zero = true;
 23637 -  for (int i=0; i<buflen; i++) {
 23638 -    mu_check (buf1[i] == buf2[i]);
 23639 -    if (buf1[i]) all_zero = false;
 23640 -  }
 23641 -  mu_check (!all_zero);
 23642 -
 23643 -cleanup:
 23644 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 23645 -  PRG_clear (prg1);
 23646 -  PRG_clear (prg2);
 23647 -}
 23648 -
 23649 -
 23650 -void
 23651 -mu_test__prg_repeat_int (void) 
 23652 -{
 23653 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 23654 -  const int tries = 10000;
 23655 -  mp_int max;
 23656 -  mp_int out1;
 23657 -  mp_int out2;
 23658 -  MP_DIGITS (&max) = NULL;
 23659 -  MP_DIGITS (&out1) = NULL;
 23660 -  MP_DIGITS (&out2) = NULL;
 23661 -
 23662 -  PrioPRGSeed key;
 23663 -  PRG prg1 = NULL;
 23664 -  PRG prg2 = NULL;
 23665 -
 23666 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPRGSeed_randomize (&key)); 
 23667 -  P_CHECKA (prg1 = PRG_new (key)); 
 23668 -  P_CHECKA (prg2 = PRG_new (key)); 
 23669 -
 23670 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&max)); 
 23671 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&out1)); 
 23672 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&out2)); 
 23673 -
 23674 -  for (int i=0; i<tries; i++) { 
 23675 -    mp_set (&max, i+1);
 23676 -    P_CHECKC (PRG_get_int (prg1, &out1, &max));
 23677 -    P_CHECKC (PRG_get_int (prg2, &out2, &max));
 23678 -    mu_check (mp_cmp (&out1, &out2) == 0);
 23679 -  }
 23680 -
 23681 -cleanup:
 23682 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 23683 -  PRG_clear (prg1);
 23684 -  PRG_clear (prg2);
 23685 -  mp_clear (&max);
 23686 -  mp_clear (&out1);
 23687 -  mp_clear (&out2);
 23688 -}
 23689 -
 23690 -void 
 23691 -test_prg_once (int limit)
 23692 -{
 23693 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 23694 -  PrioPRGSeed key;
 23695 -  mp_int max;
 23696 -  mp_int out;
 23697 -  PRG prg = NULL;
 23698 -
 23699 -  MP_DIGITS (&max) = NULL;
 23700 -  MP_DIGITS (&out) = NULL;
 23701 -
 23702 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPRGSeed_randomize (&key)); 
 23703 -  P_CHECKA (prg = PRG_new (key)); 
 23704 -
 23705 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&max)); 
 23706 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&out)); 
 23707 -
 23708 -  mp_set (&max, limit);
 23709 -
 23710 -  P_CHECKC (PRG_get_int (prg, &out, &max));
 23711 -  mu_check (mp_cmp_d (&out, limit) == -1);
 23712 -  mu_check (mp_cmp_z (&out) > -1);
 23713 -
 23714 -cleanup:
 23715 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 23716 -  mp_clear (&max);
 23717 -  mp_clear (&out);
 23718 -  PRG_clear (prg);
 23719 -}
 23720 -
 23721 -void 
 23722 -mu_test_prg__multiple_of_8 (void) 
 23723 -{
 23724 -  test_prg_once (256);
 23725 -  test_prg_once (256*256);
 23726 -}
 23727 -
 23728 -
 23729 -void 
 23730 -mu_test_prg__near_multiple_of_8 (void) 
 23731 -{
 23732 -  test_prg_once (256+1);
 23733 -  test_prg_once (256*256+1);
 23734 -}
 23735 -
 23736 -void 
 23737 -mu_test_prg__odd (void) 
 23738 -{
 23739 -  test_prg_once (39);
 23740 -  test_prg_once (123);
 23741 -  test_prg_once (993123);
 23742 -}
 23743 -
 23744 -void 
 23745 -mu_test_prg__large (void) 
 23746 -{
 23747 -  test_prg_once (1231239933);
 23748 -}
 23749 -
 23750 -void 
 23751 -mu_test_prg__bit(void) 
 23752 -{
 23753 -  test_prg_once (1);
 23754 -  for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
 23755 -    test_prg_once (2);
 23756 -}
 23757 -
 23758 -void 
 23759 -test_prg_distribution (int limit) 
 23760 -{
 23761 -  int bins[limit];
 23762 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 23763 -  PrioPRGSeed key;
 23764 -  mp_int max;
 23765 -  mp_int out;
 23766 -  PRG prg = NULL;
 23767 -
 23768 -  MP_DIGITS (&max) = NULL;
 23769 -  MP_DIGITS (&out) = NULL;
 23770 -
 23771 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPRGSeed_randomize (&key)); 
 23772 -  P_CHECKA (prg = PRG_new (key)); 
 23773 -
 23774 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&max)); 
 23775 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&out)); 
 23776 -
 23777 -  mp_set (&max, limit);
 23778 -
 23779 -  for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
 23780 -    bins[i] = 0;
 23781 -  }
 23782 -
 23783 -  for (int i = 0; i < limit*limit; i++) {
 23784 -    P_CHECKC (PRG_get_int (prg, &out, &max));
 23785 -    mu_check (mp_cmp_d (&out, limit) == -1);
 23786 -    mu_check (mp_cmp_z (&out) > -1);
 23787 -
 23788 -    unsigned char ival[2] = {0x00, 0x00};
 23789 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_to_fixlen_octets (&out, ival, 2));
 23790 -    if (ival[1] + 256*ival[0] < limit) {
 23791 -      bins[ival[1] + 256*ival[0]] += 1;
 23792 -    } else {
 23793 -      mu_check (false);
 23794 -    }
 23795 -  }
 23796 -
 23797 -  for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
 23798 -    mu_check (bins[i] > limit/2);
 23799 -  }
 23800 -
 23801 -cleanup:
 23802 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 23803 -  mp_clear (&max);
 23804 -  mp_clear (&out);
 23805 -  PRG_clear (prg);
 23806 -}
 23807 -
 23808 -
 23809 -void 
