Thunderbird 3 and SeaMonkey 2 testing

Tomorrow (2009-05-14) is Thunderbird and SeaMonkey TestDay again and this time the focus is on Linux. So if you are a Thunderbird or SeaMonkey user or want to become one this is where you should join in to get those really stable and usable.
To support that event and our openSUSE users there are new current snapshots of TB and SM in the mozilla:beta buildservice repository.
And let me cite the following from their testday page: “… and the fact that it’s openSUSE’s community week we would like to focus this week’s bugday to bugs that are happening on Linux.”


2 thoughts on “Thunderbird 3 and SeaMonkey 2 testing

  1. Pingback: Vincent Untz: Testing Day (Community Week, Day 4) | Techie News

  2. Pingback: Testing Day (Community Week, Day 4) | Pastoon

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