author Wolfgang Rosenauer <wr@rosenauer.org>
Wed, 14 Sep 2011 17:08:10 +0200
changeset 4 fffe07f13f9a
parent 3 00223d208653
child 5 418f808c28e0
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
ignore delta rpms


import urllib2
import sgmllib
import string
import pickle
import os

class MyParser(sgmllib.SGMLParser):
  "A simple parser class."

  def parse(self, s):
    "Parse the given string 's'."

  def __init__(self, verbose=0):
    "Initialise an object, passing 'verbose' to the superclass."
    sgmllib.SGMLParser.__init__(self, verbose)
    self.packages = {}

  def start_a(self, attributes):
    "Process a hyperlink and its 'attributes' and only add buildsymbols rpms to the list."
    for name, value in attributes:
      if name == "href":
	fn = value.rsplit('.', 1)
	if len(fn) > 1:
          if fn[1] == "rpm":
	    if fn[0].find("buildsymbols") != -1:
	      tmpstr = fn[0].rsplit(".", 1)[0]
	      tmpstr = tmpstr.rsplit("-", 2)
	      name = tmpstr[0].rsplit("-", 1)[0]
	      version = tmpstr[1] + "-" + tmpstr[2]
              if version.find("_") == -1:
	        self.packages[name] = version

  def get_buildsymbols(self):
    "Return the list of packages."
    return self.packages

def submit_package(baseuri, filename):
  uri = baseuri + filename

  # download
  print "fetching " + uri
    f = urllib2.urlopen(uri)
    lf = open(filename, "wb")
  except HTTPError, e:
    print "HTTP Error:",e.code , uri
  except URLError, e:
    print "URL Error:",e.reason , uri

  # extract
  command = "rpm2cpio " + filename + " | cpio -idm --quiet"
  print "extracting symbols from package"
  # save filename we just extracted (assume there is only one file)
  for root, dirs, files in os.walk("usr"):
    for file in files:
      zipfile = file

  # - upload to symbolstore
  print "uploading " + zipfile + " to mozilla"
  command = "scp ./usr/share/mozilla/" + zipfile + " " + SSHCONF + ":"

  # - unzip data on symbolstore
  print "unzipping " + zipfile + " on symbolstore"
  command = "ssh mozsymbols 'cd symbols; unzip -o /home/wr/" + zipfile + "'"

  # post-upload command
  print "executing post-upload command on server"
  command = "ssh mozsymbols '/usr/local/bin/post-symbol-upload.py'"

  # clean up working directory
  command = "rm -rf usr *.rpm"

def find_packages(repo, arch):
  updates = []
  f = urllib2.urlopen(repo)
  s = f.read()

  parser = MyParser()

  datanew = parser.get_buildsymbols()

  fn = repo + ".pkl"
  fn = fn.replace("/", "_")

  dataold = None
  if os.path.isfile(fn):
    datafile = open(fn, 'rb')
    dataold = pickle.load(datafile)

  for k, v in datanew.iteritems():
    if dataold is not None:
      if dataold.has_key(k) and dataold[k] == v:

    # different version, save in updates list

  # save new dataset for future use (only if anything changed at all)
  if len(updates) > 0:
    print "updating " + fn
    datafile = open(fn, 'wb')
    pickle.dump(datanew, datafile)
    print "nothing to do for " + repo

  for package in updates:
    baseuri = repo + "/"
    filename =  package + "-buildsymbols-" + datanew[package] + "." + arch + ".rpm"
    submit_package(baseuri, filename)


baseurl = "http://download.opensuse.org/"
archs = [ "i586", "x86_64"]
repos = [ "distribution/11.3/repo/oss/suse/", "update/11.3/rpm/", "distribution/11.4/repo/oss/suse/", "update/11.4/rpm/" ]
bsrepos = [ "repositories/mozilla/", "repositories/mozilla:/beta/" ]
bsdists = [ "openSUSE_11.4", "openSUSE_11.3", "openSUSE_11.2" ]
SSHCONF = "mozsymbols"

# product repos
for repo in repos:
  for arch in archs:
    uri = baseurl + repo + arch
    find_packages(uri, arch)

# OBS repos
for repo in bsrepos:
  for dist in bsdists:
    for arch in archs:
      uri = baseurl + repo + dist + "/" + arch
      find_packages(uri, arch)