 23810 -mu_test__prg_distribution123 (void) 
 23811 -{
 23812 -  test_prg_distribution(123);
 23813 -}
 23814 -
 23815 -void 
 23816 -mu_test__prg_distribution257 (void) 
 23817 -{
 23818 -  test_prg_distribution(257);
 23819 -}
 23820 -
 23821 -void 
 23822 -mu_test__prg_distribution259 (void) 
 23823 -{
 23824 -  test_prg_distribution(259);
 23825 -}
 23826 -
 23827 -void 
 23828 -test_prg_distribution_large (mp_int *max) 
 23829 -{
 23830 -  const int limit = 16;
 23831 -  int bins[limit];
 23832 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 23833 -  PrioPRGSeed key;
 23834 -  mp_int out;
 23835 -  PRG prg = NULL;
 23836 -
 23837 -  MP_DIGITS (&out) = NULL;
 23838 -
 23839 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPRGSeed_randomize (&key)); 
 23840 -  P_CHECKA (prg = PRG_new (key)); 
 23841 -
 23842 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&out)); 
 23843 -
 23844 -  for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
 23845 -    bins[i] = 0;
 23846 -  }
 23847 -
 23848 -  for (int i = 0; i < 100*limit*limit; i++) {
 23849 -    MP_CHECKC (PRG_get_int (prg, &out, max));
 23850 -    mu_check (mp_cmp (&out, max) == -1);
 23851 -    mu_check (mp_cmp_z (&out) > -1);
 23852 -
 23853 -    unsigned long res; 
 23854 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_mod_d (&out, limit, &res));
 23855 -    bins[res] += 1;
 23856 -  }
 23857 -
 23858 -  for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
 23859 -    mu_check (bins[i] > limit/2);
 23860 -  }
 23861 -
 23862 -cleanup:
 23863 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 23864 -  mp_clear (&out);
 23865 -  PRG_clear (prg);
 23866 -}
 23867 -
 23868 -void 
 23869 -mu_test__prg_distribution_large (void) 
 23870 -{
 23871 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 23872 -  mp_int max;
 23873 -  MP_DIGITS (&max) = NULL;
 23874 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&max));
 23875 -
 23876 -  char bytes[] = "FF1230985198451798EDC8123";
 23877 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_read_radix (&max, bytes, 16));
 23878 -  test_prg_distribution_large (&max);
 23879 -
 23880 -cleanup:
 23881 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 23882 -  mp_clear (&max);
 23883 -}
 23884 -
 23885 -
 23886 -void
 23887 -mu_test__prg_share_arr (void)
 23888 -{
 23889 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 23890 -  PrioConfig cfg = NULL;
 23891 -  MPArray arr = NULL;
 23892 -  MPArray arr_share = NULL;
 23893 -  PRG prg = NULL;
 23894 -  PrioPRGSeed seed;
 23895 -
 23896 -  P_CHECKA (cfg = PrioConfig_newTest (72));
 23897 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPRGSeed_randomize (&seed));
 23898 -  P_CHECKA (arr = MPArray_new (10));
 23899 -  P_CHECKA (arr_share = MPArray_new (10));
 23900 -  P_CHECKA (prg = PRG_new (seed));
 23901 -
 23902 -  for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
 23903 -    mp_set (&arr->data[i], i);
 23904 -  }
 23905 -
 23906 -  P_CHECKC (PRG_share_array (prg, arr_share, arr, cfg));
 23907 -
 23908 -  // Reset PRG 
 23909 -  PRG_clear (prg);
 23910 -  P_CHECKA (prg = PRG_new (seed));
 23911 -
 23912 -  // Read pseudorandom values into arr
 23913 -  P_CHECKC (PRG_get_array (prg, arr, &cfg->modulus));
 23914 -
 23915 -
 23916 -  for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
 23917 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_addmod (&arr->data[i], &arr_share->data[i], 
 23918 -          &cfg->modulus, &arr->data[i]));
 23919 -    mu_check (mp_cmp_d (&arr->data[i], i) == 0);
 23920 -  }
 23921 -
 23922 -cleanup:
 23923 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 23924 -
 23925 -  PRG_clear (prg);
 23926 -  MPArray_clear (arr);
 23927 -  MPArray_clear (arr_share);
 23928 -  PrioConfig_clear (cfg);
 23929 -}
 23930 diff --git a/third_party/prio/ptest/rand_test.c b/third_party/prio/ptest/rand_test.c
 23931 deleted file mode 100644
 23932 --- a/third_party/prio/ptest/rand_test.c
 23933 +++ /dev/null
 23934 @@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
 23935 -/*
 23936 - * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 23937 - * 
 23938 - * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 23939 - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 23940 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 23941 - */
 23942 -
 23943 -#include <mpi.h>
 23944 -
 23945 -#include "mutest.h"
 23946 -#include "prio/rand.h"
 23947 -#include "prio/util.h"
 23948 -
 23949 -void 
 23950 -mu_test__util_msb_mast (void)
 23951 -{
 23952 -  mu_check (msb_mask (0x01) == 0x01);
 23953 -  mu_check (msb_mask (0x02) == 0x03);
 23954 -  mu_check (msb_mask (0x0C) == 0x0F);
 23955 -  mu_check (msb_mask (0x1C) == 0x1F);
 23956 -  mu_check (msb_mask (0xFF) == 0xFF);
 23957 -}
 23958 -
 23959 -void 
 23960 -test_rand_once (int limit)
 23961 -{
 23962 -  mp_int max;
 23963 -  mp_int out;
 23964 -
 23965 -  mu_check (mp_init (&max) == MP_OKAY);
 23966 -  mu_check (mp_init (&out) == MP_OKAY);
 23967 -
 23968 -  mp_set (&max, limit);
 23969 -
 23970 -  mu_check (rand_int (&out, &max)  == MP_OKAY);
 23971 -  mu_check (mp_cmp_d (&out, limit) == -1);
 23972 -  mu_check (mp_cmp_z (&out) > -1);
 23973 -
 23974 -  mp_clear (&max);
 23975 -  mp_clear (&out);
 23976 -}
 23977 -
 23978 -void 
 23979 -mu_test_rand__multiple_of_8 (void) 
 23980 -{
 23981 -  test_rand_once (256);
 23982 -  test_rand_once (256*256);
 23983 -}
 23984 -
 23985 -
 23986 -void 
 23987 -mu_test_rand__near_multiple_of_8 (void) 
 23988 -{
 23989 -  test_rand_once (256+1);
 23990 -  test_rand_once (256*256+1);
 23991 -}
 23992 -
 23993 -void 
 23994 -mu_test_rand__odd (void) 
 23995 -{
 23996 -  test_rand_once (39);
 23997 -  test_rand_once (123);
 23998 -  test_rand_once (993123);
 23999 -}
 24000 -
 24001 -void 
 24002 -mu_test_rand__large (void) 
 24003 -{
 24004 -  test_rand_once (1231239933);
 24005 -}
 24006 -
 24007 -void 
 24008 -mu_test_rand__bit(void) 
 24009 -{
 24010 -  test_rand_once (1);
 24011 -  for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
 24012 -    test_rand_once (2);
 24013 -}
 24014 -
 24015 -void 
 24016 -test_rand_distribution (int limit) 
 24017 -{
 24018 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 24019 -  int bins[limit];
 24020 -
 24021 -  mp_int max;
 24022 -  mp_int out;
 24023 -
 24024 -  MP_DIGITS (&max) = NULL;
 24025 -  MP_DIGITS (&out) = NULL;
 24026 -
 24027 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&max));
 24028 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&out));
 24029 -
 24030 -  mp_set (&max, limit);
 24031 -
 24032 -  for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
 24033 -    bins[i] = 0;
 24034 -  }
 24035 -
 24036 -  for (int i = 0; i < limit*limit; i++) {
 24037 -    mu_check (rand_int (&out, &max)  == MP_OKAY);
 24038 -    mu_check (mp_cmp_d (&out, limit) == -1);
 24039 -    mu_check (mp_cmp_z (&out) > -1);
 24040 -
 24041 -    unsigned char ival[2] = {0x00, 0x00};
 24042 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_to_fixlen_octets (&out, ival, 2));
 24043 -    if (ival[1] + 256*ival[0] < limit) {
 24044 -      bins[ival[1] + 256*ival[0]] += 1;
 24045 -    } else {
 24046 -      mu_check (false);
 24047 -    }
 24048 -  }
 24049 -
 24050 -  for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
 24051 -    mu_check (bins[i] > limit/2);
 24052 -  }
 24053 -
 24054 -cleanup:
 24055 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 24056 -  mp_clear (&max);
 24057 -  mp_clear (&out);
 24058 -}
 24059 -
 24060 -
 24061 -void 
 24062 -mu_test__rand_distribution123 (void) 
 24063 -{
 24064 -  test_rand_distribution(123);
 24065 -}
 24066 -
 24067 -void 
 24068 -mu_test__rand_distribution257 (void) 
 24069 -{
 24070 -  test_rand_distribution(257);
 24071 -}
 24072 -
 24073 -void 
 24074 -mu_test__rand_distribution259 (void) 
 24075 -{
 24076 -  test_rand_distribution(259);
 24077 -}
 24078 -
 24079 -void 
 24080 -test_rand_distribution_large (mp_int *max) 
 24081 -{
 24082 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 24083 -  int limit = 16;
 24084 -  int bins[limit];
 24085 -
 24086 -  mp_int out;
 24087 -  MP_DIGITS (&out) = NULL;
 24088 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&out));
 24089 -
 24090 -  for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
 24091 -    bins[i] = 0;
 24092 -  }
 24093 -
 24094 -  for (int i = 0; i < 100*limit*limit; i++) {
 24095 -    MP_CHECKC (rand_int (&out, max));
 24096 -    mu_check (mp_cmp (&out, max) == -1);
 24097 -    mu_check (mp_cmp_z (&out) > -1);
 24098 -
 24099 -    unsigned long res; 
 24100 -    MP_CHECKC (mp_mod_d (&out, limit, &res));
 24101 -    bins[res] += 1;
 24102 -  }
 24103 -
 24104 -  for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
 24105 -    mu_check (bins[i] > limit/2);
 24106 -  }
 24107 -
 24108 -cleanup:
 24109 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 24110 -  mp_clear (&out);
 24111 -}
 24112 -
 24113 -void 
 24114 -mu_test__rand_distribution_large (void) 
 24115 -{
 24116 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 24117 -  mp_int max;
 24118 -  MP_DIGITS (&max) = NULL;
 24119 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&max));
 24120 -
 24121 -  char bytes[] = "FF1230985198451798EDC8123";
 24122 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_read_radix (&max, bytes, 16));
 24123 -  test_rand_distribution_large (&max);
 24124 -
 24125 -cleanup:
 24126 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 24127 -  mp_clear (&max);
 24128 -}
 24129 diff --git a/third_party/prio/ptest/serial_test.c b/third_party/prio/ptest/serial_test.c
 24130 deleted file mode 100644
 24131 --- a/third_party/prio/ptest/serial_test.c
 24132 +++ /dev/null
 24133 @@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
 24134 -/*
 24135 - * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 24136 - * 
 24137 - * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 24138 - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 24139 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 24140 - */
 24141 -
 24142 -#include <mprio.h>
 24143 -#include <msgpack.h>
 24144 -#include <string.h>
 24145 -
 24146 -#include "mutest.h"
 24147 -#include "prio/client.h"
 24148 -#include "prio/config.h"
 24149 -#include "prio/serial.h"
 24150 -#include "prio/server.h"
 24151 -#include "prio/util.h"
 24152 -
 24153 -SECStatus
 24154 -gen_client_packets (const_PrioConfig cfg, PrioPacketClient pA, PrioPacketClient pB)
 24155 -{
 24156 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 24157 -
 24158 -  const int ndata = cfg->num_data_fields;
 24159 -  bool data_items[ndata];
 24160 -
 24161 -  for (int i=0; i < ndata; i++) {
 24162 -    data_items[i] = (i % 3 == 1) || (i % 5 == 3);
 24163 -  }
 24164 -
 24165 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPacketClient_set_data (cfg, data_items, pA, pB));
 24166 -
 24167 -cleanup:
 24168 -  return rv;
 24169 -}
 24170 -
 24171 -
 24172 -void serial_client (int bad)
 24173 -{
 24174 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 24175 -  PrioConfig cfg = NULL;
 24176 -  PrioConfig cfg2 = NULL;
 24177 -  PrioPacketClient pA = NULL;
 24178 -  PrioPacketClient pB = NULL;
 24179 -  PrioPacketClient qA = NULL;
 24180 -  PrioPacketClient qB = NULL;
 24181 -
 24182 -  const unsigned char *batch_id1 = (unsigned char *)"my_test_prio_batch1";
 24183 -  const unsigned char *batch_id2 = (unsigned char *)"my_test_prio_batch2";
 24184 -  const unsigned int batch_id_len = strlen ((char *)batch_id1);
 24185 -
 24186 -  msgpack_sbuffer sbufA, sbufB;
 24187 -  msgpack_packer pkA, pkB;
 24188 -  msgpack_unpacker upkA, upkB;
 24189 -
 24190 -  msgpack_sbuffer_init (&sbufA); 
 24191 -  msgpack_packer_init (&pkA, &sbufA, msgpack_sbuffer_write);
 24192 -
 24193 -  msgpack_sbuffer_init (&sbufB); 
 24194 -  msgpack_packer_init (&pkB, &sbufB, msgpack_sbuffer_write);
 24195 -
 24196 -  P_CHECKA (cfg = PrioConfig_new (100, NULL, NULL, batch_id1, batch_id_len));
 24197 -  P_CHECKA (cfg2 = PrioConfig_new (100, NULL, NULL, batch_id2, batch_id_len));
 24198 -  P_CHECKA (pA = PrioPacketClient_new (cfg, PRIO_SERVER_A));
 24199 -  P_CHECKA (pB = PrioPacketClient_new (cfg, PRIO_SERVER_B));
 24200 -  P_CHECKA (qA = PrioPacketClient_new (cfg, PRIO_SERVER_A));
 24201 -  P_CHECKA (qB = PrioPacketClient_new (cfg, PRIO_SERVER_B));
 24202 -
 24203 -  P_CHECKC (gen_client_packets (cfg, pA, pB));
 24204 -
 24205 -  P_CHECKC (serial_write_packet_client (&pkA, pA, cfg));
 24206 -  P_CHECKC (serial_write_packet_client (&pkB, pB, cfg));
 24207 -
 24208 -  if (bad == 1) {
 24209 -    sbufA.size = 1;
 24210 -  }
 24211 -
 24212 -  if (bad == 2) {
 24213 -    memset (, 0, sbufA.size);
 24214 -  }
 24215 -
 24216 -  const int size_a = sbufA.size;
 24217 -  const int size_b = sbufB.size;
 24218 -
 24219 -  P_CHECKCB (msgpack_unpacker_init (&upkA, 0));
 24220 -  P_CHECKCB (msgpack_unpacker_init (&upkB, 0));
 24221 -
 24222 -  P_CHECKCB (msgpack_unpacker_reserve_buffer (&upkA, size_a));
 24223 -  P_CHECKCB (msgpack_unpacker_reserve_buffer (&upkB, size_b));
 24224 -
 24225 -  memcpy (msgpack_unpacker_buffer (&upkA),, size_a);
 24226 -  memcpy (msgpack_unpacker_buffer (&upkB),, size_b);
 24227 -
 24228 -  msgpack_unpacker_buffer_consumed (&upkA, size_a);
 24229 -  msgpack_unpacker_buffer_consumed (&upkB, size_b);
 24230 -
 24231 -  P_CHECKC (serial_read_packet_client (&upkA, qA, cfg));
 24232 -  P_CHECKC (serial_read_packet_client (&upkB, qB, (bad == 3) ? cfg2 : cfg));
 24233 -
 24234 -  if (!bad) {
 24235 -    mu_check (PrioPacketClient_areEqual (pA, qA));
 24236 -    mu_check (PrioPacketClient_areEqual (pB, qB));
 24237 -    mu_check (!PrioPacketClient_areEqual (pB, qA));
 24238 -    mu_check (!PrioPacketClient_areEqual (pA, qB));
 24239 -  }
 24240 -
 24241 -cleanup: 
 24242 -  PrioPacketClient_clear (pA);
 24243 -  PrioPacketClient_clear (pB);
 24244 -  PrioPacketClient_clear (qA);
 24245 -  PrioPacketClient_clear (qB);
 24246 -  PrioConfig_clear (cfg);
 24247 -  PrioConfig_clear (cfg2);
 24248 -  msgpack_sbuffer_destroy (&sbufA);
 24249 -  msgpack_sbuffer_destroy (&sbufB);
 24250 -  msgpack_unpacker_destroy (&upkA);
 24251 -  msgpack_unpacker_destroy (&upkB);
 24252 -  mu_check (bad ? rv == SECFailure : rv == SECSuccess);
 24253 -}
 24254 -
 24255 -
 24256 -void mu_test__serial_client (void) 
 24257 -{
 24258 -  serial_client (0);
 24259 -}
 24260 -
 24261 -void mu_test__serial_client_bad1 (void) 
 24262 -{
 24263 -  serial_client (1);
 24264 -}
 24265 -
 24266 -void mu_test__serial_client_bad2 (void) 
 24267 -{
 24268 -  serial_client (2);
 24269 -}
 24270 -
 24271 -void mu_test__serial_client_bad3 (void) 
 24272 -{
 24273 -  serial_client (3);
 24274 -}
 24275 -
 24276 -void test_verify1 (int bad)
 24277 -{
 24278 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 24279 -  PrioPacketVerify1 v1 = NULL;
 24280 -  PrioPacketVerify1 v2 = NULL;
 24281 -  PrioConfig cfg = NULL;
 24282 -  
 24283 -  P_CHECKA (cfg = PrioConfig_newTest (1));
 24284 -  P_CHECKA (v1 = PrioPacketVerify1_new());
 24285 -  P_CHECKA (v2 = PrioPacketVerify1_new());
 24286 -  mp_set (&v1->share_d, 4);
 24287 -  mp_set (&v1->share_e, 10);
 24288 -
 24289 -  msgpack_sbuffer sbuf;
 24290 -  msgpack_packer pk;
 24291 -  msgpack_unpacker upk;
 24292 -
 24293 -  msgpack_sbuffer_init (&sbuf); 
 24294 -  msgpack_packer_init (&pk, &sbuf, msgpack_sbuffer_write);
 24295 -
 24296 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPacketVerify1_write (v1, &pk));
 24297 -
 24298 -  if (bad == 1) {
 24299 -    mp_set (&cfg->modulus, 6);
 24300 -  }
 24301 -
 24302 -  P_CHECKCB (msgpack_unpacker_init (&upk, 0));
 24303 -  P_CHECKCB (msgpack_unpacker_reserve_buffer (&upk, sbuf.size));
 24304 -  memcpy (msgpack_unpacker_buffer (&upk),, sbuf.size);
 24305 -  msgpack_unpacker_buffer_consumed (&upk, sbuf.size);
 24306 -
 24307 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPacketVerify1_read (v2, &upk, cfg));
 24308 -
 24309 -  mu_check (!mp_cmp (&v1->share_d, &v2->share_d));
 24310 -  mu_check (!mp_cmp (&v1->share_e, &v2->share_e));
 24311 -  mu_check (!mp_cmp_d (&v2->share_d, 4));
 24312 -  mu_check (!mp_cmp_d (&v2->share_e, 10));
 24313 -
 24314 -cleanup:
 24315 -  mu_check (bad ? rv == SECFailure : rv == SECSuccess);
 24316 -  PrioConfig_clear (cfg);
 24317 -  PrioPacketVerify1_clear (v1);
 24318 -  PrioPacketVerify1_clear (v2);
 24319 -  msgpack_unpacker_destroy (&upk);
 24320 -  msgpack_sbuffer_destroy (&sbuf);
 24321 -}
 24322 -
 24323 -void mu_test_verify1_good (void)
 24324 -{
 24325 -  test_verify1 (0);
 24326 -}
 24327 -
 24328 -void mu_test_verify1_bad (void)
 24329 -{
 24330 -  test_verify1 (1);
 24331 -}
 24332 -
 24333 -void test_verify2 (int bad)
 24334 -{
 24335 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 24336 -  PrioPacketVerify2 v1 = NULL;
 24337 -  PrioPacketVerify2 v2 = NULL;
 24338 -  PrioConfig cfg = NULL;
 24339 -  
 24340 -  P_CHECKA (cfg = PrioConfig_newTest (1));
 24341 -  P_CHECKA (v1 = PrioPacketVerify2_new());
 24342 -  P_CHECKA (v2 = PrioPacketVerify2_new());
 24343 -  mp_set (&v1->share_out, 4);
 24344 -
 24345 -  msgpack_sbuffer sbuf;
 24346 -  msgpack_packer pk;
 24347 -  msgpack_unpacker upk;
 24348 -
 24349 -  msgpack_sbuffer_init (&sbuf); 
 24350 -  msgpack_packer_init (&pk, &sbuf, msgpack_sbuffer_write);
 24351 -
 24352 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPacketVerify2_write (v1, &pk));
 24353 -
 24354 -  if (bad == 1) {
 24355 -    mp_set (&cfg->modulus, 4);
 24356 -  }
 24357 -
 24358 -  P_CHECKCB (msgpack_unpacker_init (&upk, 0));
 24359 -  P_CHECKCB (msgpack_unpacker_reserve_buffer (&upk, sbuf.size));
 24360 -  memcpy (msgpack_unpacker_buffer (&upk),, sbuf.size);
 24361 -  msgpack_unpacker_buffer_consumed (&upk, sbuf.size);
 24362 -
 24363 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPacketVerify2_read (v2, &upk, cfg));
 24364 -
 24365 -  mu_check (!mp_cmp (&v1->share_out, &v2->share_out));
 24366 -  mu_check (!mp_cmp_d (&v2->share_out, 4));
 24367 -
 24368 -cleanup:
 24369 -  mu_check (bad ? rv == SECFailure : rv == SECSuccess);
 24370 -  PrioConfig_clear (cfg);
 24371 -  PrioPacketVerify2_clear (v1);
 24372 -  PrioPacketVerify2_clear (v2);
 24373 -  msgpack_unpacker_destroy (&upk);
 24374 -  msgpack_sbuffer_destroy (&sbuf);
 24375 -}
 24376 -
 24377 -void mu_test_verify2_good (void)
 24378 -{
 24379 -  test_verify2 (0);
 24380 -}
 24381 -
 24382 -void mu_test_verify2_bad (void)
 24383 -{
 24384 -  test_verify2 (1);
 24385 -}
 24386 -
 24387 -
 24388 -void test_total_share (int bad)
 24389 -{
 24390 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 24391 -  PrioTotalShare t1 = NULL;
 24392 -  PrioTotalShare t2 = NULL;
 24393 -  PrioConfig cfg = NULL;
 24394 -  
 24395 -  P_CHECKA (cfg = PrioConfig_newTest ((bad == 2 ? 4 : 3)));
 24396 -  P_CHECKA (t1 = PrioTotalShare_new ());
 24397 -  P_CHECKA (t2 = PrioTotalShare_new ());
 24398 -
 24399 -  t1->idx = PRIO_SERVER_A;
 24400 -  P_CHECKC (MPArray_resize (t1->data_shares, 3));
 24401 -
 24402 -  mp_set (&t1->data_shares->data[0], 10);
 24403 -  mp_set (&t1->data_shares->data[1], 20);
 24404 -  mp_set (&t1->data_shares->data[2], 30);
 24405 -
 24406 -  msgpack_sbuffer sbuf;
 24407 -  msgpack_packer pk;
 24408 -  msgpack_unpacker upk;
 24409 -
 24410 -  msgpack_sbuffer_init (&sbuf); 
 24411 -  msgpack_packer_init (&pk, &sbuf, msgpack_sbuffer_write);
 24412 -
 24413 -  P_CHECKC (PrioTotalShare_write (t1, &pk));
 24414 -
 24415 -  if (bad == 1) {
 24416 -    mp_set (&cfg->modulus, 4);
 24417 -  }
 24418 -
 24419 -  P_CHECKCB (msgpack_unpacker_init (&upk, 0));
 24420 -  P_CHECKCB (msgpack_unpacker_reserve_buffer (&upk, sbuf.size));
 24421 -  memcpy (msgpack_unpacker_buffer (&upk),, sbuf.size);
 24422 -  msgpack_unpacker_buffer_consumed (&upk, sbuf.size);
 24423 -
 24424 -  P_CHECKC (PrioTotalShare_read (t2, &upk, cfg));
 24425 -
 24426 -  mu_check (t1->idx == t2->idx);
 24427 -  mu_check (MPArray_areEqual (t1->data_shares, t2->data_shares));
 24428 -
 24429 -cleanup:
 24430 -  mu_check (bad ? rv == SECFailure : rv == SECSuccess);
 24431 -  PrioConfig_clear (cfg);
 24432 -  PrioTotalShare_clear (t1);
 24433 -  PrioTotalShare_clear (t2);
 24434 -  msgpack_unpacker_destroy (&upk);
 24435 -  msgpack_sbuffer_destroy (&sbuf);
 24436 -}
 24437 -
 24438 -void mu_test_total_good (void)
 24439 -{
 24440 -  test_total_share (0);
 24441 -}
 24442 -
 24443 -void mu_test_total_bad1 (void)
 24444 -{
 24445 -  test_total_share (1);
 24446 -}
 24447 -
 24448 -void mu_test_total_bad2 (void)
 24449 -{
 24450 -  test_total_share (2);
 24451 -}
 24452 -
 24453 diff --git a/third_party/prio/ptest/server_test.c b/third_party/prio/ptest/server_test.c
 24454 deleted file mode 100644
 24455 --- a/third_party/prio/ptest/server_test.c
 24456 +++ /dev/null
 24457 @@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
 24458 -/*
 24459 - * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 24460 - * 
 24461 - * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 24462 - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 24463 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 24464 - */
 24465 -
 24466 -#include <mpi.h>
 24467 -#include <mprio.h>
 24468 -
 24469 -#include "mutest.h"
 24470 -#include "prio/client.h"
 24471 -#include "prio/server.h"
 24472 -#include "prio/server.c"
 24473 -
 24474 -void mu_test__eval_poly (void) 
 24475 -{
 24476 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 24477 -  PrioConfig cfg = NULL;
 24478 -  MPArray coeffs = NULL;
 24479 -  mp_int eval_at, out;
 24480 -
 24481 -  MP_DIGITS (&eval_at) = NULL;
 24482 -  MP_DIGITS (&out) = NULL;
 24483 -
 24484 -  P_CHECKA (cfg = PrioConfig_newTest (54));
 24485 -  P_CHECKA (coeffs = MPArray_new (3));
 24486 -
 24487 -  mp_set (&coeffs->data[0], 2);
 24488 -  mp_set (&coeffs->data[1], 8);
 24489 -  mp_set (&coeffs->data[2], 3);
 24490 -
 24491 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&eval_at));
 24492 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&out));
 24493 -  mp_set (&eval_at, 7);
 24494 -
 24495 -  const int val = 3*7*7 + 8*7 + 2;
 24496 -  mu_check (poly_eval (&out, coeffs, &eval_at, cfg) == SECSuccess);
 24497 -  mu_check (mp_cmp_d (&out, val) == 0);
 24498 -
 24499 -cleanup:
 24500 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 24501 -  mp_clear (&out);
 24502 -  mp_clear (&eval_at);
 24503 -  MPArray_clear (coeffs);
 24504 -  PrioConfig_clear (cfg);
 24505 -}
 24506 -
 24507 -void 
 24508 -mu_test__verify_new (void)
 24509 -{
 24510 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 24511 -  PublicKey pkA = NULL;
 24512 -  PublicKey pkB = NULL;
 24513 -  PrivateKey skA = NULL;
 24514 -  PrivateKey skB = NULL;
 24515 -  PrioConfig cfg = NULL;
 24516 -  PrioServer sA = NULL;
 24517 -  PrioServer sB = NULL;
 24518 -  PrioVerifier vA = NULL;
 24519 -  PrioVerifier vB = NULL;
 24520 -  unsigned char *for_a = NULL;
 24521 -  unsigned char *for_b = NULL;
 24522 -
 24523 -  mp_int fR, gR, hR;
 24524 -  MP_DIGITS (&fR) = NULL;
 24525 -  MP_DIGITS (&gR) = NULL;
 24526 -  MP_DIGITS (&hR) = NULL;
 24527 -
 24528 -  PrioPRGSeed seed;
 24529 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPRGSeed_randomize (&seed));
 24530 -
 24531 -  P_CHECKC (Keypair_new (&skA, &pkA));
 24532 -  P_CHECKC (Keypair_new (&skB, &pkB));
 24533 -  P_CHECKA (cfg = PrioConfig_new (214, pkA, pkB, 
 24534 -        (unsigned char *)"testbatch", 9));
 24535 -
 24536 -  const int ndata = PrioConfig_numDataFields (cfg);
 24537 -  {
 24538 -  bool data_items[ndata];
 24539 -  for (int i=0; i < ndata; i++) {
 24540 -    // Arbitrary data
 24541 -    data_items[i] = (i % 3 == 1) || (i % 5 == 3);
 24542 -  }
 24543 -
 24544 -  P_CHECKA (sA = PrioServer_new (cfg, 0, skA, seed));
 24545 -  P_CHECKA (sB = PrioServer_new (cfg, 1, skB, seed));
 24546 -
 24547 -  unsigned int aLen, bLen;
 24548 -  P_CHECKC (PrioClient_encode (cfg, data_items, &for_a, &aLen, &for_b, &bLen));
 24549 -
 24550 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&fR));
 24551 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&gR));
 24552 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&hR));
 24553 -
 24554 -  P_CHECKA (vA = PrioVerifier_new (sA));
 24555 -  P_CHECKA (vB = PrioVerifier_new (sB));
 24556 -  P_CHECKC (PrioVerifier_set_data (vA, for_a, aLen));
 24557 -  P_CHECKC (PrioVerifier_set_data (vB, for_b, bLen));
 24558 -
 24559 -  PrioPacketClient pA = vA->clientp;
 24560 -  PrioPacketClient pB = vB->clientp;
 24561 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_addmod (&pA->f0_share, &pB->f0_share, &cfg->modulus, &fR));
 24562 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_addmod (&pA->g0_share, &pB->g0_share, &cfg->modulus, &gR));
 24563 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_addmod (&pA->h0_share, &pB->h0_share, &cfg->modulus, &hR));
 24564 -
 24565 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_mulmod (&fR, &gR, &cfg->modulus, &fR));
 24566 -  mu_check (mp_cmp (&fR, &hR) == 0);
 24567 -
 24568 -
 24569 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_addmod (&vA->share_fR, &vB->share_fR, &cfg->modulus, &fR));
 24570 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_addmod (&vA->share_gR, &vB->share_gR, &cfg->modulus, &gR));
 24571 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_addmod (&vA->share_hR, &vB->share_hR, &cfg->modulus, &hR));
 24572 -
 24573 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_mulmod (&fR, &gR, &cfg->modulus, &fR));
 24574 -
 24575 -  //puts ("fR");
 24576 -  //mp_print (&fR, stdout);
 24577 -  //puts ("hR");
 24578 -  //mp_print (&hR, stdout);
 24579 -  mu_check (mp_cmp (&fR, &hR) == 0);
 24580 -  }
 24581 -
 24582 -cleanup:
 24583 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 24584 -
 24585 -  if (for_a) free (for_a);
 24586 -  if (for_b) free (for_b);
 24587 -
 24588 -  mp_clear (&fR);
 24589 -  mp_clear (&gR);
 24590 -  mp_clear (&hR);
 24591 -
 24592 -  PrioVerifier_clear (vA);
 24593 -  PrioVerifier_clear (vB);
 24594 -
 24595 -  PrioServer_clear (sA);
 24596 -  PrioServer_clear (sB);
 24597 -  PrioConfig_clear (cfg);
 24598 -
 24599 -  PublicKey_clear (pkA);
 24600 -  PublicKey_clear (pkB);
 24601 -  PrivateKey_clear (skA);
 24602 -  PrivateKey_clear (skB);
 24603 -
 24604 -}
 24605 -
 24606 -void
 24607 -verify_full (int tweak)
 24608 -{
 24609 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 24610 -  PublicKey pkA = NULL;
 24611 -  PublicKey pkB = NULL;
 24612 -  PrivateKey skA = NULL;
 24613 -  PrivateKey skB = NULL;
 24614 -  PrioConfig cfg = NULL;
 24615 -  PrioServer sA = NULL;
 24616 -  PrioServer sB = NULL;
 24617 -  PrioVerifier vA = NULL;
 24618 -  PrioVerifier vB = NULL;
 24619 -  PrioPacketVerify1 p1A = NULL;
 24620 -  PrioPacketVerify1 p1B = NULL;
 24621 -  PrioPacketVerify2 p2A = NULL;
 24622 -  PrioPacketVerify2 p2B = NULL;
 24623 -  unsigned char *for_a = NULL;
 24624 -  unsigned char *for_b = NULL;
 24625 -
 24626 -  mp_int fR, gR, hR;
 24627 -  MP_DIGITS (&fR) = NULL;
 24628 -  MP_DIGITS (&gR) = NULL;
 24629 -  MP_DIGITS (&hR) = NULL;
 24630 -
 24631 -  PrioPRGSeed seed;
 24632 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPRGSeed_randomize (&seed));
 24633 -
 24634 -  P_CHECKC (Keypair_new (&skA, &pkA));
 24635 -  P_CHECKC (Keypair_new (&skB, &pkB));
 24636 -  P_CHECKA (cfg = PrioConfig_new (47, pkA, pkB, (unsigned char *)"test4", 5));
 24637 -
 24638 -  const int ndata = PrioConfig_numDataFields (cfg);
 24639 -  {
 24640 -  bool data_items[ndata];
 24641 -  for (int i=0; i < ndata; i++) {
 24642 -    // Arbitrary data
 24643 -    data_items[i] = (i % 3 == 1) || (i % 5 == 3);
 24644 -  }
 24645 -
 24646 -  P_CHECKA (sA = PrioServer_new (cfg, 0, skA, seed));
 24647 -  P_CHECKA (sB = PrioServer_new (cfg, 1, skB, seed));
 24648 -
 24649 -  unsigned int aLen, bLen;
 24650 -  P_CHECKC (PrioClient_encode (cfg, data_items, &for_a, &aLen, &for_b, &bLen));
 24651 -
 24652 -  if (tweak == 5) {
 24653 -    for_a[3] = 3;
 24654 -    for_a[4] = 4;
 24655 -  }
 24656 -
 24657 -  P_CHECKA (vA = PrioVerifier_new (sA));
 24658 -  P_CHECKA (vB = PrioVerifier_new (sB));
 24659 -  P_CHECKC (PrioVerifier_set_data (vA, for_a, aLen));
 24660 -  P_CHECKC (PrioVerifier_set_data (vB, for_b, bLen));
 24661 -
 24662 -  if (tweak == 3) {
 24663 -    mp_add_d (&vA->share_fR, 1, &vA->share_fR);
 24664 -  }
 24665 -
 24666 -  if (tweak == 4) {
 24667 -    mp_add_d (&vB->share_gR, 1, &vB->share_gR);
 24668 -  }
 24669 -
 24670 -  P_CHECKA (p1A = PrioPacketVerify1_new ());
 24671 -  P_CHECKA (p1B = PrioPacketVerify1_new ());
 24672 -
 24673 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPacketVerify1_set_data (p1A, vA));
 24674 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPacketVerify1_set_data (p1B, vB));
 24675 -
 24676 -  if (tweak == 1) {
 24677 -    mp_add_d (&p1B->share_d, 1, &p1B->share_d);
 24678 -  }
 24679 -
 24680 -  P_CHECKA (p2A = PrioPacketVerify2_new ());
 24681 -  P_CHECKA (p2B = PrioPacketVerify2_new ());
 24682 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPacketVerify2_set_data (p2A, vA, p1A, p1B));
 24683 -  P_CHECKC (PrioPacketVerify2_set_data (p2B, vB, p1A, p1B));
 24684 -
 24685 -  if (tweak == 2) {
 24686 -    mp_add_d (&p2A->share_out, 1, &p2B->share_out);
 24687 -  }
 24688 -
 24689 -  int shouldBe = tweak ? SECFailure : SECSuccess;
 24690 -  mu_check (PrioVerifier_isValid (vA, p2A, p2B) == shouldBe);
 24691 -  mu_check (PrioVerifier_isValid (vB, p2A, p2B) == shouldBe);
 24692 -  }
 24693 -
 24694 -cleanup:
 24695 -  if (!tweak) {
 24696 -    mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 24697 -  }
 24698 -
 24699 -  if (for_a) free (for_a);
 24700 -  if (for_b) free (for_b);
 24701 -
 24702 -  PrioPacketVerify2_clear (p2A);
 24703 -  PrioPacketVerify2_clear (p2B);
 24704 -
 24705 -  PrioPacketVerify1_clear (p1A);
 24706 -  PrioPacketVerify1_clear (p1B);
 24707 -
 24708 -  PrioVerifier_clear (vA);
 24709 -  PrioVerifier_clear (vB);
 24710 -
 24711 -  PrioServer_clear (sA);
 24712 -  PrioServer_clear (sB);
 24713 -  PrioConfig_clear (cfg);
 24714 -
 24715 -  PublicKey_clear (pkA);
 24716 -  PublicKey_clear (pkB);
 24717 -  PrivateKey_clear (skA);
 24718 -  PrivateKey_clear (skB);
 24719 -}
 24720 -
 24721 -void 
 24722 -mu_test__verify_full_good (void)
 24723 -{
 24724 -  verify_full (0);
 24725 -}
 24726 -
 24727 -void 
 24728 -mu_test__verify_full_bad1 (void)
 24729 -{
 24730 -  verify_full (1);
 24731 -}
 24732 -
 24733 -void 
 24734 -mu_test__verify_full_bad2 (void)
 24735 -{
 24736 -  verify_full (2);
 24737 -}
 24738 -
 24739 -void 
 24740 -mu_test__verify_full_bad3 (void)
 24741 -{
 24742 -  verify_full (3);
 24743 -}
 24744 -
 24745 -void 
 24746 -mu_test__verify_full_bad4 (void)
 24747 -{
 24748 -  verify_full (4);
 24749 -}
 24750 -
 24751 -void 
 24752 -mu_test__verify_full_bad5 (void)
 24753 -{
 24754 -  verify_full (5);
 24755 -}
 24756 diff --git a/third_party/prio/ptest/share_test.c b/third_party/prio/ptest/share_test.c
 24757 deleted file mode 100644
 24758 --- a/third_party/prio/ptest/share_test.c
 24759 +++ /dev/null
 24760 @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
 24761 -/*
 24762 - * Copyright (c) 2018, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs
 24763 - * 
 24764 - * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 24765 - * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 24766 - * file, You can obtain one at 
 24767 - */
 24768 -
 24769 -#include <mpi.h>
 24770 -#include <mprio.h>
 24771 -
 24772 -#include "prio/client.h"
 24773 -#include "prio/config.h"
 24774 -#include "prio/mparray.h"
 24775 -#include "prio/share.h"
 24776 -#include "prio/util.h"
 24777 -#include "mutest.h"
 24778 -
 24779 -void 
 24780 -mu_test_share (void)
 24781 -{
 24782 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 24783 -  PrioConfig cfg = NULL;
 24784 -  mp_int a, b, c;
 24785 -  BeaverTriple t1 = NULL, t2 = NULL;
 24786 -
 24787 -  MP_DIGITS (&a) = NULL;
 24788 -  MP_DIGITS (&b) = NULL;
 24789 -  MP_DIGITS (&c) = NULL;
 24790 -
 24791 -  P_CHECKA (cfg = PrioConfig_newTest (93));
 24792 -  P_CHECKA (t1 = BeaverTriple_new ());
 24793 -  P_CHECKA (t2 = BeaverTriple_new ());
 24794 -
 24795 -  mu_check (BeaverTriple_set_rand (cfg, t1, t2) == SECSuccess);
 24796 -
 24797 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&a)); 
 24798 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&b)); 
 24799 -  MP_CHECKC (mp_init (&c)); 
 24800 -
 24801 -  mu_check (mp_addmod (&t1->a, &t2->a, &cfg->modulus, &a) == MP_OKAY);
 24802 -  mu_check (mp_addmod (&t1->b, &t2->b, &cfg->modulus, &b) == MP_OKAY);
 24803 -  mu_check (mp_addmod (&t1->c, &t2->c, &cfg->modulus, &c) == MP_OKAY);
 24804 -  mu_check (mp_mulmod (&a, &b, &cfg->modulus, &a) == MP_OKAY);
 24805 -  mu_check (mp_cmp (&a, &c) == 0);
 24806 -
 24807 -cleanup:
 24808 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 24809 -  mp_clear (&a);
 24810 -  mp_clear (&b);
 24811 -  mp_clear (&c);
 24812 -
 24813 -  PrioConfig_clear (cfg);
 24814 -  BeaverTriple_clear (t1);
 24815 -  BeaverTriple_clear (t2);
 24816 -}
 24817 -
 24818 -void 
 24819 -mu_test_arr (void)
 24820 -{
 24821 -  SECStatus rv = SECSuccess;
 24822 -  MPArray arr = NULL;
 24823 -  MPArray arr2 = NULL;
 24824 -  P_CHECKA (arr = MPArray_new (10));
 24825 -  P_CHECKA (arr2 = MPArray_new (7));
 24826 -
 24827 -  for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
 24828 -    mp_set (&arr->data[i], i);
 24829 -  }
 24830 -
 24831 -  P_CHECKC (MPArray_resize (arr, 15));
 24832 -  for (int i=10; i<15; i++) {
 24833 -    mu_check (mp_cmp_d (&arr->data[i], 0) == 0);
 24834 -    mp_set (&arr->data[i], i);
 24835 -  }
 24836 -
 24837 -  P_CHECKC (MPArray_resize (arr, 7));
 24838 -  for (int i=10; i<7; i++) {
 24839 -    mu_check (mp_cmp_d (&arr->data[i], i) == 0);
 24840 -  }
 24841 -
 24842 -  P_CHECKC (MPArray_copy (arr2, arr));
 24843 -  for (int i=10; i<7; i++) {
 24844 -    mu_check (mp_cmp (&arr->data[i], &arr2->data[i]) == 0);
 24845 -  }
 24846 -
 24847 -cleanup:
 24848 -  mu_check (rv == SECSuccess);
 24849 -  MPArray_clear (arr);
 24850 -  MPArray_clear (arr2);
 24851 -}
 24852 diff --git a/third_party/prio/ b/third_party/prio/
 24853 --- a/third_party/prio/
 24854 +++ b/third_party/prio/
 24855 @@ -1,20 +1,18 @@
 24856  #!/bin/sh
 24858 -# Script to update the mozilla in-tree copy of the Prio library.
 24859 -# Run this within the /third_party/prio directory of the source tree.
 24860 +# Script to update the mozilla in-tree copy of the libprio library.
 24861 +# Run this within the /third_party/libprio directory of the source tree.
 24863  MY_TEMP_DIR=`mktemp -d -t libprio_update.XXXXXX` || exit 1
 24865 -VERSION=1.0
 24866 -
 24867 -git clone ${MY_TEMP_DIR}/libprio
 24868 -git -C ${MY_TEMP_DIR}/libprio checkout ${VERSION}
 24869 +COMMIT="488da2d729d73f18ed45add59edd18b257e1ceaa"
 24871 -COMMIT=$(git -C ${MY_TEMP_DIR}/libprio rev-parse HEAD)
 24872 -perl -p -i -e "s/(\d+\.)(\d+\.)(\d+)/${VERSION}/" README-mozilla;
 24873 -perl -p -i -e "s/\[commit [0-9a-f]{40}\]/[commit ${COMMIT}]/" README-mozilla;
 24874 +git clone -n ${MY_TEMP_DIR}/libprio
 24875 +git -C ${MY_TEMP_DIR}/libprio checkout ${COMMIT}
 24877 -FILES="LICENSE SConstruct browser-test include pclient prio ptest"
 24878 +FILES="include prio"
 24879 +VERSION=$(git -C ${MY_TEMP_DIR}/libprio describe --tags)
 24880 +perl -p -i -e "s/Current version: \S+ \[commit [0-9a-f]{40}\]/Current version: ${VERSION} [commit ${COMMIT}]/" README-mozilla
 24882  for f in $FILES; do
 24883      rm -rf $f
 24884 @@ -24,9 +22,9 @@
 24885  rm -rf ${MY_TEMP_DIR}
 24887  hg revert -r .
 24888 -hg addremove
 24889 +hg addremove .
 24891  echo "###"
 24892 -echo "### Updated Prio to $COMMIT."
 24893 +echo "### Updated libprio to $COMMIT."
 24894  echo "### Remember to verify and commit the changes to source control!"
 24895  echo "###"